User 463088
Have you checked polling lately? It's not looking good. Unless all the shy Tories have decided to stay....With any luck it won't happen and we'll all be OK.
Have you checked polling lately? It's not looking good. Unless all the shy Tories have decided to stay....With any luck it won't happen and we'll all be OK.
But did he carve out in literal stone though. It only counts if it's in massive fucking stone.In order to try and win votes at the last election he promised a referendum on this, because he's a moron who's willing to throw the country under the wheels of populist ignorance to retain power.
Oh fuck, I didn't think it'd be instantaneous because usually these things can take a while. It could definitely suicide the economy this year?
Why would the UK be so stupid as to kill themselves economically?
Absolutely. Even politico has an article up saying its one of her campaigns biggest concerns. It wouldn't fuck her first term though - it could lose her the election. Brexit could theoretically cause a massive earthquake in the financial markets, and no-one has any clue how that would shake out. The worlds 5th largest economy, and largest international finance centre, extricating itself from the worlds largest free market? As the Washington Post out it, it's a country literally committing economic suicide and the knock on effects could be catastrophic.
Why would we be so stupid as to make the debt ceiling an issue to the point that we got our credit rating downgraded and nearly tanked our economy over nothing? People like UKIP have used the GOP playbook by playing up the fears of immigration and nationalism while ignoring the economic realities that will set in for the UK if they leave. Unsurprisingly, people can be irrational.
Now if only it could pass.Hot Damn. The filibuster worked. We're getting a vote on closing the terror loophole and universal background checks. Fuck ya Sen. Murphy.
It's sad I consider just allowing a vote to be a victory isn't it?Now if only it could pass.
Maybe enough goopers have found their conscience this time.
What kind of dumbasses put such an important issue to a direct popular vote.
David CameronWhat kind of dumbasses put such an important issue to a direct popular vote.
This seems alarmist, no? The most conservative reports I've read were like 3-5% of gdp hit. That would be a huge mess and inflict suffering on Brits for no reason but catastrophic? I think you'd see roiling in the capitals makers but the REAL Bernie sanders economy should be ok.
Lol, Trump picking Webb doubles Clinton's lead though.Interesting that VP choice has no affect on support on Clinton in VA in that PPP poll.
I think the handwringing over a Warren pick is for naught. And also, picking Warner or Kaine added zip.
David Cameron
Californians.What kind of dumbasses put such an important issue to a direct popular vote.
This seems alarmist, no? The most conservative reports I've read were like 3-5% of gdp hit. That would be a huge mess and inflict suffering on Brits for no reason but catastrophic? I think you'd see roiling in the capitals makers but the REAL Bernie sanders economy should be ok.
Nobody honestly knows - which is on its own enough to precipitate a market collapse. It could happen and not much changes, as London slowly loses its clout internationally and we argue over treaties for five years. Or it could happen and cause a domino effect that results in a bigger mess than 2008 (the British stock market has already fallen more apparently). Britain being in the EU is a fundamental cornerstone of how international finance works, and a change on this scale has the potential to blow a lot of stuff up. It could lead to the EU itself splintering, as the surge of right wing nationalism continues and more countries vote to leave (and the UK leaving will mean all the other EU countries have to increase their contributions which impacts on their budgets etc).
It's not like it was set in stone....What a fucking moron. If he had any brains he'd break that promise.
What kind of dumbasses put such an important issue to a direct popular vote.
Kyle Kondik ‏@kkondik 58m58 minutes ago
New Reuters/Ipsos has Dems +11, 44-33 on House generic ballot. Just one poll, but that's about where Dems will need to be to have a chance
I know, you'd think the UK would have noticed how that turned out.
Jonathan Chait has a new piece arguing Trump's alternate goal might be to create a tv network catering to the delusional white backlash subculture. First I've heard of Trump TV. I don't really buy the idea that Trump doesn't want to be president, but he is a lazy candidate with no self-control, no focus, a malleable ideology, and no stake in future of the party, so his "real" motivations are naturally going to be suspect.
This could actually be popular though. It'd be a televised AM radio with the same crazy ass hosts.Isn't that basically what Sarah Palin did?
Isn't that basically what Sarah Palin did?
God forbid people determine their own destinies. They have virtual representation in the EU, right? That should be enough.What kind of dumbasses put such an important issue to a direct popular vote.
where's my Hillary laser gif.
Political Polls ‏@PpollingNumbers 53m53 minutes ago
Virginia General Election:
Clinton (D) 42% (+3)
Trump (R) 39%
Johnson (L) 6
Stein (G) 2
head to head:
Clinton 48% (+3)
Trump 45
Johnson pulling directly from Trump in VA?
Politics Polls ‏@Politics_Polls 1h1 hour ago
National General Election:
Clinton 44% (+5)
Trump 39%
@Rasmussen_Poll 6/14-15
Johnson pulling directly from Trump in VA?
Past Frontrunners ‏@pastfrontrunner 2h2 hours ago
145 days before the general in:
2004 - Kerry +0.4
2008 - Obama +3.6
2012 - Obama +0.8
Thought you guys/gals might like this from Fukuyama:
(not sure if it's already been posted)
and this gif is so awesome. Cracks me up every time.
He doesn't get it. Race is THE common denominator behind the populist surges on the left and right.In fact, however, the turbulent campaign has shown that American democracy is in some ways in better working order than expected. Whatever one might think of their choices, voters have flocked to the polls in state after state and wrested control of the political narrative from organized interest groups and oligarchs. Jeb Bush, the son and brother of presidents who once seemed the inevitable Republican choice, ignominiously withdrew from the race in February after having blown through more than $130 million (together with his super PAC). Sanders, meanwhile, limiting himself to small donations and pledging to disempower the financial elite that supports his opponent, has raised even more than Bush and nipped at Clintons heels throughout.
The real story of this election is that after several decades, American democracy is finally responding to the rise of inequality and the economic stagnation experienced by most of the population. Social class is now back at the heart of American politics, trumping other cleavagesrace, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, geographythat had dominated discussion in recent elections.
I may have a problem with making too many Hillary-centric gifs.![]()
This could actually be popular though. It'd be a televised AM radio with the same crazy ass hosts.
Brexit is the purest argument against democracy, in that most of the electorate have no clue what they are voting on. See here for an example:
Jonathan Chait has a new piece arguing Trump's alternate goal might be to create a tv network catering to the delusional white backlash subculture. First I've heard of Trump TV. I don't really buy the idea that Trump doesn't want to be president, but he is a lazy candidate with no self-control, no focus, a malleable ideology, and no stake in future of the party, so his "real" motivations are naturally going to be suspect.
He doesn't get it. Race is THE common denominator behind the populist surges on the left and right.
Nor do the ANES data furnish much evidence that Sanders voters have been motivated by white racial resentment. Among Democrats and non-Republican-leaning independents, in fact, white Clinton supporters were more inclined than white Sanders supporters to say that blacks are “lazy” or “violent,” and that black people should work their way up “without special favors.”
Based on the ANES results, Achen and Bartels describe Sanders backers as less hardy in their support for “concrete” progressive economic policies than Clinton backers. But omitting Republicans from the sample neutralizes that judgment, as Hare and Lupton demonstrate.
Achen and Bartels may be right to suggest that there are no major ideological gaps between Clinton and Sanders voters. It is Clinton, after all, who has won the lion’s share of support from black voters (especially older black voters), who are generally more left-wing than their white counterparts on economic issues.