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In her draft of the 18 million cracks speech; before Clinton's campaign got their hands on it; words that were not in the speech


You're comparing the inside info with Bernie's public response. Credit where it is due, Clinton took the advice and gave a gracious speech, and suspended her campaign a few days after Obama was named the presumptive nominee. And endorsed him.

Bernie's at 11 days from that point and has done neither. Given that he's also tossed around worse rhetoric than Clinton did in 08, yes he's a mess. Apples to apples, on the record public statements, not the behind the scenes dirty laundry stuff. I'm sure GC3 will have stuff about Bernie's last days that are just as nasty.


Bernie's campaign has turned out to be - if not a dumpster fire, then at the very least a smoldering trash can. The way they've handled the wind-down is amateur hour, squandering any leverage he may have once had.

It doesn't help that the Orlando tragedy and Trumps downright scary response to it have not only pushed him further to the sidelines, but have made him look especially small and petty.

He's a footnote and a punchline. Sad!
Speaking Col. Sanders where was he during the filibuster? Senate Dems were out in force supporting it on the floor. Warren was there who has been on the campaign trail as well but Bernie was absent. Sure he tweeted but if he wanted to look like a leader and get some coverage why wasn't he on the floor? Is that NRA money stopping him?
Speaking Col. Sanders where was he during the filibuster? Senate Dems were out in force supporting it on the floor. Warren was there who has been on the campaign trail as well but Bernie was absent. Sure he tweeted but if he wanted to look like a leader and get some coverage why wasn't he on the floor? Is that NRA money stopping him?
That's not really fair. He's busy pretending he still has relevance in the presidential race.

again it shows he's not a great politician. Calls for him to have any leadership roles are wishful thinking, in my opinion.

Also the only two Bernie people I know in real life managed to out do themselves today.

One praised Bernie for leading the way on the filibuster. Without him, he argued, the Democrats wouldn't have grown a backbone and done it. It's all thanks to Bernie. The second was in a response from another friend who was pro Bernie but switched to Hillary. She said she was disappointed in Bernie not taking part in the filibuster. My friend responded that it wasn't fair to say that because Hillary wasnt helping to filibuster either. Because that's how it works.


In her draft of the 18 million cracks speech; before Clinton's campaign got their hands on it; words that were not in the speech


pg 261-262 of GC

"Clinton's speech writers labored over her speech, cranking out twenty drafts. Late on Friday night, the speech was locked - or so everyone thought. In fact, Hillary and Bill stayed up late revising and reworking, editing and reediting the thing. Early the next morning, their new text landed in the email in-boxes of the high command.

"Wow, they really, seriously, fucked this up," Garin wrote to his colleagues after reading it. "They have turned a gracious endorsement of Senator Obama into something that will (and should) seem stingy and small, and turned nice passages about the causes of the campaign into turgid and self-reverential prose. The problem isn't just what they took out, it's also what they put in. How many more uses of the word 'I' do they have here?"

A furious scramble ensued. The Clintons had removed the word "endorse"; it was put back in. The Clintons had deleted many of the references to Obama; they were reinserted."

Clinton didn't oppose any of the changes they made, but, yeah.

Or, let's get real fun, let's look at what Clinton said after Obama won the nomination (in July)

"I hate the choice that the country's faced with. I think it is a terrible choice for our nation."

But Bernie's the "far messier" one.

PS: Two other anecdotes

1) Penn wanted to "negotiate first, withdraw second"
2) Clinton said about staying in as long as she did: "I thought it was a competitive election. I can stay in as long as I want to stay in. Teddy Kennedy stayed in until the convention. Give me a break."


Public process of unification is when you start actually campaigning for each other. It would be a lot easier for Sanders to win on the first ballot by suspending his campaign because he would be getting 44-45% of the votes from his bound delegates; and he would only need to convince a small chunk of the super delegates / not legally bound to Clinton delegates to switch over in order to get the number he needed.

The fact that you had to pull all of that from a tell-all book after-the-fact is sort of a self-clock.

How Hillary may have felt behind the scenes is irrelevant.
I didn't know Bernie had endorsed Marcy Kaptur. I guess you can be anti stem cell research and really iffy on abortion and still be a progressive these days. I wish she wasn't so bad on abortion though. She's way complex on it, which is just at odds with some of her other votes on progressive issues.
I didn't know Bernie had endorsed Marcy Kaptur. I guess you can be anti stem cell research and really iffy on abortion and still be a progressive these days. I wish she wasn't so bad on abortion though. She's way complex on it, which is just at odds with some of her other votes on progressive issues.

