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Sony announced new PS2 Design


There really needs to be some kind of explanation for the lack of HDD support, either confirmation from Square that they want to focus on the PC version of FFXI now that they've released an expansion for the PS2, or, in a more grim scenario, Sony was either too arrogant to care, or too stupid to coordinate with developers actually using the thing.

I hope, for Sony's sake, that it was Square. Because, to be fair, they seem to be the only developer really taking advantage of the drive. One can hope that Sony will release a "Memory Card Pro" or something that will allow for massive storage if developers start calling for it.

But given where we are in the generation, that seems unlikely. Let's just hope this doesn't piss Square off too much (although that wasn't the only reason they ditched Nintendo, they did have solid, non-petty, good, old-fashioned business reasons to do so.)

And where are the alleged colored systems? This thing would look hot in silver.


How many future games support the HDD exclusively?

None that I can think of.
Why hold on to something that not even 5% of PS2 games feature?


Ante Up
Reasons why Square shouldn't feel fucked over:

-It has been 6 months since the release of FFXI. 99% of the game's sales have occurred already.

-There are still 70+ million PS2XL owners to whom they can sell the game.


xsarien said:
One can hope that Sony will release a "Memory Card Pro" or something that will allow for massive storage if developers start calling for it.

Who are these developers you're talking about?

No HDD support doesn't mean anything for developers or gamers. It just sucks you can't use HDLoader. :D
Razoric said:
To not include some kind of HDD alternative or at least give us a fucking port to plug it into is stupid. How can anyone champion Sony for removing viable features is beyond me.

But if you already have a PS2 and HDD why would you really need to get a PStwo?

Since I don't have a HDD, I might get one just because it takes up much less space, for the record.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Marconelly said:
Hehe, as if there was any doubt this would be a little marvel of engineering :)
Oh, come on, Marco. They removed the power supply AND the HDD bay. That's probably 80% of the space savings right there, before even touching anything else. I wouldn't exactly call it a marvel of engineering.



A few comments:

1. The no-hd deal is being blown out of proportion. Sure, it's somewhat disappointing for those that have it and want games to support it (in which case, this new model just acts as a reason not to,) but in terms of marketshare, it will have really insignificant impact. Besides this, S-E will certainly be getting a hissy fit. This will hinder their plans to grow the FFXI community and continue expanding on the content (trying to get relatively safe/cheap profit out of it.) Sony can still do it because they're at the lead and so there's really no way S-E would abandon them.

2. WOW! The unit is really tiny. I hate that it's flip top though, as I will have to take it off my entertainment center in order to load discs. Another thing is that it's FUGLY. The original PS2 design is nice but this new one looks just so fragile and, well, ugly.

3. I'm most likely getting one. I wish they would've done a redesign to make it look sleeker. This will definitely steal from Xbox sales this Holiday season and might even prompt an unexpected price cut from them.


Yusaku said:
Who are these developers you're talking about?

No HDD support doesn't mean anything for developers or gamers. It just sucks you can't use HDLoader. :D

Well, apparently Square was using it for something. :p
I really do wish the external casing had a more inspired design.

The damn thing just looks like a wimpy PS2. I'm amazed at how small it's gotten, but I can tell you for a fact, that the reason for ALOT of PSOne sales is that the damn thing was just so cute! The rounded design, the playskool look, and the oversized buttons just made it look like a whole new system. Some might say it looked like too much of a toy, but I think it really pulled in a whole new group of consumers.

Miburou said:
This new PS2 is at least 1 year too early.

I wholeheartedly agree.


sonycowboy said:
I really do wish the external casing had a more inspired design.

The damn thing just looks like a wimpy PS2. I'm amazed at how small it's gotten, but I can tell you for a fact, that the reason for ALOT of PSOne sales is that the damn thing was just so cute! The rounded design, the playskool look, and the oversized buttons just made it look like a whole new system. Some might say it looked like too much of a toy, but I think it really pulled in a whole new group of consumers.

I wholeheartedly agree.

Yeah, if they're going to make this drastic a change to the system, they may as well just rethink how it looks. They missed an opportunity to really update the blocky look of the PS2, a design I've never been fond of - but instead they chose to just make Mini Me. It's nice, not nearly as cool as what I'd built up in my head based on where they took the PSOne, but nice. It'll be interesting to see how they've reconciled piracy with the flip top design, I can't imagine Sony - the company who uses ATRAC despite themselves - doesn't have a few fail safes in place to protect against something as easy to make as a boot disc.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Oh, come on, Marco. They removed the power supply AND the HDD bay. That's probably 80% of the space savings right there, before even touching anything else. I wouldn't exactly call it a marvel of engineering.
They stacked the ethernet and modem ports in there though. I don't know. I just can't look at it and don't feel a bit weird at how small it is.

