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The 538 article actually goes into the "lots of the top 10 presidents could be seen as bad people" bit near the end too. I don't know enough about American history in its entirety to make a top 10 list tbh.

1.) Lincoln
2.) Washington
3.) FDR

Beyond that it gets tricky. But those three have the distinction of navigating the country through the absolutely most trying times and bringing us out the other end. Each had their flaws of course but we all do.

Teddy is top ten. Jefferson for the Louisiana purchase. Obama probably.


FGC Waterboy
1.) Lincoln
2.) Washington
3.) FDR

Beyond that it gets tricky. But those three have the distinction of navigating the country through the absolutely most trying times and bringing us out the other end. Each had their flaws of course but we all do.

Teddy & Truman are also up there, as is Ike for investing in infrastructure. But after that it is hard with my limited knowledge.



If ya'll have a chance to help make sure an older person gets to the polls this November? DO IT.

My neighbor turns 94 tomorrow. She marched with Dr. King. Her and her family escaped Alabama and the KKK in the middle of the night. Her grandmother was born a slave. She's voted in EVERY SINGLE ELECTION since she was eligible.

I had her over for lunch/dinner for her birthday. She's amazing. The stories she has are just insane. She's lived and seen more things than I could ever imagine. She's lived to see a black man as President and, Lord willing, she's going to see a woman elected too.

It's just...amazing.

This is inspiring. I absolutely need to help older folks and poorer people who can't afford transit. I gotta look into this. I live in Atlanta and WANNA MAKE GEORGIA BLUE YAAAAAAAAAASSSS
This is inspiring. I absolutely need to help older folks and poorer people who can't afford transit. I gotta look into this. I live in Atlanta and WANNA MAKE GEORGIA BLUE YAAAAAAAAAASSSS

Even if you don't turn it blue, a few extra votes can push a local race one way or another. Reach out to your local democratic party office. :)


No Scrubs
1.) Lincoln
2.) Washington
3.) FDR

Beyond that it gets tricky. But those three have the distinction of navigating the country through the absolutely most trying times and bringing us out the other end. Each had their flaws of course but we all do.

Teddy is top ten. Jefferson for the Louisiana purchase. Obama probably.

Teddy deserves that 4 spot. The Roosevelts basically saved capitalism while in office, hard to out do that.


One small thing that I like about Trump's favorability numbers taking a dive:
no longer can anyone can say with a straight face that these two candidates are equally loathed or in the same category of horrible-ness. This is put to rest. Her numbers resemble something resulting from a long-term partisan divide, while his numbers are reflecting a deeper level of rejection, beyond mere party lines.
The Florida Attorney General is really really bad at politics and she's not going to have a fun time for a while.

Cooper's interview with Bondi Tuesday made for dramatic TV when he repeatedly pressed Bondi on whether it was "hypocritical" of her to suggest she was an ally to the LGBT community. Bondi was involved in defending the state's same-sex marriage ban.

Bondi said Wednesday she agreed to Cooper's interview to help victims' families, not to create "more anger and havoc and hatred yesterday. Yesterday was about unity."

“There’s a time and place for everything, but yesterday wasn’t the time nor the place in front of a hospital when we could have been helping victims,” Bondi said in a radio interview on WOR.

She went on to say that she was disappointed in the interview.

"All it did was encourage anger and hate," Bondi said.



If twitter is any indication, we are going to see some poll unskewing this season that will make the unskewed polls guy look quaint.
Also, the Clinton ad buy is using primary funds, btw.

Also, I'm calling it now:

We are NOT picking up the Ohio Senate seat.
I'm inclined to agree with you, but let's not lose hope quite yet. There are a high number of undecideds and Portman is in the mid-40s, not a great place for an incumbent.
I'm inclined to agree with you, but let's not lose hope quite yet. There are a high number of undecideds and Portman is in the mid-40s, not a great place for an incumbent.

He is framing Strickland very, very well with his ads. I've seen a total of one anti-Portman ad. Nothing pro-Strickland. And the Strickland ads are DAMNING. Him on camera talking about how much money he made as a lobbyist and stuff. Absolutely terrible.

Portman's newest ad about the heroin problem is going to play very well locally. (We have a really, really high rate of heroin abuse here). It's incredibly well done, and he's running far away from Trump.

i wish Sittenfeld had won the nod and lost...just because I could have felt good about that. Strickland...ugh. Terrible candidate...and I'm so not in alignment with him on quite a few issues.
There is a legitimate case that he has early onset Alzheimer's. The guy is mentally unstable.