Have you forgotten already? The only issue you need to be right on to be a progressive these days is supporting Bernie Sanders for President.
Sanders is woefully uninformed if he thinks that he will have much power in the senate based on his campaign. It's the same issue Clinton had in 2008 - she planned a return to the senate and wanted something to do with healthcare, but despite doing so well and coming so close she basically got shut down. The senate works on seniority above all else - if she couldn't get anything after 2008 I very much doubt Sanders will manage to achieve anything beyond what he was already inline for.

Btw, the way the senate works on the seniority basis is just another completely insane aspect of the USA government I don't understand at all. someone will have to explain it to me at some point!
The founding fathers all had a raging hard on for the Roman Republic. The Roman senate worked on seniority, with junior senators not getting a chance to speak for years on end until they built up enough seniority. The case of Cato the Younger or Cicero getting to speak when they were junior senators was remarkable enough for this fact to be mentioned by chroniclers. Cato the Younger especially was notable for the respect he received in spite of his age.

As for why the system was emulated by the US, I think the idea was that the senate was envisioned as an unelected body of elder statesmen whose experience and wisdom would only increase with age. Personally I think that the founding fathers basically believed that if it was good enough for Uncle Brutus, it was good enough for Uncle Sam.


In 2008, over 50% of Hillary supporters said they won't vote for Obama.
People get invested in the process, people get disappointing, people get angry, but they usually come back home.
I wouldn't worry about that too much.
Hillary supporters were a bit older and more practical when it came to realizing the consequences of not unifying though. Bernie has many of his people under his thumb. An endorsement from him is critical.


Youtube's trending video list is rather interesting this morning. It must completely burn people like Rick Wilson inside that the public face of the Republican party is dominated, for now, by Milo Yiannopolous and legions of lulzy assholes calling Hillary a bitch, etc. You can't rinse that shit off with a hose.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Hillary supporters were a bit older and more practical when it came to realizing the consequences of not unifying though. Bernie has many of his people under his thumb. An endorsement from him is critical.
Those people don't vote anyway. Seriously the only people still talking about Bernie are you, this thread, Nina turner, and pooshitithrow (up).


Hillary supporters were a bit older and more practical when it came to realizing the consequences of not unifying though. Bernie has many of his people under his thumb. An endorsement from him is critical.

Man, fuck Bernie and nobody needs his endorsement. He's just a pathetic piece of shit. His people are gonna come home en masse anyway by November, as history shows us always happens.

Let them suffer, let them pretend he has a chance, let them stay bitter for now. It's over, Bernie is now a joke and there's nothing left he can do to regain relevancy.
I didn't know Bernie had endorsed Marcy Kaptur. I guess you can be anti stem cell research and really iffy on abortion and still be a progressive these days. I wish she wasn't so bad on abortion though. She's way complex on it, which is just at odds with some of her other votes on progressive issues.

The problem is if you're not thrilled with Marcy, there's no one left to run against her in a primary who could conceivably beat her. D. Michael Collins would have been it had he not died.

I'm also pretty certain Bernie's endorsement isn't going to matter for her re-election.


Those people don't vote anyway. Seriously the only people still talking about Bernie are you, this thread, Nina turner, and pooshitithrow (up).

Amen fellow shiester ... amen

Why don't we move on to something real to talk about, like brexit fucking over the world economy
My #1 Bernie fangirl on facebook who is (was?) entirely in the 'fuck Hillary' faction among supporters, and who has been a never ending source for my toxic daily dose dank memes, also happens to really, really care about gun regulation. This morning I had to do a double take because she actually shared not one but two Hillary videos straight from her campaign. Obviously just an anecdote, but produced an audible sigh of relief from me.

In the end, despite all the accusations towards the Bernie-brand progressives of being mere hero worshipers, I think most do care about "the issues" primarily and will vote in a way that best advanced their political interests when the time comes. As the election progresses, people tend to shift from voting primarily based on negatives ("I'd never vote for a person who supports x") to positives ("Not a huge fan, but I really care about y"). Certainly there's going to be holdouts (I still have a Ron Paul friend), but I currently have no reason to think this isn't going to follow a similar trajectory that Hillary supporters followed in 2008 - with or without Bernie's endorsement.


