Chaperone was never meant to be used for two easy body shots. It's a precision shotgun. Get headshots and you'll probably out distance other shotguns, especially with the increased precision modifier.
Chaperone was never meant to be used for two easy body shots. It's a precision shotgun. Get headshots and you'll probably out distance other shotguns, especially with the increased precision modifier.
I had no idea you could use Blues to infuse Legendaries and Exotics. Lol whoops.
Chaperone was never meant to be used for two easy body shots.
On that note, tonight I learned you can use armor items from one class to infuse another (Hunter chest to improve Titan chest). Mind. Blown.
No, but it was the only Plan B for a weapon with a very narrow focus and viability.
But who cares now, the decision is made. Only a couple goofballs used it before now it's just going to be another dead exotic.
On that note, tonight I learned you can use armor items from one class to infuse another (Hunter chest to improve Titan chest). Mind. Blown.
Interesting. I'll keep this in mind if I ever get a Warlock drop, since I could never bring myself so low as to play as one of those nerds.On that note, tonight I learned you can use armor items from one class to infuse another (Hunter chest to improve Titan chest). Mind. Blown.
Wait, what's the definition of an IB "train"? I thought it was just fireteaming up to have teammates that arent soloqueue. Am I missing something?
I wonder if the buffs make Fabian's strategy actually viable. Would be interesting.
I might whip out my old scout rifle again... My 307 trials pulse is faring well but the "not like the others" has "felt" the best of all the guns I've used so far. (Well, the eirene comes close)
Wait, what's the definition of an IB "train"? I thought it was just fireteaming up to have teammates that arent soloqueue. Am I missing something?
It's a train because it steamrolls other teams. DGaf has lots of great PvP players!
Nope. Running a train is also a thing but not entirely what is being referred to in this context.
Actually, maybe.
I swear if they make pulse rifles as bad as auto rifles I'm done with Destiny.
Where is mom?
Weasel error
Cloudberry error
Weasel error
Lost connection to Destiny servers
I just want to finish these IB bounties pls ;_;
Lost seven games in a row solo queuing iron banner.
Iron Banner hand cannon here. Was 3 v. 6 for a lot of it. So much carry. But the hand cannon was a star.
Sounds like I should buy it then, since I love HCs
Weapon update we'll have to see how it falls but on paper it doesn't look like the answer i'm looking for
That changes makes high impact pulses useless as they need an extra burst. Extra burst on high/medium rof aren't as bad.
Apart from range, nothing has really been done to change the way some people use the shotgun as a primary. Good move IMHO. The Chaperone will still be a beast in the right hands (not mine) and kill at long range with a headshot (its nearly double the quest conspiracy theory range).
The Supercell will reign.
Handcannon accuracy, yes. TLW?
Goodbye LiTC, you will not be missed.
This IB hand cannon aint half bad.
It's a train because it steamrolls other teams. DGaf has lots of great PvP players!
We've had a pretty sweet train rolling this morning. Check out a highlight clip:
We've had a pretty sweet train rolling this morning. Check out a highlight clip:
The Vendor Peril seems to be good because of Smallbore giving more stability and range. My Peril has
Not gonna lie - Destiny is beginning to feel like a Frankenstein of a game with all these balances.
My main group creamed HM Oryx for the first time last night. It was a perfect run as well.
That final missing trophy get!
The bad news - not a single primary drop for anyone.
KF Newbie Raid #4 down! Everyone did great.
It definitely is the most challenging of the three to run as a newbie raid, in part because more coordination is required but also because it can be tougher than the others to determine where a problem is. But also by far the most satisfying to complete. I finally got the Titan helm (the only armor piece on any class I cared about in this raid) on killing the big guy too so I'm happy.
That bad huh? Solo has been nothing short of disastrous for me, every game I get the players playing with their feet.
Man you guys wrecked that other train with a titan hammer!
