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DOTA 2 |OT8| DOTA Asian Championship (1/27-2/9)

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Got a creator's light (white) pris gem for mah birthday

which sounds better for the arcana techies mines

"Dildo's Delicious Bambury Eggs"


"Dildo's Delicious Boombury Eggs"

As a riff on Cadbury eggs for those who don't know


Got a creator's light (white) pris gem for mah birthday

which sounds better for the arcana techies mines

"Dildo's Delicious Bambury Eggs"


"Dildo's Delicious Boombury Eggs"

As a riff on Cadbury eggs for those who don't know

sell it
six days, holy crap.

well, I'll be here Lol. Definitely going. I wonder if it's at Key Arena again, or...? They didn't specify. HMMM
Also going, but fuck 6 days. Ya'll can have it. I'll do 3. 3 was exhausting @ TI3 with all the lines and standing around. Not to mention watching 12 hours of doto matches per day is exhausting as hell.


Every year should be purple.

you, sir, are insane. GOLD is the best color.

I don't want to go to TI5

seattle is lovely and all but like


bring your ass.


I finally found the perfect gif that describes what it's like to play this game.



Low priority is so awesome. The Spectre on the other team walked into our jungle, dropped a bottle and gave us the first blood before the game even started.


Low priority is so awesome. The Spectre on the other team walked into our jungle, dropped a bottle and gave us the first blood before the game even started.

How did you get in low priority man? I thought you were an upstanding citizen


Okay, this is frustrating. What carry straight up beats PA other than Void? I feel like the only go-to carries lately are Void and PA, at least as far as pubs are concerned.
Okay, this is frustrating. What carry straight up beats PA other than Void? I feel like the only go-to carries lately are Void and PA, at least as far as pubs are concerned.

i mean there isnt a super hard counter to her necessarily by heroes

you have to play wisely in your initiations and item choices

thats why pubs are bad at dealing with her

just pick nuke and kill her over and over before she gets her bkb which in greedy pubs gives you a big window
You guys know that feeling when your team lost mid pretty bad, lost all your towers and half your rax while the enemy still has T2's, are being shit-talked for the last 30 minutes by the enemy rat about how good he is and bad we are, are trying to deal with a SF that had a butterfly @ 30 minutes and have to turtle and try to keep everyone's spirits up...



...and you and your WR carry that shit like you were born to do it? Then get to ask the shit-talker why he's so quiet?

That feel is the best feel.

Never give up boys.
Bristleback. Troll. PL. I'm sure a few others do fine.

At this point its like ur not even trying


Doom also. Doom counters everything, and she's not a natural Linken's buyer. If you want to put a PA out of a fight, just Doom her. That said, there aren't many that can stand against her effectively once she gets BKB.

I also like Axe a lot against her. Since his most important abilities all go through BKB.

AM is pretty good if you can get to 30 minutes and not be behind her in items (and go basher --> abyssal, since that also goes through BKB).

Basically you want heroes whose skills work well against BKB (Axe, Mag, Bane, Jugg) who or buy items that go through BKB (Bashers and Abyssals).

Sniper isn't bad either IF you can get yourself into a safe position away from her line of sight. That attack speed slow does fucking WORK.


I'm surprised at the amount of Not Drow games you have, DV. Also as a Known Frost Archer Lover do you feel the same way about Ashe as you do Drow?

No. I find her extremely boring to play. Since there's really no orb walking or anything like that in League, all you really do is stand there and autoattack. I find it pretty awful. Her ult is the shit, however. And AOE slow is nice if you have some tanks up front to keep people off your ass.

Double Thor with mom. What an idiot

he thought his shit didn't stink. but up 20k, up 6 towers, and up 2 sets of rax, I suppose he had room to feeling himself. But they forgot to finish. Not that they didn't try. They went and got Rosh at least twice when all we had was our mid tower and rax, then pushed. They just got shit on by good RP's, good shackles, and a whoooole lot of right-click from WR and I.


