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PoliGAF 2016 |OT7| Notorious R.B.G. Plans NZ Tour

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Why is Hillary spending so much money on ads right now? Shouldn't these just be experiments? Ads don't matter until a week before the election.

Trump is very vulnerable right now. He's not raising money, he's saying unacceptable things every other week, and he has no national campaign structure. What better time than to hit him hard than now, when he can't do anything about it.
Why is Hillary spending so much money on ads right now? Shouldn't these just be experiments? Ads don't matter until a week before the election.

It looks like she is going to have a massive financial lead. She needs get on it early to use it. By starting early she gives herself plenty of time to back off to avoid fatigue.
Trump is very vulnerable right now. He's not raising money, he's saying unacceptable things every other week, and he has no national campaign structure. What better time than to hit him hard than now, when he can't do anything about it.
I'm curious if this will ever change throughout the rest of the campaign.

It could be similar to what happened to Todd Akin in 2012, where the RNC/NRSC completely gave up on him and let McCaskill blow him out by like 15 points (much to PD's dismay).


The Autumn Wind
Trump running scared right now. Has spent the first 10 minutes of his rally talking about how well he did in the primary.


The Autumn Wind
This is just sad. Even less substance than usual. And that's saying something. Trying so hard to make himself sound like a winner.


Well the tour was disappointing. You don't get to see the actual chambers on the weekends.

If you haven't decided to already, you should try to stop at Gravelly Point to check out the planes. The point is so close to Reagan National, when the planes take off in the direction of the point, they hit a steep incline at takeoff. If you're there when they're landing over the point, they come in super, super low. Good, free, cool entertainment.

The planes are either landing or taking off over Gravelly Point, I think the time of day determines which. I only saw them taking off. The landing is supposed to be pretty dramatic. Here's a picture I snapped in 2014:


Just got back from my week in the Northwoods. Internet was sparse, although there were pockets of wireless coverage down on the hill by the lake. I was entering withdrawal without constant politics updates. On the plus side, I forgot to have someone get my mail for the week I was gone, but no one stole it or reported me dead. There were three packages from Queen waiting for me.

Package one contained this:

Package two contained two things:

Deck of cards

Package three was actually an envelope and had the woman card I don't think I ordered.


Heil Hillary!

She's probably just dancing to Fight Song.
Only thing that saved that episode of Real time was Col. Lawrence Wilkerson, and Ravi Patel, because they were the only thing up there that made sense. Explaining you cant put all Muslims in a box. Alas Maher closing his ears and hiding in "all religion is bad" bubble. There was a time I liked the guy, but over the years...I don't know this video says it all. Its from tonight.

only if you want to get mad at the generalizations Maher made about "ALL" Muslims.

edit: He constantly over the past few years has gone on tangents against Islam, this is just the worst of it.

Lawrence Wilkerson was amazing. That woman on the other hand is a total shill. She was embarrassing. Bill has a hard on for Islam at the moment.

Glenn wonders why political assassinations aren't always called terrorism (because terrorism has an actual definition) and wonders if it's just cause their white.

It's not like that country has a history with white terrorists they had no problem and still have no problem with calling them terrorists.

This brouhaha over making sure we call white people terrorist is the worst virtue signalling. Not every attack is terrorism.

There is literally no mention of the IRA


Is there a link to see the ads that the Hillary camp are running right now? I haven't seen any news ones on her YouTube page since she won the nomination.


CNN - Trump campaign: We're facing an emergency goal of $100,000

The Donald Trump campaign on Saturday released its first "emergency" fund-raising email, in response to an ad blitz from the Hillary Clinton campaign.

"Right now we're facing an emergency goal of $100,000 to help get our ads on the air. We need your contribution by 11:59 P.M. Tonight," the email from Team Trump said.

"Crooked Hillary is about to invade your TV with ads attacking Mr. Trump. But we're preparing to fight back," it reads.

The email promises to release ads attacking Clinton on her role in Benghazi, the integrity of her donors and reported FBI probing of her private email server while secretary of state.

$100,000? What would that even pay for - ads for one city, if that?
You can buy mail order brides on Hillary's website?

How is Biden above Bernie for Dem nom but below for the Presidency. C'mon betting kids

Cause Bernie is totally going to run independent after Clinton is indicted and they give the nomination to Joe, AND THEN HE'S GOING TO WIN.

Based on my Facebook wall anyway.
One of my Sanders friends was asking if anyone had been doing four way polling with Stein and Johnson. So I shared the polls with them. They weren't happy. Tee hee.


Trump just rambles on, his crowd must be like those dogs that have to have the tv on when they are home alone or else they go nuts


The "criticisms" that the Maher types also ignore the sense of community that the religious experience provides. For a lot of people getting together with people pointed in the same direction every Sunday or Friday to congregate and welcome and praise together is a necessary function. Advocating these people are simply stupid for taking part of that does no one any positives. Religion will always be around in one way or another, human history shows us this. We need to push more though on the positive and affirmative parts though and simply scaring people into belief and antagonistic stances to people in a community will never get people to cross the fence.

I've always maintained if an atheist is as "militant" as the the worst evangelist, what separates them?

This x 1000. Religion has real value in our world and its a shame some people refuse to recognize that. Unfortunately, the dumbfuckery that has been done and continues to be done in religion's name is endless but that's a reason to throw those individuals or group under a bus, not an entire belief system (at least among the "real"/major religions).
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