In her draft of the 18 million cracks speech; before Clinton's campaign got their hands on it; words that were not in the speech
pg 261-262 of GC
"Clinton's speech writers labored over her speech, cranking out twenty drafts. Late on Friday night, the speech was locked - or so everyone thought. In fact, Hillary and Bill stayed up late revising and reworking, editing and reediting the thing. Early the next morning, their new text landed in the email in-boxes of the high command.
"Wow, they really, seriously, fucked this up," Garin wrote to his colleagues after reading it. "They have turned a gracious endorsement of Senator Obama into something that will (and should) seem stingy and small, and turned nice passages about the causes of the campaign into turgid and self-reverential prose. The problem isn't just what they took out, it's also what they put in. How many more uses of the word 'I' do they have here?"
A furious scramble ensued. The Clintons had removed the word "endorse"; it was put back in. The Clintons had deleted many of the references to Obama; they were reinserted."
Clinton didn't oppose any of the changes they made, but, yeah.
Or, let's get real fun, let's look at what Clinton said after Obama won the nomination (in July)
"I hate the choice that the country's faced with. I think it is a terrible choice for our nation."
But Bernie's the "far messier" one.
PS: Two other anecdotes
1) Penn wanted to "negotiate first, withdraw second"
2) Clinton said about staying in as long as she did: "I thought it was a competitive election. I can stay in as long as I want to stay in. Teddy Kennedy stayed in until the convention. Give me a break."
Public process of unification is when you start actually campaigning for each other. It would be a lot easier for Sanders to win on the first ballot by suspending his campaign because he would be getting 44-45% of the votes from his bound delegates; and he would only need to convince a small chunk of the super delegates / not legally bound to Clinton delegates to switch over in order to get the number he needed.