User 406

No slot loading drive, YAY! :D
No HDD support, BOO! >:|

Unfortunately, it's not surprising, since Sony already has a track record of cutting features that aren't used much, like removing the link cable from PSOne, and the loss of the Firewire port on the newer PSX2s. For those of us who used these features, it sucks, but that's how it goes. :/


sonycowboy said:
I really do wish the external casing had a more inspired design.

Looks good to me. :D Then again I bought the TurboDuo and was a fan of that design. I hope they come out with a way to use a HDD later.

Musashi Wins!

Nice! Anyone have a rough idea of when this hits the states? I'll sell my old one immediately before. Personally, I was never going to buy the lousy HD to begin with.


And it's coming out the exact same day as the Nintendo DS in Japan.

HDD moaners: This is the equivalent of the PSone, where Sony started to take the console truly massmarket. Do you really think the whiny kids trying games for the first time and the soccer moms & dads getting one to fuck around with now that it's cheap will care that you can't play FFXI?

I don't think Square cares too much either. They'll more than likely be shifting to next-gen very soon anyway (I would imagine that they've announced most of the titles they still have in store for the PS2 with the recent flurry of announcements). Everyone who's interested in FFXI has it, and a PS2 obviously, already. Why should Sony include support for the HDD when a minute fraction of new buyers will be picking up FFXI?


Console Market Analyst
PS2 KID said:
Looks good to me.

Agreed. I rather like the monolith design, so I'm glad they kept it. But this small, I will admit it looks more like a domino. :)



The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Goreomedy said:
Agreed. I rather like the monolith design, so I'm glad they kept it. But this small, I will admit it looks more like a domino. :)


LOL Great photo.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Gore, that's ACE, as usual :lol

HDD Moaners
My problem with this is not so much the lack of HDD as it is the lack of ANY higher capacity storage option included. I can understand not including an HDD or a drive bay for one based on the arguments already made. But some form of built-in storage solution that offers higher capacity than a memory card would have made sense, esp. given Sony's plans to market the PS2 for at least another 5 yrs, and their stated direction for online gaming with micropayments for downloadable content. And MemoryStick would have provided better interaction with the PSP, another stated goal of Sony's. Memory Stick has been around since BEFORE the PS2 and these days just about every PC and printer manufacturer includes multi-format flash card readers on their devices for no additional cost. I own a USB 3-in-1 flash media reader that reads SDs, MMCs and MemSticks and it only cost me 19.99. So what's Sony's reason for not including a MemStick slot in one of their flagship devices?


Why would anyone buy this POS and contribute even more money to the evil empire that is Sony? I'd rather give my money to ethical companies that wouldn't try to monopolize the industry or price fix or even put profits before their customers, like Microsoft or Nintendo.

Vote with your wallets people!
xsarien said:
Yeah, if they're going to make this drastic a change to the system, they may as well just rethink how it looks. They missed an opportunity to really update the blocky look of the PS2, a design I've never been fond of - but instead they chose to just make Mini Me. It's nice, not nearly as cool as what I'd built up in my head based on where they took the PSOne, but nice. It'll be interesting to see how they've reconciled piracy with the flip top design, I can't imagine Sony - the company who uses ATRAC despite themselves - doesn't have a few fail safes in place to protect against something as easy to make as a boot disc.

Amen Brother!

They missed the SHOCK AND AWE!


Oh well maybe Sony will provide devs with USB mass storage driver to support external HD and SE can patch PS2 verison to support such thing (and release new disc for new user as well). But I think it's unlikely since that'll open up a huge can of worms as far as piracy is concerned.


Sony truly are the masters of the "I MUST HAVE IT BUT I DON'T KNOW WHY" school of design.

I'm tempted to grab one to swap out my old PS2 too (which has been having read errors now and then).


Riskbreaker said:
I hope a freeloader type disc will be created so I can finally play some import PS2 games.

me too, I've already bought some imports but haven't been able to play them, I hope they release a version of PSXChange for the PS2
sonycowboy said:
I don't necessarily see Square being all that upset about this. It's pretty clear that the HDD was going nowhere as this gen is 2/3 over in terms of active support with the HDD only capturing << 1%. Clearly, Sony has been developing this system for some time and likely knew they were going to do this 6 months to a year ago. FFXI has already sold 95% of what it's ever going to sell, so it probably won't hurt Square much financially.

