I'm starting three runs of the nightfall if anyone would like to join...
PSN: HidingMyThunder
Just doing POE will get back to this shortly.Any Iron Banner Trains happening??
Add me on PSN. I'm going to keep playing. Would be good if we could get 6.
PSN the_id
1. the_id
Very impressive.
Sure!I'll join for 2 if thats ok
I can run two also.Sure!
You know.. I think this is a new addition to give people more value to duplicate IB loot like class items, emblems and shaders.
It's actually the same item lol.
By that, I mean I only have one IB cloak.
Ghaleon is playing Crucible
these are dark times indeed
Thanks LT-44 for the NF!
So do I hang onto the big bounties till later in the week for iron banner?
They are worth a lot more then aren't they?
I went from 287 to 291 if it makes you feel better!Warlock 314
Hunter 315
Titan 315
No meaningful light level progression in three weeks of Destiny.
Man I love using hand cannons and scouts, but I just keep going back to this one.
It's just too fucking good
Haha nice!
Pulse rifles are "getting their day" in the current meta to say the least.
Any IB trains need one more?
I'm solo queuing right now. Let's start one.
The PDX-45s are coming
I made a character on another psn account I had (out of boredom/shits and giggles) and got him to Light Level 296 in a week. Mostly thanks to the Spark of Light consumable and my buddies who power leveled me through the Weekly/nightfall and raid.
People jumping in on TTK have no idea how easy they have it.
I really enjoyed only having one character this past week, I am giving serious thought to deleting one or maybe two of my alts. I feel like prior to TTK it was kinda necessary to have three whereas now drops are so plentiful that it's not so necessary any longer.
TTK is much more friendly to single characters than Destiny year 1; I barely touch my alts. No reason to delete them though, unless it bugs you to have them around. You might get the itch to run a different class now and then.I made a character on another psn account I had (out of boredom/shits and giggles) and got him to Light Level 296 in a week. Mostly thanks to the Spark of Light consumable and my buddies who power leveled me through the Weekly/nightfall and raid.
People jumping in on TTK have no idea how easy they have it.
I really enjoyed only having one character this past week, I am giving serious thought to deleting one or maybe two of my alts. I feel like prior to TTK it was kinda necessary to have three whereas now drops are so plentiful that it's not so necessary any longer.