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DOTA 2 |OT8| DOTA Asian Championship (1/27-2/9)

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Dagon EBlade OP, dontyaknow!? **I just realized he lost. Welp.
They are also only being sold for a limited time, until January 15th.
I didn't know valve had amiibos
Understood. And whatever you can do to blunt the blow of criticism, do your best to try it. The less people feel defensive (especially when they're struggling), the more receptive they will be to altering their positioning or style of play. Like last night I was struggling as a carry against a team with 4 blink dagger initiators. Instead of,

"Yo wtf guys. FFS...counter-initiate on them goddamnit. We're gonna lose. WTF is our Venge doing"

my approach was,

"Hey guys, they're looking for opportunities to initiate on me. I'm gonna try to hang back, but be ready if they try to do the same thing again. Venge, be ready to swap me out next time if possible."

or something along those lines.

Whether it's about improving positioning or items or skill builds, I generally get, "ok" as opposed to "stfu". There will be some of those too and you can't do anything about that...but as they say, it is often possible to make lemonade if you add enough sugar to the mix.

Embody the change you want to see in the community and you'll often have better experiences than most. If something constructive can't be said, don't say anything until there is something constructive that can be added.

I think part of the issue is that I do embody how I wish people would behave in ranked. Issue is, I don't think others agree with me lol. I understand what you're saying though. I'm honestly not bad, people are just so overly sensitive I'm surprised I haven't gotten LPQ given I can't keep my mouth shut.


Corporate Apologist
Got the EE Drow and the Empire Tiny from my first box, I'm happy.

Oddly the Drow set doesn't have Envy Gems in it, but the Empire set does.


So this was me playing an earth spirit on a gaf stack http://www.dotabuff.com/matches/1096143358


Dont worry... I still love you... sort of... maybe... its classified


New CM is pretty good

Was skeptical but after playing a match im sold

She still needs a few fast levels to do anything bit that first Ultimate is glorious

Got a triple kill due to its retarded range. Enemy AM tried to blink away but he was still in the AOE so he died. Was pretty butthurt


From what I have just read, Huskar's heal and burning spears and Oracle's ultimate synergize very well. I have to test this.
From what I have just read, Huskar's heal and burning spears and Oracle's ultimate synergize very well. I have to test this.

combo is legit. Crazy strong. You can even run support necro and make it even more ridiculous. Or core necro and safelane huskar/dual lanes.


From what I have just read, Huskar's heal and burning spears and Oracle's ultimate synergize very well. I have to test this.


It's not as easy to execute as you'd think, you have to make sure you use the ulti after he jumps in since he loses hp on "impact" and not at the start of the cast, which is not always a given considering how far huskars tend to jump in sometimes. Fate's edict doesn't work super well with his burning spearks either, and while purifying flames can work very well with huskar it can also be kind of awkward to cast in some situations.

If you time your skills well it is a scary ass combo though.

I was watching a friend's replay and saw this guy's Oracle build.


It was pretty crazy. I can't tell if this dude didn't know what the fuck he was doing or if he knew exactly what he was doing.

Seems like a common build, not sure what you think is wrong with it. Urn is super core, Atos is amazing on oracle (less so than eul's though) and the rest benefit from the great BAT on the hero.


Seems like a common build, not sure what you think is wrong with it. Urn is super core, Atos is amazing on oracle (less so than eul's though) and the rest benefit from the great BAT on the hero.

I don't think anything is wrong with it, since it was working and he was doing really well. Maybe it's just my bracket or the players I get grouped with but most Oracles I've seen built typical support items. Maybe they're the ones playing wrong. I also don't have a lot of experience with the hero myself having only played him once.

I wish you could make multiple load outs of hero cosmetics, and set them to rotate the entire load out.

Yeah. It would be nice if the implemented TF2's item set system with Dota 2's shuffle.
i just want to be able to check things to be in a pool to shuffle

maybe i only want the five new loading screens to be my only loading screens for a bit
Seeing Complexity continue to be terrible is kind of sad, must suck for them to have dominated HoN for so long and yet see a tier 2 HoN player like PPD be on a top team in Dota


Matt, any idea if we'll be able to buy that golden hookblade of skadi box around these parts?

My guess is probably not, but one can still hope.


Corporate Apologist
I still assume the chest is just going to be sold on the store in a month, but I keep seeing people say its perfect world exclusive, but no source for the claim.


The Phase Boots being turned the other way bothers me so much. I know it's to match the other boots, but it still bothers the fuck out of me.


