People want to hate Destiny.
Agreed, kind of. There are so many legit reasons to hate on Destiny, the cosmetic DLC is not one. Keeps focus off the worthy stuff I guess, though.
People want to hate Destiny.
I'll bite. I am one of the few Destiny lovers who hates the introduction of silver and paid emotes, hats, whatever. I preferred spending full-price for the game and its DLC and receiving everything that the game had to offer. That was the "contract" I went into, I pay you what you ask, and I get your whole game. I gave them $140 in the past 13 months for the game. I feel that selling silver now changes the dynamic of the game and unless I want to give more money on top of what I paid I will no longer have the entire Destiny experience. I also don't feel that $7 for one dance is a reasonable price but the fact that so many people paid it happily, it will skew the economic environment for the rest of us and there is no going back. It doesn't help either when people are constantly saying that they would pay silver for shaders, weapon parts, sparrows, and more. Bungie isn't stupid. People said they'd pay a lot of money for the Thriller dance and Bungie delivered.Help me understand the problem with cosmetic micro transactions in a full priced game or why I should care if they're added.
Take any full priced game with zero DLC. A finished product, if you will. It's a game you love. Or hate. A game you play daily. Or which you finished and happily out away satisfied. Or one you rage quit out of early cause you didn't like it. Doesn't matter.
Developer decides to sell a costume or skin or hat or whatever. I can totally see you, as a consumer, airing an opinion about the value offered. You might not like it in particular, or not care about cosmetics in general. Or maybe you like it but think it's overpriced so you pass on it. Or maybe you happen to like it and agree with the asking price so you buy it.
So far, this is absolutely standard supply and demand. Like literally any product or service ever, consumers' averaged aggregate utility curves and the supplier's set price will meet somewhere. The success of the product/service will depend on the supplier's ability to gauge these consumer utility curves - basically, finding a profit-maximizing price. Perhaps at US$10 they'll sell 1,000 units whereas they'd have sold a million units at US$1. Consumers are ultimately kings here, as businesses aren't price-setting in an open market with access to information.
So, no snark or sarcasm, tell me where the issue comes up here because I genuinely don't see it.
Here is a really minor example.
We currently have a special event going on (Halloween). I log into my main character and go trick-or-treating. I immediately get 1 glue and a legendary mask. I then get 3 quests. I've been logged in for 5 minutes.
It is pointless for me to fill my bag and attempt to do the three quests (I did them just to see what the rewards are). The only things you receive are temporary masks, and there are a no opportunities to get additional ones permanently. You get 2. Everything additional mask received is pointless.
...unless you spend money.
If I spend real money, I get more masks permanently, which means I have more incentive to run the additional content. By spending money, this content now has more value.
I know it really isn't 'that' big of a deal. It really is just cosmetic. However, this is supposed to be a 'special event'. Iron banner is a special event. The queens wrath was a special event. Neither were even remotely impacted by micro transactions. This one is entirely impacted by them. The fear that people have is that future ones will be impacted by them.
If every special event amounts to 'well, you really don't have any reason to partake unless you spend some silver' then that is a problem. Cosmetic or not.
But realistically, the alternative to paid masks isn't free masks - it's no masks. Why offer these things for free? There's a case to be made that they could be given for free to make the core product more compelling - like Irom Banner is. But realistically, this event is obviously, and from a distance, a way to monetize a holiday. The same way a mall pays Santa to sit your kid on his lap.Here is a really minor example.
We currently have a special event going on (Halloween). I log into my main character and go trick-or-treating. I immediately get 1 glue and a legendary mask. I then get 3 quests. I've been logged in for 5 minutes.
It is pointless for me to fill my bag and attempt to do the three quests (I did them just to see what the rewards are). The only things you receive are temporary masks, and there are a no opportunities to get additional ones permanently. You get 2. Everything additional mask received is pointless.
...unless you spend money.
If I spend real money, I get more masks permanently, which means I have more incentive to run the additional content. By spending money, this content now has more value.