I swear to god, i really don't get Bungie balance/crucible team.
In my opinion, what they are doing is plain wrong and they should literally learn to balance from other companies.
PR were garbage up to almost HoW. Literally NO ONE used them. Buff, buff, buff, ... bam.. everyone used them. Now they SUPER NERF them AGAIN. 10% dmg is A LOT! Really lot.
Why not nerf by 1-2%, if it's not enough, NERF AGAIN, slowly!
So basically, i have been trying to acquire a good Hawksaw for 3 months, i got one decent, now, in 2 weeks, will be garbage. I will probably have to acquire the new flavor or the trimester again, rinse & repeat.
Hand cannon buff, AR buff? Yeah, very much needed. Why? Cause the nerf was too big last time!
Bungie, i swear, you always do this huge nerf/buffs! That's always bad (example: shotguns in PVE - 100% buff, then nerfed again, by almost the same value!)
Why not use public test servers? Blizzard does it, it's amazing. Test out just pvp for a few weeks. Nerf/buff by smaller percentage.
Shotguns: my prediction is that the nerf will be too strong. ADS, stow etc. wasn't the issue here. If person A gets into my face, i should melt him in millisecond once he comes behind that corner. Now with slow ADS, stow etc. i can't punish him as now.
Biggest issue of shotguns in my opinion was this:
person A and B see each other at a mid distance. Person A has a shotgun, person B a primary. There should be NO WAY for A to close the gap to B and shotgun him. Now, person A ''warriors'' through B fire, thanks to blink or super high agility he comes with a sliver of health to B and oneshots him.
That death for B is unfair.
They should just add that ANY incoming fire slows you walk/run/jump speed significantly, that way you can't close distance gaps by ''warrioring'' through enemy fire.
Another nerf could be in ammo capacity. Each ammo box adds 3-4 shotgun shells, that way you must think when to use shotgun.
So now, you basically are restricted to snipers. I cannot believe Bungie doesn't see snipers are OP right now. Snipers should never have this super fast ADS and should never quickscope ppl at mid/low distance. Also aim assist right now is beyond overpowered. I swear to god with my 1000y/snapshot/HH sniper i can pull some crazy shots and i don't consider myself that amazing with snipers.
Often i see streamers using sniper as ''primary'' (headshot from distance, bodyshot from close/mid) and primary as a ''finish him'' weapon after the bodyshot.
Why is this different that a guy shotgunning all match?
Again, nerfs should be in AA and ammo capacity. Can't be sniping whole game, come on.
Balance changes are always debatable and there will always be different point of views, but my main point is... please, for the love of god, don't buff/nerf into oblivion, do small changes. By huge nerfs/buffs the result will always be a CHANGE in the ''flavor of the month'', there will always be big gaps between weapon archetypes.
The goal should always have more viable weapons, with small effective differences between them.
And leave PVE alone. I fear PR will be crap in PVE (they did buff PVE dmg, but seems like an effective nerf in the end).
PS: if they bring back MIDA to Y2 i know what weapon i will use from now on ^^
PPS: i bet VexM and Necrochasm will be back, since ppl demand that on reddit and we know how Bungie loves reddit posts.
So now, you basically are restricted to snipers. I cannot believe Bungie doesn't see snipers are OP right now. Snipers should never have this super fast ADS and should never quickscope ppl at mid/low distance. Also aim assist right now is beyond overpowered. I swear to god with my 1000y/snapshot/HH sniper i can pull some crazy shots and i don't consider myself that amazing with snipers.
Often i see streamers using sniper as ''primary'' (headshot from distance, bodyshot from close/mid) and primary as a ''finish him'' weapon after the bodyshot.
Why is this different that a guy shotgunning all match?
Again, nerfs should be in AA and ammo capacity. Can't be sniping whole game, come on.
And leave PVE alone. I fear PR will be crap in PVE (they did buff PVE dmg, but seems like an effective nerf in the end).