has anyone noticed paper scraps in their helmet items?
The things i do for checkpoints...
Festival of the lost ist over. Your blue masks were scrapped.
N00mi, you are the real MVP of DGAF!
HM Reset Raid
1. Glam
2. Sky Walker
3. Chrome Sitar
4. feetiemaomao
I'm good with this.HM Reset Raid
1. Glam
2. Sky Walker
3. Chrome Sitar
I'm in
edit: fucking hell shaxx doesn't have the NF bounties for me to pick up, what the fuck?
Any HM KF after the reset ?
I'm down to reset raid
I'm good with this.
PSN: coyquettish
I'm in
edit: fucking hell shaxx doesn't have the NF bounties for me to pick up, what the fuck?
HM Reset Raid
1. Glam
2. Sky Walker
3. Chrome Sitar
sent friend request.Join GlamFM
Nightfall is shield bros.
Still need 1?
Join on me PSN Jignxs for the checkpoint.
Also need 5 for the HM raid if anyone is still playing Destiny now that Fallout and BLOP3 is out.
Join on me PSN Jignxs for the checkpoint.
Also need 5 for the HM raid if anyone is still playing Destiny now that Fallout and BLOP3 is out.
Join on me PSN Jignxs for the checkpoint.
Also need 5 for the HM raid if anyone is still playing Destiny now that Fallout and BLOP3 is out.
Need 1 more for HM KF raid.
Join on me Jignxs
I've died 15 times and counting trying to solo a story mission where I'm fighting an echo on Phobos. Anyone want to take pity and help me beat it real quick?
Got it, thanks though!Dont know if I have you or not but my PSN name is the same as my GAF name.
Sending a request now.Got one more spot for NF.
Looking to do a quick birthday morning raid... Anyone with space?
Destiny tracker shows that I've got 45 calcified fragments but in game shows 43. I must have got 2 on an alt character (which I've barely played with).
Do I really have to retrace my steps?!
Reset Scrub'in Second run starting now!
Man this was fun.
Last Mercury run for the night starting soon. http://www.twitch.tv/twilightgap
Any room or are you all full?