Steam Summer Sale 2015 thread of refunding everything you buy (June 11-21)


Okay I gave myself a $50 limit and I only have $10 left... Hand of Fate is $12.50. What's the call, GAF?

Toma's recommendation (a few posts above yours) is a seal of quality - Toma has fine taste and I've discovered and enjoyed many games thanks to his thumbs-up. Mileage can vary, of course, but I reckon his say-so is a guilt-free justification for finding another $2.50. :)
Okay I gave myself a $50 limit and I only have $10 left... Hand of Fate is $12.50. What's the call, GAF?

Its Steam. For 90% of games, the answer will be it will be on sale again in a month. For five dollars. If you're going to play it straight away, it has value for you, but if its just going in the pile to ad to your count, you shoul be honest with yourself.


Stormy Grey
Buying from the US, I've bought EUIV in the past and it worked, I should be able to purchase and activate Life is Strange complete just fine?

Nuuvem now mentions on the store page if the key is region locked, so assuming there's no such language on the page, you should be fine to purchase and activate.


People called Romanes they go the house?
It just told me" this product is not available in your region". I'm in the US

That's not the same thing, IIRC. It should specifically say something along the lines of region-locked.

The 'not available in your region' is just a sales thing, which means you need a VPN.


Batteries the CRISIS!
Monster game is up to level 41,100 for me. The bosses have about 60 quintillion HP at this point. My Level 3 Sentry Gun upgrades my auto DPS by increments of 10 million.

This is so ridic
Hand of Fate impressions:

I cant believe how good this game is. Abridged version (unless someone wants more details on something):

At its core it a roguelike action adventure. You have a deck of cards, from which you'll draw random events. Those events play out as text, sometimes random choices (which might even be affected by items you have equipped), for example: "You met this guy, will you help him?" and then depending on your choices, you get a reward, nothing or you might need to participate in a fight. For fights, the game switches to a 3D perspective and you are then tasked to defeat enemies with the cards you have equipped (sort of works like the Batman combat). The combat isnt stellar, but it works, as different enemy units (ranged, abilities) mean you need to adjust quite often, and especially the bosses might get you to rethink your base counter/attack strategy.

That in return gives you more rewards, which might be cards to put into your deck. That way, you can add more and more varied weapons and event cards to your deck for each playthrough.

The whole setup is just so refreshingly unique and well thought out. You do not only gain more weapons as you progress, but also unlock more events and more challenges that you potentially encounter, bit by bit. Meaning there is plenty of content that you wont even see in the beginning and it will take a while to get through every bit of content. The fact that you need to actively choose which items to put in your deck also makes you experiment more with weird abilities that you happen to draw.

I will play more of this, but I am very, very, very happy I bought it.

Thanks for the impression, I was on the fence on getting it but now I definitely am!


Another day without TitS.

One of the milestone deals a few days ago wasn't reached. It was turn based anime. Most of the other turn based anime games have already been in daily/flash deals so that missed milestone may very well have been TitS.

lol isn't that picard sarcastically clapping though?



I don't know if I can handle playing Alien Isolation........ I feel like I'm about to have a heart attack being this nervous.........

I played for a couple of hours and got tired of all the suspense before the Alien even showed up. Also thought it was kinda slow and lost my way at some point and had to tediously backtrack. Then read a review which mentioned excessive backtracking, lots of hiding in a closet and plenty of bloat, which kinda made me lose the desire to play. The visual style is fantastic though.


Hand of Fate impressions:

I cant believe how good this game is. Abridged version (unless someone wants more details on something):

At its core it a roguelike action adventure. You have a deck of cards, from which you'll draw random events. Those events play out as text, sometimes random choices (which might even be affected by items you have equipped), for example: "You met this guy, will you help him?" and then depending on your choices, you get a reward, nothing or you might need to participate in a fight. For fights, the game switches to a 3D perspective and you are then tasked to defeat enemies with the cards you have equipped (sort of works like the Batman combat). The combat isnt stellar, but it works, as different enemy units (ranged, abilities) mean you need to adjust quite often, and especially the bosses might get you to rethink your base counter/attack strategy.

That in return gives you more rewards, which might be cards to put into your deck. That way, you can add more and more varied weapons and event cards to your deck for each playthrough.

The whole setup is just so refreshingly unique and well thought out. You do not only gain more weapons as you progress, but also unlock more events and more challenges that you potentially encounter, bit by bit. Meaning there is plenty of content that you wont even see in the beginning and it will take a while to get through every bit of content. The fact that you need to actively choose which items to put in your deck also makes you experiment more with weird abilities that you happen to draw.