Hillary supporters were a bit older and more practical when it came to realizing the consequences of not unifying though. Bernie has many of his people under his thumb. An endorsement from him is critical.
Hillary voters were older life-long Dems. A lot easier to get those types back in the camp.
Not that it matters, but 20 more Super Delegates endorsed Hillary today.


Hey! I've met Phil Bartlett before! PoliGAF would love him he went to Harvard Law and is an openly gay Chairman of the Democratic Party in Maine.


Ann Coulter
Jun 13
Ann Coulter‏ @AnnCoulter
Trump's speech today was Churchillian, only better. You can tell by the spluttering hysteria on TV about @realDonaldTrump

This reads like sarcasm, except I know it's not.
Is it possible Brexit could fuck the economy during Hillary's first term?
It's so stupid that they're probably going to leave. I think Cameron is done it they do.

Also got an email and phone call asking to set me up with a volunteer schedule for queen.

Thank God for Screwdrivers with brunch.... Screwdrivers and donut holes count as brunch right?


Is it possible Brexit could fuck the economy during Hillary's first term?

Absolutely. Even politico has an article up saying its one of her campaigns biggest concerns. It wouldn't fuck her first term though - it could lose her the election. Brexit could theoretically cause a massive earthquake in the financial markets, and no-one has any clue how that would shake out. The worlds 5th largest economy, and largest international finance centre, extricating itself from the worlds largest free market? As the Washington Post out it, it's a country literally committing economic suicide and the knock on effects could be catastrophic.
Absolutely. Even politico has an article up saying its one of her campaigns biggest concerns. It wouldn't fuck her first term though - it could lose her the election. Brexit could theoretically cause a massive earthquake in the financial markets, and no-one has any clue how that would shake out. The worlds 5th largest economy, and largest international finance centre, extricating itself from the worlds largest free market? As the Washington Post out it, it's a country literally committing economic suicide and the knock on effects could be catastrophic.
Oh fuck, I didn't think it'd be instantaneous because usually these things can take a while. It could definitely suicide the economy this year?
Absolutely. Even politico has an article up saying its one of her campaigns biggest concerns. It wouldn't fuck her first term though - it could lose her the election. Brexit could theoretically cause a massive earthquake in the financial markets, and no-one has any clue how that would shake out. The worlds 5th largest economy, and largest international finance centre, extricating itself from the worlds largest free market? As the Washington Post out it, it's a country literally committing economic suicide and the knock on effects could be catastrophic.

Why would the UK be so stupid as to kill themselves economically?


KOS had a post yesterday about how Hillary is doing better with likely voters than registered voters.

This is the first time in... forever thats happened. Usually Democrats kill it with registered voters and the gap closes when you include likely voters.

Just more good news that Trump is polarizing and pretty fucking toxic.


Why would the UK be so stupid as to kill themselves economically?

Because about half the country is really fucking racist about eastern Europeans and Muslims. Seriously, the only things I've heard during the referendum are "No more immigration!" and some related stupidity about "reclaiming our sovereignty."
Because about half the country is really fucking racist about eastern Europeans and Muslims. Seriously, the only things I've heard during the referendum are "No more immigration!" and some related stupidity about "reclaiming our sovereignty."

And this is up to a vote? The Prime Minister can't just step in and shut it down before it explodes the entire world economy for no reason at all?

I don't know how UK government works.

I just can't fathom an entire country coming together to kill itself as an American. We've done some stupid stuff, but usually it's been because of elected officials, not because we directly voted for it...


No Scrubs
Because about half the country is really fucking racist about eastern Europeans and Muslims. Seriously, the only things I've heard during the referendum are "No more immigration!" and some related stupidity about "reclaiming our sovereignty."

With any luck it won't happen and we'll all be OK.


And this is up to a vote? The Prime Minister can't just step in and shut it down before it explodes the entire world economy for no reason at all?

I don't know how UK government works.

I just can't fathom an entire country coming together to kill itself as an American. We've done some stupid stuff, but usually it's been because of elected officials, not because we directly voted for it...

In order to try and win votes at the last election he promised a referendum on this, because he's a moron who's willing to throw the country under the wheels of populist ignorance to retain power.
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