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DOTA 2 |OT8| DOTA Asian Championship (1/27-2/9)

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He said the D2L Universe ball Void weapon was in too.

TC is a liar and so are you

Isn't there an indefinite hold on particle effect items until the source 2 conversion happens?

I'm guessing this is because particle effects break all the fucking time with the old/current engine and the upgrade is supposed to mitigate issues with that.


So did 6.83b actually get patched into the game or did they just post the patch notes?

I'm about to go against a Jugg THIS IS IMPORTANT


The -1 armor just made jugg armor same as old patch, but with the added 6 damage base. The omnislash nerf is actually significant though, blink will be more important now. I fail to understand the reasoning behind VS nerf. And tbh SW was nerfed too much last patch too, just like Rastha.


I don't wanna sit here and blame teammates, but uhhhhh.....


Going by the DB that's just a game that shouldn't have gone late. You were ahead for the entire midgame and all you got from it was a single rax with the bot t2 still standing. I know how hard it can be to convince publords to transform an advantage into objectives, I just think that the WK's build didn't matter much in the bigger picture and is not worth fretting over. Focus on the factors you can control, for example your inexcusable 149 cs in a 43 minute game. When your team won't group against that kind of lineup you still gotta make use of your time, i.e. farm and hope the enemy screws up a fight. If you had had another big item for the deciding teamfights two resurrections would have bought you insane amounts of time to whittle down the enemy team between Veno's poison and zombie attacks.


ive noticed since i never get drops anymore ive completely stopped buying items from the store/community market

there's nothing for me to complete now that i dont get any pieces of a set in the first place. i wonder how many people are the same way


Going by the DB that's just a game that shouldn't have gone late. You were ahead for the entire midgame and all you got from it was a single rax with the bot t2 still standing. I know how hard it can be to convince publords to transform an advantage into objectives, I just think that the WK's build didn't matter much in the bigger picture and is not worth fretting over. Focus on the factors you can control, for example your inexcusable 149 cs in a 43 minute game. When your team won't group against that kind of lineup you still gotta make use of your time, i.e. farm and hope the enemy screws up a fight. If you had had another big item for the deciding teamfights two resurrections would have bought you insane amounts of time to whittle down the enemy team between Veno's poison and zombie attacks.
Obviously it shouldn't, and we should have been able to have another source of damage that wouldn't be effectively removed by Doom, and the thing was we tried to group up and push and of course it failed. I felt like I barely had time to farm in the midgame due to all the fights I was needed in.

Also what else could I possibly get that would be impactful in team fights? There is an argument to be made for BKB of course, but I had Scythe, the granddaddy of all disables.



ive noticed since i never get drops anymore ive completely stopped buying items from the store/community market

there's nothing for me to complete now that i dont get any pieces of a set in the first place. i wonder how many people are the same way

Since the drop change I have not gotten one drop. Out of my group of 10ish RL friends who play, one of us has gotten one drop. As far as I can tell, the new drop system isn't a drop system for all practical concerns.


Obviously it shouldn't, and we should have been able to have another source of damage that wouldn't be effectively removed by Doom, and the thing was we tried to group up and push and of course it failed. I felt like I barely had time to farm in the midgame due to all the fights I was needed in.

There was one fight right after you took mid rax where you definitely shouldn't have left, you were full mana and pretty healthy after the ravage and you had axe call and 3 lives wk ready vs 3 melees (the other two were dead). It's a shame, I think you could've won the game right there.

edit: wow aces threw that game so hard, they had their win vs BG in the bag.


There was one fight right after you took mid rax where you definitely shouldn't have left, you were full mana and pretty healthy after the ravage and you had axe call and 3 lives wk ready vs 3 melees (the other two were dead). It's a shame, I think you could've won the game right there.
I don't remember this. I think someone called to back for some reason.


Obviously it shouldn't, and we should have been able to have another source of damage that wouldn't be effectively removed by Doom, and the thing was we tried to group up and push and of course it failed. I felt like I barely had time to farm in the midgame due to all the fights I was needed in.

Also what else could I possibly get that would be impactful in team fights? There is an argument to be made for BKB of course, but I had Scythe, the granddaddy of all disables.

Shivas, Linkens (focus Sniper 1st), maybe even Heart

Someone's always gonna flame anyone for anything, mid no ganks, core farming when there's literally nothing else to do yadda yadda yadda

Maybe that loss ultimately was out of your control but it's just one match after all

Mute idiots and do what you think is correct but at the same time question if you could be doing better and work on the things the people here spend lots of time time watching replays to point out to you, like map awareness and farm efficiency


Shivas, Linkens (focus Sniper 1st), maybe even Heart

Someone's always gonna flame anyone for anything, mid no ganks, core farming when there's literally nothing else to do yadda yadda yadda

Maybe that loss ultimately was out of your control but it's just one match after all

Mute idiots and do what you think is correct but at the same time question if you could be doing better and work on the things the people here spend lots of time time watching replays to point out to you, like map awareness and farm efficiency
Fair enough, makes sense. Thanks.

Also Heart Storm?!


ive noticed since i never get drops anymore ive completely stopped buying items from the store/community market

there's nothing for me to complete now that i dont get any pieces of a set in the first place. i wonder how many people are the same way

I have gotten two drops since the change. Both were pretty much garbage. The new system is garbage. I honestly got into dota 2 because of the system of drops. It really takes away from my desire to finish some matches now since I would always be like "hey at least I get a hat for finishing this game"


ive noticed since i never get drops anymore ive completely stopped buying items from the store/community market

there's nothing for me to complete now that i dont get any pieces of a set in the first place. i wonder how many people are the same way

That plus not being able to buy new stuff from the market for 3 months means I've stopped buying stuff too. Plus the low amount of drops means the items that do make it to the market are way too overpriced (check out venomancer or timbersaw for example, commons that are worth like 3 cents are going for 20+)

it feels like they're trying to find a system that works with all the changes they're doing. compare that to CS:GO where are they are absolutely raking in the cash to the point that the new chest (which you get as an ingame drop and need to buy a key for) is still selling for 3 bucks with several thousand sold an hour
Don't Refresher and Wraith King kids...sigh

He spent all of his three lives being one third of a kitten and hitting like one.

I lost a game last night because of this sort of shit.


I realized carry WK was actually not going to be interested in buying carry items, so I tried to compensate a bit by going QE Invoker (which I don't really enjoy or play as well). I got mine, but we eventually got outcarried for obvious reasons. Was pretty disappointing, but if I was better with QE Invoker, maybe I could have carried that shit. IDK. They said QW Invoker would have been more useful (4 second disarm deafening would have been good), but then we wouldn't have had any additional right-click at all. I'm just not sure how we win with that strategy and those same items purchased by WK.
My winrate against Void on one of my major smurfs lately is fucking atrocious:


Once the enemy team picks him, game is over in 3 out of 4 games lmao. That's how it felt anyway. Especially when people jungle against him and send a solo off who cannot stop him from farming. Jesus, I feel like abandoning everytime I see him picked.
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