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DOTA 2 |OT8| DOTA Asian Championship (1/27-2/9)

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Corporate Apologist
This was a great game. The enemy techies made taking the barracks take forever, and after we finally got Megas we were 4 men down with no buybacks ready. Enemy team tried to just take the ancient, but thanks to a last second Divine on Brew, we were able to hold on until we revived.


Support Zeus pretty good. Got a 69.7% win rate with the hero new, one more win and I'll be above 70%.
Roaming Nightstalker isn't as awful as I imagined, neither is late game Nightstalker apparently

The night vision and silence do a ton of work, it's like a free orchid that you sometimes have to use your ult for. The night time attack speed makes heart + abyssal pretty ridiculous.

Big Dog

So DK just killed Roshan at 0 minutes with a bloodseeker/ axe sort of strat. Interesting...

Edit: Ok so now DK has killed Roshan twice and the game is at 11:40 or so. That is some creative farming efficiency by killing him so early as well as sending Bloodseeker into the jungle.

Edit2: So DK vs. Big God was an awesome game to watch for the sake of seeing creative, winning item builds. Bloodseeker built a level 5 Dagon and they continuously killed Roshan from the start. Jugg also built very differently ability and item wise with 5 levels in stats at level 11 while also building Medallion of Courage. Sad to watch new DK beat up the cool guys of old DK though.


I've been playing with my smurf a bit lately and the difference in players between my main and my smurf account is ridiculous. On the smurf everyone is flaming from the first minute while this rarely happens on my main. Seems like I have to grind some friendliness points to get nicer teammates.


Was game three of vp vs vp polar.
Watching these Asian qualifiers and comparing the games to NA and EU, I think unless something dramatic happens to the meta and somehow a western team gets lucky in the scramble, TI5 finals will be China vs China for sure.


This is the second time I've seen it...is jungle troll a thing? Because both times I have seen it, it has gone horribly for them...


You could use throwing axes to dink away on the creeps but it wouldn't be especially fast until you get a morbid up.

Best care scenario would be randoming into him and buying a morbid right off.


Corporate Apologist
This is the second time I've seen it...is jungle troll a thing? Because both times I have seen it, it has gone horribly for them...

I have never seen it do well, but I guess? I have seen others do it sometimes. Maybe its a SA thing? Low MMR thing? New Meta?
I am in a similar range but I can honestly say I haven't seen that. I have seen the 'you guys are a bunch of fucking tryhards' no Linken's Weaver though.



My team blamed me for this. I laughed at them. They say it's because I have no damage, yet I needed BKB and Aghanims against this team. What else could I have done here?
The only input I can give is I definitey wouldn't have gone Midas personally, also not too sure about the aghs pick up.

My least favourite thing about playing Void is that the dude has such a reputation for winning games, your team will AWAYS blame you no matter what if you lose.


The only input I can give is I definitey wouldn't have gone Midas personally, also not too sure about the aghs pick up.

My least favourite thing about playing Void is that the dude has such a reputation for winning games, your team will AWAYS blame you no matter what if you lose.

I was iffy on the midas myself too, but I got a double kill pretty early on and was like "Fuck it, five minute midas."

The Aghs I felt was necessary just because we needed to keep as much of this team under control as we could, and would need the CD on Chrono.

I talked to someone else about this game, and they mentioned that the Lina should have gone utility over Bloodstone. She was also the most vocal about how "bad" I am, even saying I should "pick CM and AFK in fountain"



My team blamed me for this. I laughed at them. They say it's because I have no damage, yet I needed BKB and Aghanims against this team. What else could I have done here?

I'm was watching this game and I think you were playing very sloppy.

Your chronos were often too late, and your bkb usage was as well.
During a fight near their tier 3, you bkb before silencer used his ult, then you chrono late but still manage to avoid the stone gaze, only to turn back at the last second and get stone gazed as well.

It's easy to pick on that, but the point is you had no reason to turn back because chrono was almost over and you had no team fight anyway, so you were better off running.

I love aghs on on void, but at some point you had to realize your chronos were not ideal this game and maybe go another route to deal with jugg and the omnislash like manta or an assault cuirass


I'm was watching this game and I think you were playing very sloppy.

Your chronos were often too late, and your bkb usage was as well.
During a fight near their tier 3, you bkb before silencer used his ult, then you chrono late but still manage to avoid the stone gaze, only to turn back at the last second and get stone gazed as well.

It's easy to pick on that, but the point is you had no reason to turn back because chrono was almost over and you had no team fight anyway, so you were better off running.

I love aghs on on void, but at some point you had to realize your chronos were not ideal this game and maybe go another route to deal with jugg and the omnislash like manta or an assault cuirass
The point of the Aghs was to keep Jugg from Omnislashing. I could just never find a good Chrono.


The point of the Aghs was to keep Jugg from Omnislashing. I could just never find a good Chrono.

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