I know it really isn't 'that' big of a deal. It really is just cosmetic. However, this is supposed to be a 'special event'. Iron banner is a special event. The queens wrath was a special event. Neither were even remotely impacted by micro transactions. This one is entirely impacted by them. The fear that people have is that future ones will be impacted by them.
If every special event amounts to 'well, you really don't have any reason to partake unless you spend some silver' then that is a problem. Cosmetic or not.
Getting my first legendary sword. Which one should I pick? Arc, solar or void?
Getting my first legendary sword. Which one should I pick? Arc, solar or void?
Need five for a quick hard Oryx kill.
heh. I feel a strong need to say "we'll see" on that one.
I was just wondering why people think micro transactions in a full priced game are bad.
My groups disbanded. Still need to kill Oryx on hard. Takers?
in destiny 2, the final boss will be your destiny 1 guardian equipped with a fatebringer, hammer, and gjally scaled up to year 3 numbers
According to Jason S at Kotaku, Who has had a lot of real scoops, Destiny 2 is going to be a $60 paid expansion marketed as a new game that exists in the same universe and uses existing areas and also has new areas.
He has been posting a bunch in the destinys paid DLC gaming side thread today.
According to Jason S at Kotaku, Who has had a lot of real scoops, Destiny 2 is going to be a $60 paid expansion marketed as a new game that exists in the same universe and uses existing areas and also has new areas.
He has been posting a bunch in the destinys paid DLC gaming side thread today.
Need five for a quick hard Oryx kill.
If that is true, it is going to piss off a lot of players. A LOT.
I'm down for oryx hard or the whole raid from totems hard
According to Jason S at Kotaku, Who has had a lot of real scoops, Destiny 2 is going to be a $60 paid expansion marketed as a new game that exists in the same universe and uses existing areas and also has new areas.
He has been posting a bunch in the destinys paid DLC gaming side thread today.
Thank you! I've been waiting for you. You're the guy I want to understand. First and foremost, top points for making your case so clearly. I'll try to further the issue with a comparable degree of clarity, but I'll apologize in advance if I fail in doing so; English is not my first language.I'll bite. I am one of the few Destiny lovers who hates the introduction of silver and paid emotes, hats, whatever. I preferred spending full-price for the game and its DLC and receiving everything that the game had to offer. That was the "contract" I went into, I pay you what you ask, and I get your whole game. I gave them $140 in the past 13 months for the game. I feel that selling silver now changes the dynamic of the game and unless I want to give more money on top of what I paid I will no longer have the entire Destiny experience. I also don't feel that $7 for one dance is a reasonable price but the fact that so many people paid it happily, it will skew the economic environment for the rest of us and there is no going back. It doesn't help either when people are constantly saying that they would pay silver for shaders, weapon parts, sparrows, and more. Bungie isn't stupid. People said they'd pay a lot of money for the Thriller dance and Bungie delivered.
I am in the minority and I know it. Reddit had a survey a day or two ago and like 75% of the respondents had bought silver. I'm sure most won't understand and will tell me how optional emotes are etc but it is the biggest reason I've stopped playing Destiny. For the record, I was also against anyone actually paying $20 for the collector's stuff and thought it was completely crazy to re-buy all of the Destiny content for the physical collector's edition.
According to Jason S at Kotaku, Who has had a lot of real scoops, Destiny 2 is going to be a $60 paid expansion marketed as a new game that exists in the same universe and uses existing areas and also has new areas.
He has been posting a bunch in the destinys paid DLC gaming side thread today.
According to Jason S at Kotaku, Who has had a lot of real scoops, Destiny 2 is going to be a $60 paid expansion marketed as a new game that exists in the same universe and uses existing areas and also has new areas.
He has been posting a bunch in the destinys paid DLC gaming side thread today.
There's still one plane they haven't flipped. Let's walk on the roof now and do the missions in upside down reverse.But half of Taken King was old content in reverse, how much more can they re-use?!.
So since it's an expansion, it'll be cross gen?
But half of Taken King was old content in reverse, how much more can they re-use?!.