Something reminded me today of his tendency to randomly make surprisingly lucid common sense comments over the course of the primary (admittedly, that hasn't happened in a while). Like, simple but actual "telling it like it is" observations once in a blue moon buried under all the bullshit. But that actually makes me more concerned there's something really wrong because that's a thing that totally happens with dementia.


He is framing Strickland very, very well with his ads. I've seen a total of one anti-Portman ad. Nothing pro-Strickland. And the Strickland ads are DAMNING. Him on camera talking about how much money he made as a lobbyist and stuff. Absolutely terrible.

Portman's newest ad about the heroin problem is going to play very well locally. (We have a really, really high rate of heroin abuse here). It's incredibly well done, and he's running far away from Trump.

i wish Sittenfeld had won the nod and lost...just because I could have felt good about that. Strickland...ugh. Terrible candidate...and I'm so not in alignment with him on quite a few issues.

While I tend to agree, I'd wait until Bams and Hilldawg swing through Ohio and tie Portman to Trump's bullshit rhetoric in the general. No matter how well the GOP frame their opponents, EVERY GOP candidate will have to constantly react to Trump in the general. It will certainly be potent.
He is framing Strickland very, very well with his ads. I've seen a total of one anti-Portman ad. Nothing pro-Strickland. And the Strickland ads are DAMNING. Him on camera talking about how much money he made as a lobbyist and stuff. Absolutely terrible.

Portman's newest ad about the heroin problem is going to play very well locally. (We have a really, really high rate of heroin abuse here). It's incredibly well done, and he's running far away from Trump.

i wish Sittenfeld had won the nod and lost...just because I could have felt good about that. Strickland...ugh. Terrible candidate...and I'm so not in alignment with him on quite a few issues.

It's going to be hard not to get tied to Trump when he is accepting your party's nomination in your own state. There is still a ton of time left.
I hope by September Trump really tears Republicans who don't support him to shreds. He's petty and has already done this. It could lead to some good opportunities for dem pick ups.


FGC Waterboy
While I tend to agree, I'd wait until Bams and Hilldawg swing through Ohio and tie Portman to Trump's bullshit rhetoric in the general. No matter how well the GOP frame their opponents, EVERY GOP candidate will have to constantly react to Trump in the general. It will certainly be potent.

Highly doubt that - people disassociate national failures with local congress members. The incumbent re-election rates of the last 20 years tend to bear that out. People hate congress but love their local congress members.
Portman has said that he's not going to the convention, and that he said he was going to have his own convention (with black jack and hookers, I assume).

I'm just not sure Strickland is liked enough to overcome the incumbent advantage. He totally needs to be on the air soon with something positive. Hell, something negative. Just something.


So Strickland leads Portman all throughout 2015 when other GOP incumbents were up, and now it's a tossup and y'all are diablosing. Chiiiiiiill.
I didn't enjoy reading this.

I'm really glad that Trump emerged at a time where white nativism is not a powerful enough political force to control the White House, but powerful enough to discredit the politicians who have been quietly relying on it to stay in office.

Mostly this.

My god, Trump has enabled these people to be more up front about their absolute hate.

I don't hate these people like they'd hate me. I pity them. I can't imagine my own existence filled with such disdain for people not like them. I'd imagine I'd be so unhappy in this state of living.

As I've said numerous times, I'm so glad I was brought up by the people I was brought up by and I've been lucky enough to live in cities where I meet people from all walks of life all the time.
So Strickland leads Portman all throughout 2015 when other GOP incumbents were up, and now it's a tossup and y'all are diablosing. Chiiiiiiill.

Not diablosing. He's just not a great candidate. I can manage the most tepid level of support possible for him.

Did anybody have the final vote totals for the Dems?

How close did Hillary get to her 2008 numbers?

We don't have final numbers because California still isn't done. I doubt she beats her 2008 total.
Would love if the media would call out Trump's "if people in the club were armed this wouldn't have been as bad" hot take.

You can even ignore the whole general argument that people could even be good in a normal situation with a mad gunman tearing shit up.

You can even ignore the security guard did in fact get in a firefight.

How, in any world, does it make sense for DRUNK PEOPLE to have a gun in this situation? Like, this is so fucking dumb. This is a night club. People are generally drunk off their asses, dancing, partying, etc. The last thing a drunk person needs is a fucking gun. Even in this scenario.

