Anybody up for an Oyrx kill then a full run after?
Anybody up for an Oyrx kill then a full run after?
Thanks all for the hard raid.
Got the worm God's boon at 317 light,
Harrowed smite of Mera in at 317 ,
anguish of Drystan at 307 and
mouth of ur at 300,
harrow ed midha's reckoning at 312,
harrow ed of chasm of yuul at 315.
Feels pretty good![]()
Anybody up for an Oyrx kill then a full run after?
But I like my stats ;_; I've been scraping and clawing to get my overall K/D above 2.0 after being a scrub so long throughout vanilla and TDB. I didn't start taking PvP seriously until HoW honestly. It's at ~1.95, can't turn back now haha
It's light must die mode.
I tried!Easy fix. Tank your stats.
I ought to punch you in the taint!Ahahahahahahahahahah. It will take months! Months! Psn will go down time and time again!
Seeing as how I can't seem to make the teams already raiding, I'm hoping to start a Hard Mode run from Totems. Anyone else up for it?
I ought to punch you in the taint!![]()
Hey, but this one gives more glimmer for killing Warlocks! I'll definitely remember to equip that whenever I play PvP. Sweet loots.
You couldn't pay me $100 to solo queue Elimination. It's bad enough trying to kill faster than they die in Skirmish.
3v3 is real tough for me to enjoy currently. If I solo queue the skill-based MM will make sure my teammates have no thumbs. With one teammate I match a full team of sweaty try-hards. With a full team I still match the same full sweaty try hard teams so everyone on my team has to be decent/actually trying. It's the downside of having good Crucible stats, I never get matched against scrubby scrubs.
I'm up for it. PSN is MrJellyBean.
Seeing as how I can't seem to make the teams already raiding, I'm hoping to start a Hard Mode run from Totems. Anyone else up for it?
New stats:
Warlock 315
Hunter 314
Titan 315
Now got the complete hm raid sets for my warlock and titan
Also need the 310 artifact on my hunter
4 spots for Hard Mode from Totems:
1. XchildofhateX
2. MrJellyBean
New stats:
Warlock 315
Hunter 314
Titan 315
Now got the complete hm raid sets for my warlock and titan
Also need the 310 artifact on my hunter
All my characters are in the 304-306 range.
I feel like that's kind of a crummy place to be. Too low to be anything but a liability in Hard Mode.....and nobody really even seems to want to run Normal anymore.
Come run from totems again with your Hunter...
If I can find myself a 310 exotic helmet for my warlock and hunter this week i'll have everyone at 314 minimum.
Still have room?2 spots for Hard Mode from Totems:
1. XchildofhateX
2. MrJellyBean
3. Rarbusto
4. hibano23
I tried!
"Here play this."
"I don't know how to play this!"
Still have room?
Mindlog if so.
Hunter or Titan whatever we need most.
Me and Hibano are running Hunters, not sure about everyone else. I can switch to Titan for Oryx if we do that though.
Loaded up Destiny. Did some Gunsmith stuff. Tried to play PvP. I'm watching Netflix now. Dark times.
Your mistake was trying to play pvp. Don't try. Ever.
Loaded up Destiny. Did some Gunsmith stuff. Tried to play PvP. I'm watching Netflix now. Dark times.
I would feel so horrible if this happened to me up 8-0 and 4-4.
I would feel so horrible if this happened to me up 8-0 and 4-4.
How important is getting the legendary sword ASAP? Any good element to pick for a first sword?
2.0 K/D is really impressive. Destiny is the first FPS I have really ever played MP for and am scrubbing it up with an all-time 0.9 K/D. I have improved greatly over the last year, but still have a ways to go. My current K/D is higher at ~1.6 now since I have a crap ton of scrubby play to overcome in early year 1.
I like to blame lag too... which is partially true, my connection is shit on WiFi, the few times I played wired I noticed a considerable improvement, but unfortunately it is not practical with my current Home Theater setup to run wired.
Maybe $100 towards the Xbox... Kappa
Usually it's best to go with whatever element corresponds to your preferred subclass, due to the Exotic sword quest.
However I believe the general ranking of the Exotics goes something like this:
PvE: Dark Drinker ≥ Raze Lighter > Bolt Caster
PvP: Bolt Caster >>>>> Dark Drinker > Raze Lighter
Are swords in PvP actually a thing? Also getting this on Nightstalker so I should get the Void one or no?
Are swords in PvP actually a thing? Also getting this on Nightstalker so I should get the Void one or no?
They're a thing when people are trying to get some stupid part of a certain Exotic quest done lmfao
But Bolt Caster is only kind of viable for PvP because of the fuckin Destructo Disc that it fires. Fortunately for you, Dark Drinker is amaze in PvE for clearing out trash mobs
^ Dead controller had nothing to do w that outcome. 100% chance he would have gotten smashed anyway, even if he got two GG shots off to kill the guy.
Hunter is good for getting all 3 elemental ability kills for the 3 swords. Honestly doesn't matter which one. Arc sword is cool for PvP but not OP or anything. Solar and Void rek faces in mid level PvE.
What's the point of legendary marks after your light level is past 280?
Is it just to buy weapons you haven't scored through RNG?
Also, the Gunsmith's exotic apparently is only 280. Should I bother getting it? I'm not getting enough 300+ weapons to justify infusing them into low light weapons
What's the point of legendary marks after your light level is past 280?
Is it just to buy weapons you haven't scored through RNG?
Also, the Gunsmith's exotic apparently is only 280. Should I bother getting it? I'm not getting enough 300+ weapons to justify infusing them into low light weapons
Charge your goddamn controllers, people.
I got 90 minutes, no mic, a baby on my lap. Let's play. I'd like to get some hm gear on my hunter. Any pros want to go through it fast on my behalf?
What's the point of legendary marks after your light level is past 280?
Is it just to buy weapons you haven't scored through RNG?
Also, the Gunsmith's exotic apparently is only 280. Should I bother getting it? I'm not getting enough 300+ weapons to justify infusing them into low light weapons