This has 100% nothing to do with how the Square-Enix marketing department has to look at it. You can say whatever you want about FFXI sales being maxed out, but:

1. PS2 Sales definitely have not maxed out. Historically Sony could sell another 70 million units before the generation is finally kaput. It's possible that almost all of those units will be unable to play PlayOnline titles.

2. FFXI expansion: now useless for new type system owners. Upcoming POL titles Front Mission Online (now in beta testing) and Fantasy Earth are forced to either sell to the existing consumer base only or be shelved altogether.

3. I really don't see how external PS2 HDD support could happen; there is definitely no IDE interface or PCMCIA interface leftover. USB is basically a huge performance downgrade, plus there is no way in hell Sony is crazy enough to market TWO versions of FFXI at once. The combo is expensive & confusing enough already, and Square themselves would have to take the time to write new compatibility stuff since USB != IDE no matter how you look at it.

As a new cost saving measure, the PS2 design is fine. But history has shown that fucking with storage mediums makes Square a very unhappy company, and I don't think you'd find a marketing analyst who would say this doesn't hurt PlayOnline's marketplace growth.
meh. kinda disappointing. I expected more out of the design, fliptop is cool i guess, but its basically just a skinnier ps2. And no HDD support blows. I may not play ff11 anymore, but goddamnit i paid $100 for that thing, im not about to chuck it aside (plus its still good to use for game saves). Not only that, but this pretty much confirms that Sony won't be supporting the HDD anymore. Im sure i'll get one years down the road when my current ps2 eventually dies, but i'll pass for now.
I'll be getting this, gives me a reason to upgrade to a progressive scan-enabled PS2.

Why do the pics have to tempt us with freakin GT4 =P
I see that it still has a digital optical out, but does anyone know if it'll support component (480p) video out anymore? If it does, sign me up. I don't give a rat's ass about the hard drive.


Ferrarisimo said:
I see that it still has a digital optical out, but does anyone know if it'll support component (480p) video out anymore? If it does, sign me up. I don't give a rat's ass about the hard drive.
There's no reason why it shouldn't, it's not like it was a different port or anything (a la GameCube).


As Crazymoogle said, the HDD isn't just for Final Fantasy XI. Square Enix alone has 2-3 more projects in the works for PlayOnline, and they all require it. Front Mission Online, Ambrosia Odyssey, and I've heard rumors of another project being in the works (not Fantasy Earth).

It's a weird decision to cut out support completely, especially as it's only been available in the US for what, 5 months? And it's still selling a steady 15k units a month. It may not seem like much compared to the millions of PS2 owners in the US, but the Network Adaptor didn't see sales much better than this at first, and look where it is now. But by cutting support of the HDD, its cutting into it's longevity, and I really wouldn't be surprised to see Square Enix announce tomorrow that Front Mission Online, Ambrosia Odyssey, etc are now PC only releases...
I never understood why there's a "chunk" missing from the bottom right side of the console (when the console is layed flat). It just looks stupid.

I like the size of the redesign and thats about it.


It's Sony's evil plan to sell more units of PS2. If you want to play HDD games, you got to buy the normal model. If you want the portability and just the sexy look, you need to buy the new model. And since both types break easily, you probably end up buying 4 total in the PS2 life time. Sales++++++++++++++ :D


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Nobody has mentioned it and obviously Sony hasn't said anything... but talking via IM to a friend and we were discussing the unit and Sony's current price...does anybody here think that the launch of this new unit will coincide with a price drop?
DarienA said:
Nobody has mentioned it and obviously Sony hasn't said anything... but talking via IM to a friend and we were discussing the unit and Sony's current price...does anybody here think that the launch of this new unit will coincide with a price drop?

They've already stated price points for the US and Europe and they're stating an "open price" for Japan.

US = $149
Europe = 149 Euros
Japan = "open price" (assumed to be at current ~$180 equivalent )


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
sonycowboy said:
They've already stated price points for the US and Europe and they're stating an "open price" for Japan.

US = $149
Europe = 149 Euros
Japan = "open price" (assumed to be at current ~$180 equivalent )

Ah didn't see that... is that in keeping with the PSOne? Did it launch at the same price as the Playstation when it replaced it? I don't rememeber that shit, my brain is too busy remembering how much I like Reese's Peanut Butter Cups... and IP addresses... and phone numbers and crap.
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