Yeah, let's arm people whose vision is so bad things may be spinning. Will work out great,
I think Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, and the Roosevelts are clearly the Top 5, though you could order them in several ways. Obama is Top 10. Truman is Top 10. LBJ is a tricky one because he did so much good but then there's Vietnam.


Highly doubt that - people disassociate national failures with local congress members. The incumbent re-election rates of the last 20 years tend to bear that out. People hate congress but love their local congress members.

I agreed, but Trump is truly a black swan event for the GOP. There has never been a presidential candidate that has said the degree of polarizing rhetoric that Trump's already said. Per the party fav/unfav poll yesterday, it is becoming increasingly challenging for the GOP to outrun Trump's shit.


For my sanity, I hope Clinton picks Warren just so my husband can stop going on about how Clinton sucks and only listens to the polls.
Would love if the media would call out Trump's "if people in the club were armed this wouldn't have been as bad" hot take.

You can even ignore the whole general argument that people could even be good in a normal situation with a mad gunman tearing shit up.

You can even ignore the security guard did in fact get in a firefight.

How, in any world, does it make sense for DRUNK PEOPLE to have a gun in this situation? Like, this is so fucking dumb. This is a night club. People are generally drunk off their asses, dancing, partying, etc. The last thing a drunk person needs is a fucking gun. Even in this scenario.

Yeah, let's arm people whose vision is so bad things may be spinning. Will work out great,

Not to mention what happens when the police show up? They are responding to an active shooter, there is no way for them to know who the "bad guy" is.
I was torn on the "should I take time off for Cleveland?" question, but it's looking more and more likely that this is a definite yes, even if only for a long weekend.

Oh, the moment I knew the dates for the convention, I took that entire week off. I work in Downtown Cleveland, and I was not going to be dealing with the nonsense. I'm only going in if I need to get friends or relatives.

This list of "Best presidents" gets fucking nuts almost instantly.


Andrew Jackson was a white nationalist who committed genocide in the name of expanding slavery and then caused a massive recession. How is he ranked as one of the best presidents ever?

Woodrow Wilson was extremely favorable to the Klan and entered the U.S. into a pointless war that killed over 100k from war alone and brought a disease to America that killed nearly 700k!

JFK is nearly in the top ten also despite being pretty bad too.

James K. Polk is only notable for going and stealing a bunch of land....

... Is the History profession full of Alt-Right dudes or something?

Maybe the list should be retitled "Best Presidents for White People"?

Portman has said that he's not going to the convention, and that he said he was going to have his own convention (with black jack and hookers, I assume).

I'm just not sure Strickland is liked enough to overcome the incumbent advantage. He totally needs to be on the air soon with something positive. Hell, something negative. Just something.

But we have a casino in Public Square!

(i will not claim to have any information about the hookers)


remember me


He wasn’t quite promising “America über alles,” but it comes close. “America First” was the motto of Nazi-friendly Americans in the 1930s, and Trump has more than just a catchphrase in common with them.


But the most prominent of his opponents were the founders of the America First Committee, formed in September 1940. The committee opposed fighting Nazism and proposed a well-armed America confined largely to the Western hemisphere. It soon afterward adopted the noted aviator and enthusiast of fascism, Charles Lindbergh, as their favored speaker. Lindbergh accepted a medal from Herman Goering “in the name of the Fuehrer” during a visit to Germany in 1938, and “proudly wore the decoration.” He thought democracy was finished in Europe, that the western powers could not effectively resist the Nazi war machine and that the United States had better make terms with Adolf Hitler.


Trump to GOP leaders: "shut up, yo."

businessinsider said:
Donald Trump sent Republican leadership a message during a Wednesday rally in Atlanta: Stop talking....

"You know the Republicans - honestly folks, our leaders, our leaders have to get tougher," he said. "This is too tough to do it alone, but you know what I think I'm going to be forced to. I think I'm going to be forced to. Our leaders have to get a lot tougher."...

"And be quiet," he continued. "Just please be quiet. Don't talk. Please be quiet. Just be quiet ... because they have to get tougher, they have to get sharper, they have to get smarter. We have to have our Republicans either stick together or let me just do it by myself."

This is going really well.



I agreed, but Trump is truly a black swan event for the GOP. There has never been a presidential candidate that has said the degree of polarizing rhetoric that Trump's already said. Per the party fav/unfav poll yesterday, it is becoming increasingly challenging for the GOP to outrun Trump's shit.

I wonder how big the loss will be for republicans in November. If his favourable/unfavourable rating continues to tank we could be looking at a historic election loss for trump and the republicans.
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