Does anyone play Riki a lot here? I've been thinking about trying him as an offlaner, as I think he could be quite strong, but I don't know which skills to max first. On the one hand, 1 point in invis could be enough to sap exp and roam around with, but on the other it means you can't really contest cs as much due to the long fade time giving them 8 secs to harass you down or kill you. Backstab seems like you really need it because otherwise you hit like wet tissue, but you also need smokecloud. I just can't decide which skill gets the boot.

Big Dog

The Phase Boots being turned the other way bothers me so much. I know it's to match the other boots, but it still bothers the fuck out of me.

Crap like that is why I'm happy I have a custom items icon override. My phase boots are just as good lookin' as they always were.
Friend feeds 14 deaths as sniper, make all the space in the world as Crystal Maiden with new buffs, game last long enough for Spectre to dilly dally into items, win fights, guys lets push, towers at 88 hp, poor network conditions detected this game will not be counted.

A tale from US East.

Deleted member 77995

Unconfirmed Member
Alright so I went and watched your replay. So here are my impressions (if I'm being harsh I apologize, its not intended):

  • You walked right into Storm's Remnants a couple of times. Avoid doing that. They hurt alot and you should be harassing him out of lane, not walking up to him in melee range.
  • As QoP you are a lane bully so you should have won that lane, even if you had a harder time farming compared to Storm you should have prevented him from getting last hits. A farmed storm does much more than a farmed QoP. Prevent him from getting to that stage. I saw that in your top 4 played heroes were included Viper and Sniper. Basically play QoP like you play those. Everytime that storm went for last hits you should have been punishing him for it. Right click him (while still not walking too close) until he backs off.
  • Go for runes everytime they spawn (every 2 min. So 2, 4, 6, 8, etc). So you can keep spamming your abilities and prevent Storm from getting stuff that should be dangerous vs you.
  • You went for recovery kills after dying twice to Storm which is fine, you couldn't do much to bully or kill him and you were behind in last hits so that was the logical choice to make. Go for squishy targets, that game you had an ench, kotl, and zeus to gank, but you did maybe one gank were you blew you ult on a kunkka under the effect of his rum.
  • You needed more mana items early, you weren't going to get that orchid quickly. You could have bought stuff like power treads and put them on int, a magic wand, a null talisman so you could have had a decent mana pool instead of 500 mana at level 8 which means you run out of mana very quickly.
  • For the orchid, if you want int grab the robe of the magi first, the sobi mask doesn't give much regen early and you already had a bottle.
  • Make things happen. You can't be content with farming vs Storm as he'll do more than you later on. Go for ganks, help your team get a lead.
  • Don't try ganking Storm after he go level 6, he can dodge your damage with ball lightning if hes good enough. Focus on the guaranteed kills like Kotl and ench.

To be fair though, your team didn't have much control for Storm in the first place, your only big stun was Tiny and he got bkb, so if he snowballed you were gonna have a hard time.

Hope that helped.
Thx for the input. My itemization is something I can fix right away, the other stuff I'll just have to make some good habits and break bad ones. You're a saint.
Does that mean you have the ability to play with these icons, I fucking love the elder dragon form one. Or is it only good for items?

You can mod in custom ability icons. Someone would have to cut all those out and then rename them under the right icon and then you just -override_vpk.
wqhat is dota doing? why am i downlading a 3.1 gb update?
I'm guessing it was an alpha tools update, but that's just a guess.

edit: yup

Official Changelog

Improved performance and memory used when playing custom games
Added support for playing custom games on 32bit Windows [XP]
Added Direct3D 9 support

Added ability to blend between tile sets in the tile editor using override materials.
Added additional materials and blending between tile sets in the example dota_pvp_tiled map.
Added additional controls for adjusting the rotation and pitch of trees in the tile editor.
Added ability to swap existing plant placements in the tile editor in the same way trees could already be swapped.
Added functionality to look up a tile in a tile set by right clicking it while in the tile editor.
Added high contrast lighting mode option in Hammer viewports.
Added a new alternate desert tile set which can be applied to maps built using the tile editor.
Modified the multiblend shader so all four layers can have independent rotation and scale while using world space UVs.
Fixed Hammer bug where if a map failed to load the progress bar would never go away. Fixed bug where objects using the world space UVs option of the multiblend shader would - sometimes flicker.
Fixed particle bug related to delays on nested child particle systems
Added texture sequence preview to assetbrowser and PET texture picker
Fixed bug with Hammer particle preview where control point entities were normally ignored (as soon as the system was restarted)
Change particles to use the new KV3 compiler & resource version (content format is unchanged for now)
Initial support for hitboxes in PET
Assetbrowser honors texture alpha channel, has a channel selector
Made placement of data-driven units in Hammer more robust
Fixed a number of visual bugs in particle effects
Fixed bugs in portrait rendering, including rendering multiple selected units correctly
Increased connection timeout to 3 minutes
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