The thing TTK did very right is that I had zero desire to touch my alts. I have all exotics and didn't need to rely on alts, a lot of them are quest bound and others eventually just came by 3oC usage. NF is shit anyway and only ran it 3 times. I never felt the urge to run KF 3 times in a week. I completed it perhaps 3 times over the last few months. Its okay, there is no need for me to rinse it.
Best thing I have done is kicking those alts down the gutter.
I disagreed with zoba when he made that thread but he was right. I accept it.
Well... I mean there are 3 class specific exoticsPersonally the variety of playing as each class is critical to maintaining my interest. I feel like it gives a full picture of "what Destiny is" and it's definitely important for understanding PvP.
I would disagree - the conversation can always use nuance.I understand. My point is there's no such thing as "in principle," there's only reality. It doesn't help the conversation to say "if this fatal and unavoidable flaw didn't exist..."
People in this thread getting bored.
I suppose I picked the wrong time to jump back into Destiny. D:
I don't have Raze Lighter and Dark Drinker, true. But thats mainly because the quest is so shit. Otherwise I might've considered. If I could just grab the 2 other swords, infuse them and do Darkblade again it'll be cool.
As for classes, I had a 34 Warlock as well and played a good 100 hours with it but I could never really get to terms with it, In terms of movement and pure gunplay Hunter is my class.
I wonder if they plan to do small things like Y2 versions of the rest of the Y1 strikes, Y2 Prison of Elders, etc. I think there's a lot of small things they could do-- whether alone or in total that would be enough to keep the player base attached, I have no idea. I can imagine them hoping to make it through the holidays without any announcements, see how many units they move via Xmas sales, markdowns,, etc., and then see where they stand in January and evaluate. I have no real idea though, just thinking out loud.
I'll join you.Nightfall time!
Room for two. Be there or be a plane figure with four equal straight sides and four right angles.
psn thetylerdurden
I'll join you.
Don't worry about it.People in this thread getting bored.
I suppose I picked the wrong time to jump back into Destiny. D:
Frequent patches have never happened in Destiny's history. Get ready to wait for months.He called that shit a long time ago. I was really hoping with the frequent patches Bungie would have addressed it by now, but I guess it's not happening.
What are we supposed to do during the wait for Destiny 2?
TTK for the remainder of the year sounds... not good.
I'm worried about The Division's community.
Those darkness zones with PVP or whatever the name was, and the fact that you can betray your teammates, well... I don't see this fostering a nice community like Destiny has... :/
lately reading the Destiny OT has gotten me a little down.. and it's hard to blame people.
anyways, I know reddit is mostly positive about Destiny so I figured I'd go hang out over there for the afternoon.
Let's see what the top post of this active positive community is.
I think I might just stay off Destiny internet for a while. All of my real life friends don't even worry about this stuff and they are having a blast with the game.
I expect the Division to disappoint in a big way.
It looks like it could be incredible and hopefully it turns out that way but I'm skeptical. Very skeptical.
Yeah this is the biggest issue right now. I don't mind having mostly exhausted TTK. It's been fun and I'll still enjoy reset raiding plus a little bit of Trials each week. Ignoring all the boring stuff like Dailies, bounties, Gunsmith tests etc. is fine by me.
But the fact they've been silent about a meaningful content release concerns me. Are they really focusing just on Destiny 2 now? With only the MT-funded Live team adding Festival of Lost style bits and pieces over the next 10 months? Maybe they're okay with letting the game die in order to make D2 as big as possible... but the game will be ice-cold by then.
Yeah I'm not too worried about it. This is my shooter game for the foreseeable future regardless of what other people are doing. I just can't get into Halo 5 unfortunately.see, this is the kind of stuff I wanted to avoid.
Xeno, the game isn't dead. The people who are bored (see part of the previous discussion) make up about 1% of all Destiny players.
If anything you just picked the wrong time to jump into the Destiny GAF thread.
The reason people here are getting 'bored' is because they've already poured hundreds, if not thousands of hours into the game. for one more
oohhhh yes it was really really long........... to get a 150 Hot Head rocket launcher without Tracking and without Grenades & Horseshoes.
People in this thread getting bored.
I suppose I picked the wrong time to jump back into Destiny. D:
This is what I've really been wondering. In a weird way, knowing there was new content on the horizon has been a spur for me to keep make sure I'm at a good level going into it, and that I'll have a decent stock to give me a boost at the start.
I weirdly enjoyed completing bounties just before TTK, to give me a boost at launch.
(This is the inverse of "why bother levelling up - you'll just need to do it again anyway).
With just a vacumn on the horizon I don't feel any incentive to make sure I'm close to 320...
Guys guys guys, tonight is the night. I'm getting lucky.
That scout rifle is going to drop, and a hard mode helmet too.
Frequent patches have never happened in Destiny's history. Get ready to wait for months.
Other than that past couple weeks, there was a patch or hotfix every week since Taken King launched.
So they say that microtransactions will basically fund dlc for the year so we don't get pissed off when it's implemented, then 2 weeks later straight up say 'had our fingers crossed' and say they are still doing paid dlc?
I got my very first Scout today!. I also finally got my first Warlock and Hunter helms, both hard mode too. I believe in your luck Noomi!305 normal scout w life support :-/
They only do that when there's an exploit or something they need to fix like the recent Nightstalker super glitch. Quiver is still broken which is kinda shocking. I really wish they would release balancing patches frequently.Other than that past couple weeks, there was a patch or hotfix every week since Taken King launched.
I got my very first Scout today!. I also finally got my first Warlock and Hunter helms, both hard mode too. I believe in your luck Noomi!305 normal scout w life support :-/
Bigger patch coming sometime around mid November I think.
Thanks man. I'm a crazy person who is going to attempt to manage two different characters on two different platforms, but I'll hit you up if I need help on PSN.Nah, it's always a good time. That just means there's plenty of stuff for you to do. Lord knows I'll always be here if you need help.
Said it many times but bears repeating: TTK is great. I like it a lot. Tons of fun stuff, tons of improvements. But the endgame is bad and most everyone here is firmly entrenched in the end game. We have a skewed view but it's still important for the larger player base. We're the canary in the coal mine that warns of trouble ahead for casual players. We're just the first people to recognize where the systems break down.
They only do that when there's an exploit or something they need to fix like the recent Nightstalker super glitch. Quiver is still broken which is kinda shocking. I really wish they would release balancing patches frequently.
They never said MTs would fund the DLC. They said MTs would fund the "live team".
A kotaku article with un-named sources said that MTs would fund the DLC and that it would all be free. Bungie nor Acti never commented on the article.
That's exactly the reason I unsubbed from FFXIV a few months ago. Doing Fractal and Neverreap for Esoterics every week is just not something I want to do. Alex savage is pretty nasty too and I hate the token system. It's just not fun for me. Destiny doesn't have a monthly sub so the endgame is kinda tolerable.FFXIV's endgame is ass right now, which is part of the reason I'm playing a bunch of different games now.
Psn, manthatyoufear.
Thats 9 central time right? I'll join PSN futbol_dude77 Warlock 309
What difference does it make? If you like a dance you buy it. If you don't think it's worth it you don't.No one at Bungie/Activision bothered to correct that article when it was released though. It sure was in their best interest to wait until now to clear the air.