Batman AK PC Perf Thread of DARKNESS, NO SETTINGS [30fps cap / intro removal in OP]


Well yeah, not smooth indeed. But the dips are not as low as below 30.
I'd assume he can safely cap it at 30 then?
Cap 30 with 970 is no problem. I got a 970 and i5 and can play the game without toruble with everything "maxed", but I have all nvidia effects off and didn't do anything to the ini. No dips even in the batmobile. Perfroamnce test told me I had 48 fps average with a minimim of 33. Still angry that 60 fps isn't even an native option.
I'm getting a smooth 1080/60 on my GTX 980 with all non-NVidia settings on, and textures at normal.

I noticed that the jiggle physics on Ivy's boobs are really really wonky, but I think that's for uncapping the framerate.


Well yeah, not smooth indeed. But the dips are not as low as below 30.
I'd assume he can safely cap it at 30 then?

It dips as low as ~22fps between 1:10-1:15. Granted, that part of the footage includes gameworks. It seems to be safe to cap it at 30fps as long as gameworks is off.:)
Cap 30 with 970 is no problem. I got a 970 and i5 and can play the game without toruble with everything "maxed", but I have all nvidia effects off and didn't do anything to the ini. No dips even in the batmobile. Perfroamnce test told me I had 48 fps average with a minimim of 33. Still angry that 60 fps isn't even an native option.

Except the game still stutters out the wazoo at 30fps. Even on fucking G-Sync. Also GTX970 here.


Cap 30 with 970 is no problem. I got a 970 and i5 and can play the game without toruble with everything "maxed", but I have all nvidia effects off and didn't do anything to the ini. No dips even in the batmobile. Perfroamnce test told me I had 48 fps average with a minimim of 33. Still angry that 60 fps isn't even an native option.

I have 970 and can see fps<30 quite often when in batmobile, sometimes falls to 23 or something, nvidia effects off. I didn't pay 400eur a few weeks ago just to "enjoy" sub-30 stuttering hell.

Edit: What's the best way to 'try to' lock it to 30? I tried RivaTuner, but it still feels bad.


The only video I took before I refunded the game:

It's only 15 seconds though, no real stuttering (as I didn't really experience that) but right at the end you see the texture still hadn't loaded in properly (either that or it's just a poor texture).


I have 970 and can see fps<30 quite often when in batmobile, sometimes falls to 23 or something, nvidia effects off. I didn't pay 400eur a few weeks ago just to "enjoy" sub-30 stuttering hell.

Edit: What's the best way to 'try to' lock it to 30? I tried RivaTuner, but it still feels bad.

Rivatuner 30fps lock + nvcp vsync w half refresh rate.

Its "stable" but its a fucking disgrace for people like us with nvidia 9XX.


Its a slap in the face playing on GTX 980s and Titan Xs knowing that your version looks worse than console

When I first posted in this thread saying I'd get the PS4 version because the game was running like utter garbage and felt slightly off on my Titan X there were quite a few people accusing me of suffering various mental illnesses. I'm glad to see that even those people seemed to come around to a similar way of thinking now.

Coincidentally, there was an error in the shipping of my PS4 copy from Amazon, which never happened to me before.
This gave me the chance to cancel this crushing disappointment that I've been waiting for all year.

I understand that Iron Galaxy are doing their utmost to fix the issues and I wish them all the best.


When I first posted in this thread saying I'd get the PS4 version because the game was running like utter garbage and felt slightly off on my Titan X there were quite a few people accusing me of suffering various mental illnesses. I'm glad to see that even those people seemed to come around to a similar way of thinking now.

Coincidentally, there was an error in the shipping of my PS4 copy from Amazon, which never happened to me before.
This gave me the chance to cancel this crushing disappointment that I've been waiting for all year.

I understand that Iron Galaxy are doing their utmost to fix the issues and I wish them all the best.

That's pretty bad. I would quote these people and call them out, because that sounds messed up.
Anybody having issues with the textures? They're ugly as heck!


I have this problem as well, the issue appears to be with texture streaming. If you wait several seconds eventually the texture will load in. I had to wait a good 5+ seconds for textures to load in for a guy I had just knocked out.
GTX 780 @ 1440p, I can play at a constant 30fps but this is IMO game breaking I ordered from a third party not steam or I would get a refund.


Just to cheer up everyone who can't play the game, it is actually a hell of a lot of fun! As an aside, this has the 'best' implementation of a 30fps lock I've encountered, if that's not a contradiction in terms, in that it feels like a console lock, rather than the shoddy PC vsync I usually get.

I have no idea how or why it's working for me (yes I know I'm missing effects) but the worst I have seen so far, is one drop when spinning around in the bat mobile, during a hectic chase, which is not so bad when you consider I am playing with everything maxed, and all GameWorks effects 'On' at 1440p res.

One thing I have noticed, is that the smoke particle effects have been toned down since the Nvidia presentation - doesn't looked as unrealistic as in that video, with the smoke-trails etc, but that might change when the rain stops (if it does stop!?)

I can't see this *ever* being a great looking game though - it's not a massive step-up from the previous games, to my eyes, and complements them, if anything.


Fcuk ... I dont want to mock pc gamers but I knew somehow this would run like crap on my i7 4770k r9 290x. I got it on ps4 looks fantastic.


I think a mod needs to do a find/replace on the phrase "I think I'm one of the lucky ones" subbing out "lucky" for "blind".

There is only 1 build of the game available to everyone. Many of the thousands of replies detailing where the performance issues are are from people with the same hardware. Luck is not a factor here, it doesn't matter which way you're facing when you launch the game, adding a few GB to a page file doesn't do anything, you're just blind.


had the shenmue kickstarter thread open in another tab. pay my last post no heed, just continue to be afraid, disgusted, and distressed at this shitty port.


Cross posting from the other thread:

PC got fucked with water quality as well it seems...


You can also tell the rain density difference between versions.

I really don't think we'll get these "features" on PC.
Is this not a time of day / different weather situation? If not, that's yet another thing that doesn't work properly. What a mess.



wow they are nuts

"The Recommended Spec is intended to deliver an experience on par with the current generation of gaming platforms."

That entire post (the linked one) reads to me like they've given us temporary recommended settings so we can at least run it close to the console experience until they implement fixes.

It doesn't read at all like they're saying they want the game to be his way.
That entire post (the linked one) reads to me like they've given us temporary recommended settings so we can at least run it close to the console experience until they implement fixes.

It doesn't read at all like they're saying they want the game to be his way.

Its made by the same lunatics who gave us the 30FPS lock, took away graphical effects that are running fine on Consoles , 5 Graphical Settings.

Anything is possible.
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