Tbh that huskar build is terrible. Armlet first and no phase boots mean you won't kill anyone decently in the midgame, it gimp your fight potential a lot. Especially considering they had zero ways to kill him had he went Meka-Phase, Void Bfury isn't gonna kill you in a million year.
Also that lategame configuration ain't killing anyone. Armlet, AC, Halberd, Bot, Satanic, Shiva, and it's important you stay half hp all the time else your damage output is shit.
Finally, the hero is playable as a single core (against certain lineups ofc) but can't really go that late in the game because then sheeps come out and he isn't a bkb-refresher kind of hero like Void or Slark.

EDIT: also dire jungling Juggernaut is the dumbest shit ever. He get more levels than a mid in 10 mins, 60 cs (of jungle creeps mind you), and a huge ganking potential right from lvl 1 with the spin. I guess he's autowin in any bracket where they don't permagank the jungle. Stout+QB+Tango into Aquila->Treads->Mom->Mael, skill build Q-W-E-Stats--E-Ult whatever
why would you go level 1 Q over E? seems like something that might be better for level 3 unless you plan on ganking level 1
No. I find her extremely boring to play. Since there's really no orb walking or anything like that in League, all you really do is stand there and autoattack. I find it pretty awful. Her ult is the shit, however. And AOE slow is nice if you have some tanks up front to keep people off your ass.
I know a guy who tried to play a few games of Dota and got fed up since Drow can't kite people in the same way as Ashe does (I played League from Rumble > Thresh so I get the mechanics and stuff).

I honestly think I prefer Ashe since she just does more things (competitive/"pub meta" viability aside) and Drow's last hitting before 6 is a pain in the fucking ass.
I know a guy who tried to play a few games of Dota and got fed up since Drow can't kite people in the same way as Ashe does (I played League from Rumble > Thresh so I get the mechanics and stuff).

I honestly think I prefer Ashe since she just does more things (competitive viability aside) and Drow's last hitting before 6 is a pain in the fucking ass.

You get used to the last hitting. And yea Drow doesn't have a get out of jail free ability like Ashe does (who has 2, really)...but I think you're overstating Ashe's ability to kite anything. Flash distorts the truth, which is that she's easy to catch and generally slow as shit. If she misses the AoE slow in a 1v1 scenario, she's dead.

If you want to kite people with Drow, max out your frost arrows first and buy Phase boots. If you can't kite them then, you need to practice your orb walking. Nobody is catching up to Drow with a 60% slow on them and phase boots active. Hit, move back, hit, move back until you see them turning to escape, then chase them with more arrows. Easy money. But you have to orb walk that shit.

I honestly think I prefer Ashe since she just does more things (competitive viability aside)
Once you realize the value of Gust and how it changes team fights, you'll change your opinion. Between the two characters, Gust is the single most impacting ability of all. Multi-hero gusts can single-handedly win team fights.

Imagine if Ashe could press a button and silence 3 or 4 enemy champions for 6 seconds each. Sheeeeeeyit.

Juggernaut literally free MMR.
He's very strong right now. I did wreck one earlier, though.


I found that both PA and Clinkz deal with him quite well. Mostly because the most popular build right now skips BKB entirely. Thus, he is very prone to being blown the fuck up by items like Orchids and other types of silences.
I know a guy who tried to play a few games of Dota and got fed up since Drow can't kite people in the same way as Ashe does (I played League from Rumble > Thresh so I get the mechanics and stuff).

I honestly think I prefer Ashe since she just does more things (competitive/"pub meta" viability aside) and Drow's last hitting before 6 is a pain in the fucking ass.

Ashe is pretty fun as far as League carries go. Not as fun as twitch or Ezreal, but pretty fun. Drow is pretty comparable in my mind. Both of them basically just right click and then use a crazy cool teamfight spell.

Still prefer more slippery carries like Clinkz or Weaver (or the aforementioned Twitch/Ezreal in League)


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Drow can solo kill/send to base a lot of melee heroes at level 4-5. I'd like to see Ashe do that.
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