1) RE: Narrative. I don't really love Diablosing over personal inference of how certain negative advertisements are framing the debate without actual data to support said worries. What supports the idea that this is a narrative that is working?
Certainly not the polls. If that changes, then yes, clearly Portman's ad buy is working. As of now? You're worrying based on your own interpretation of the ad buy.
2) I've given to Strickland a month ago and have gotten an email from him every two days, including two today.
3) On the idea of Portman "not being universally hated", that's sort of true, but he's not universally loved, either. And it's not like Kasich is beloved, either.
I don't think Strickland is a slam-dunk, awesome candidate. I also don't think Portman is a great candidate. I don't see any evidence --
yet -- that what you're witnessing as a narrative building is effectively changing the race, which has been neck-and-neck pretty much since their primary.