Twilight pls. If Destiny 2 doesn't have a loading pause between The Divide and The Rocketyard, no purchase from me.Yea let's hope that doesn't happen unless they completely rebuild Earth, Venus, Mars, Moon and Dreadnaught so that they aren't limited by last gen.
I'm looking for a Heroic Mode raid that I can participate in up to a point (only Light level 305). PSN: OwensboroEsq. (I've got no problem being replaced on fights I can't do).
You can do everything up to sisters/daughters as a 305. Can also be carried at hm oryx if the other 5 players are good and don't mind.
Twilight pls. If Destiny 2 doesn't have a loading pause between The Divide and The Rocketyard, no purchase from me.
Any tips how my brother and me can get through nightfall? We're both light lvl 290 but it seems impossible sometimes ;( is a 3 man Team necessary?
I still think they'll call it "The Darkness Rising", because at the end of the Value T'auruc strike, Zavala says this(with the same capitalization in subtitles): " But in The Darkness Rising, new leaders will rise. We must be ready, guardian".I wonder what they'll call the Cabal expansion.
___ of the Emperor?
True but then these are cosmetic items. They don't do anything, just like the emotes and dances.
You are already getting 2 for free, so get the ones you like and make them permanent. If you want more, you'll have to spend some cash. I don't see a problem with this.
The quests were fun to complete but having a layer of rng on the masks meant you had to grind for cosmetic items, which was stupid. And the reward from the quest was totally underwhelming.
But realistically, the alternative to paid masks isn't free masks - it's no masks. Why offer these things for free? There's a case to be made that they could be given for free to make the core product more compelling - like Irom Banner is. But realistically, this event is obviously, and from a distance, a way to monetize a holiday. The same way a mall pays Santa to sit your kid on his lap.
If people in general didn't think masks were buying, the initiative was unprofitable for Bungie. Consumers are kings and have final say. This would signal them: don't bother for Christmas; we're not into this. If they sold a hundred thousand Thriller dances, then consumers have clearly signaled they like this stuff enough to pay for it. And responsible management would mean making more of these services available to satisfy consumer demand.
But this is going down a very specific path. I was just wondering why people think micro transactions in a full priced game are bad. It's like saying expensive electronics shouldn't offer optional warranty or something. Like its whatever these things will live or die by consumer's revealed preferences (purchases).
Why the outrage?
Here is a really minor example.
We currently have a special event going on (Halloween). I log into my main character and go trick-or-treating. I immediately get 1 glue and a legendary mask. I then get 3 quests. I've been logged in for 5 minutes.
It is pointless for me to fill my bag and attempt to do the three quests (I did them just to see what the rewards are). The only things you receive are temporary masks, and there are a no opportunities to get additional ones permanently. You get 2. Everything additional mask received is pointless.
...unless you spend money.
If I spend real money, I get more masks permanently, which means I have more incentive to run the additional content. By spending money, this content now has more value.
I know it really isn't 'that' big of a deal. It really is just cosmetic. However, this is supposed to be a 'special event'. Iron banner is a special event. The queens wrath was a special event. Neither were even remotely impacted by micro transactions. This one is entirely impacted by them. The fear that people have is that future ones will be impacted by them.
If every special event amounts to 'well, you really don't have any reason to partake unless you spend some silver' then that is a problem. Cosmetic or not.
Any tips how my brother and me can get through nightfall? We're both light lvl 290 but it seems impossible sometimes ;( is a 3 man Team necessary?
One area they haven't done is space 😎
Bungie plz
Twilight pls. If Destiny 2 doesn't have a loading pause between The Divide and The Rocketyard, no purchase from me.
Any tips how my brother and me can get through nightfall? We're both light lvl 290 but it seems impossible sometimes ;( is a 3 man Team necessary?
Use the modifiers to your advantage. Chain supers to counter trickle.
Airborne means you should shoot while jumping for extra damage.
Specialist favors special weapon damage. Prioritize shotguns and snipers.
Speaking of loading screens..
Has anyone's menus gotten really slow / bad? For like the last month or so? I don't think I could've done The Chaperone quests if it had taken as long to load my menus and switch weapons as it does now.