I will play more of this, but I am very, very, very happy I bought it.

Wow, it sounds amazing. Sadly I'm left with nothing but 2 pennies to my name haha, otherwise I'd totally get it. Wishlisted for now, thanks Toma.


Steam daily deals ordered by their user review ratings.

Shovel Knight (97%)
Life is Strange (97%)
Batman AA (97%)
Ori and the Blind Forest (96%)
Walking Dead S2 (96%)
Batman AC (96%)
The Escapists (94%)
Hand of Fate (93%)
Dying Light (91%)
Batman AO (86%)
Medieval Engineers (85%)
Dungeon Defenders II (83%)
Age of Wonders III (81%) - I'm surprised this one is so low actually
Grid (77%)
Ark (73%) - Getting destroyed by people angry about no discount on daily
Anno 2070 68% - DRM always trashes user reviews
Evolve (65%)

This is as good a discount I'll get for Ori and the Blind Forest, isn't it?

What's the main rule repeated indefinitely in this thread?
Steam daily deals ordered by their user review ratings.

Shovel Knight (97%)
Life is Strange (97%)
Batman AA (97%)
Ori and the Blind Forest (96%)
Walking Dead S2 (96%)
Batman AC (96%)
The Escapists (94%)
Hand of Fate (93%)
Dying Light (91%)
Batman AO (86%)
Medieval Engineers (85%)
Dungeon Defenders II (83%)
Age of Wonders III (81%) - I'm surprised this one is so low actually
Grid (77%)
Ark (73%) - Getting destroyed by people angry about no discount on daily
Anno 2070 68% - DRM always trashes user reviews
Evolve (65%)


Anno 2070 is a good 20 points better than that if you can get past the DRM/online features and Age of Wonders is correct if you are just playing the base game but a good 10 points too low if you are playing the base game+DLCs.


Hand of Fate impressions
Seriously, guys, look at this right here. Hand of Fate is a smart, super creative game.

Steam daily deals ordered by their user review ratings.

Shovel Knight (97%)
Life is Strange (97%)
Batman AA (97%)
Ori and the Blind Forest (96%)
Walking Dead S2 (96%)
Batman AC (96%)
The Escapists (94%)
Hand of Fate (93%)
Dying Light (91%)
Batman AO (86%)
Medieval Engineers (85%)
Dungeon Defenders II (83%)
Age of Wonders III (81%) - I'm surprised this one is so low actually
Grid (77%)
Ark (73%) - Getting destroyed by people angry about no discount on daily
Anno 2070 68% - DRM always trashes user reviews
Evolve (65%)

I've played most of these and I weirdly super agree with the way the steam community rated them...maybe sans WDs2. Any of those first four are fan-goddamn-tastic.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
Man... the combat in Hands of Fate is kind of terrible.

Everything outside of that is pretty damned cool, but aahhhhhh.

Most of the combat is very buttonmashy, but it does get more interesting later on, even though it stays janky. Very glad they introduce other level/enemy variations, so there are more interesting combat situations, but yeah, its a tad janky sometimes and most of the basic encounters are rather simplistic, especially with the camera.
Most of the combat is very buttonmashy, but it does get more interesting later on, even though it stays janky. Very glad they introduce other level/enemy variations, so there are more interesting combat situations, but yeah, its a tad janky sometimes and most of the basic encounters are rather simplistic, especially with the camera.

My main problem with it is that it feels sluggish. I do love everything else about it, but I don't think I can get past the combat.


Any impressions on Dex (The OT for it is totally dead!) or Lords of the Fallen?

Also, is Nazi Zombie Army trilogy worth picking up for solo play?


Is it that village-management game? IIRC it sold very well on release.

wut, it's a pretty great game

after playing a good session or two add the colonial mod

I found the game much too simple, constrained and repetetive (and I love these type of games), however adding the Colonial Charter Mod basically makes it a completely new game. I recommend picking it up if you throw the CC mod right on top.

If you like management sims of any type, its worth $5 easily. Its a single developers labor of love so don't go in expecting the world but its excellent.

bought! thanks!

Kid Ska

I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
So I'm trying to play Vampire The Masquerade, downloaded that VTMBup75.exe patch and installed it into my Steam folder. The game runs, but how do I get it into 1920x1080?


what are the chances Ori drops below $12 before the steam summer sale next year? =p

I could buy it, but all I'd be doing is adding to a back log and I'll probably want to play it a few months from now.
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