I can join PSN futbol_dude77
If you don't mind waitin 20 mins for akademik
One round away from Mercury. Doesn't get any worse than that. Some time things doesn't go your way.
Thanks for the help Driz.
Never give up. I'm up for some more.
I use to lose thousands of matches in SF before now being able to destroy top players. You just have to keep playing and grinding.
very stressful by doing a match with some team with that stats
Nah, it's not about stats. Trials is about teamwork so it's hard to hop in all these different groups when you don't have synergy, call outs etc. I had the same problem back in HoW, new MM just makes it less forgiving. Plus I fucking hate fucking losing so fucking much. Unstable is the only person I've met that hates losing with the same burning passion.
Those twins in your pic are creepy by the way.
Nah, it's not about stats. Trials is about teamwork so it's hard to hop in all these different groups when you don't have synergy, call outs etc. I had the same problem back in HoW, new MM just makes it less forgiving. Plus I fucking hate fucking losing so fucking much. Unstable is the only person I've met that hates losing with the same burning passion.
Those twins in your pic are creepy by the way.
Nah, it's not about stats. Trials is about teamwork so it's hard to hop in all these different groups when you don't have synergy, call outs etc. I had the same problem back in HoW, new MM just makes it less forgiving. Plus I fucking hate fucking losing so fucking much. Unstable is the only person I've met that hates losing with the same burning passion.
Those twins in your pic are creepy by the way.
I have three weapons with mutiple nodes that are unlocked, but I can't upgrade due to lack of weapon parts. And one weapon that can be infused, but alas, weapon parts.
In an hour and a half of patrols tonight (knocking off bounties, an exotic bounty step, and hoovering up glimmer) yielded 14 engrams. Two for weapons, the rest armor and class items. One of the weapons turned into a strange coin. The other, one weapon part.
The next update can't come soon enough.
I have three weapons with mutiple nodes that are unlocked, but I can't upgrade due to lack of weapon parts. And one weapon that can be infused, but alas, weapon parts.
In an hour and a half of patrols tonight (knocking off bounties, an exotic bounty step, and hoovering up glimmer) yielded 14 engrams. Two for weapons, the rest armor and class items. One of the weapons turned into a strange coin. The other, one weapon part.
The next update can't come soon enough.
Nerfing weapon parts was a few steps away from resetting exotics with Xur, as far as I'm concerned.
I'm really good at callouts since I always die first I have lots of free time to narrate what the enemy is doing in elaborate detail.
I hate losing in trials more than anything, specifically trials and 3v3 modes, 6v6 can be such a cluster fuck some times that I don't lose my cool as much. What I'm saying is if I'm not verbally screaming, I'm screaming on the inside![]()
I got the trials sniper with hidden hand and injection mold and I'm no expert, but it feels pretty legit. I wonder how it compares to the current top pvp snipers.
I'm really good at callouts since I always die first I have lots of free time to narrate what the enemy is doing in elaborate detail.
Haha I know you're joking but you also make a really good point. It's so critical to give these call-outs when you have wall hacks to see exactly where an enemy is. My biggest Trials pet peeve is when people die and start complaining about their teammates instead of calling out.
Snippity snip snip
First day is always worst day to play trials.
Tonight, I became legend, and made Coach R proud.
I'm having the same issue. One thing, I wasn't really aware of that someone on this thread told me was that leveling up your weapons before dismantling them to go from 1-2 to around 3-5. It doesn't solve the issue where I mainly receive armor engrams, but it's helped me back into the double digits, just barely.I have three weapons with mutiple nodes that are unlocked, but I can't upgrade due to lack of weapon parts. And one weapon that can be infused, but alas, weapon parts.
In an hour and a half of patrols tonight (knocking off bounties, an exotic bounty step, and hoovering up glimmer) yielded 14 engrams. Two for weapons, the rest armor and class items. One of the weapons turned into a strange coin. The other, one weapon part.
The next update can't come soon enough.
That moment you see some guy talking in Lumi's stream name DrDrizzay101. Seems familiar.
Lol nice LT.
I'm sure those guys were pissed
"so if you get 9 wins as long as you don't get 3 losses you can go to that one place?"
Anyone want to co op Halo 5 story mode with me?
GT: Raybunny
Your whole Trials LFG story hurt my soul, but this part especially
I would throw my PS4 through a window if I tried doing LFG Trials.
Ray is lost. He's been traveling too long and got used to GPS.
LMAO what I just saw....
better than any of the official trailers LOL
They were actually really nice. Sent is GGs after the match. Toughest team we played.
Well...only got HM raid to do. The rest is the same. Gotta try something different for a change.
I know, it was just a joke about posting in the wrong OT.
Everyone knows Destiny OTs are like 80% LFG-for-Halo-games posts. Only reason we've reached OT36. Kappa.
Edit: holy cow worst page top in the history of the Internet.
I know, it was just a joke about posting in the wrong OT.
Everyone knows Destiny OTs are like 80% LFG-for-Halo-games posts. Only reason we've reached OT36. Kappa.
Edit: holy cow worst page top in the history of the Internet.
Asked about what else was launching in the window after TTK released (this was as exotic missions/quests were still being doled out), Luke mentions the HM KF, and then says this about the challenge modes:
That confirmed a few things new to me. One, the challenges will be focused on one boss fight each (implied by the leaked names) because five of those thirteenths were HM, and they drop unique emblems/loot.
The last question in the interview:
This is the second time I've seen Luke mention the need to find ways for Destiny to group people up for more activities than it does now, but he elaborates on it more than in prior mentions. It sure sounds like some kind of LFG-type of solution is in the works.
The rest of the interview is insightful in ways Luke's interviews tend to be, but those are the passages that raised my eyebrow.