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DOTA 2 |OT8| DOTA Asian Championship (1/27-2/9)

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Hmmmm I should test how WWs heal interacts with Oracle's Fate's Edict and Purifying Flames. Also Artic burn (pure) + Fate's Edict (pure and phy +50%) + Fortune's End (can cast full duration while enemy is slowed by ww) could be a nasty nasty combo.


Just had some BS bug where I couldn't cast spells for the last 40 minutes of a game on Bane. Whenever I tried to use a hotkey (or even just left-click) for a spell, I got something along the lines of "ability is at max level--can't upgrade." Anybody had this bug before? I tried reconnecting, messing with settings, hotkeys, etc. and it was still fucked.


Just had some BS bug where I couldn't cast spells for the last 40 minutes of a game on Bane. Whenever I tried to use a hotkey (or even just left-click) for a spell, I got something along the lines of "ability is at max level--can't upgrade." Anybody had this bug before? I tried reconnecting, messing with settings, hotkeys, etc. and it was still fucked.

Were you level 15? My guess is you were in the upgrade mode and you needed to upgrade stats.


Holy shit I really like Winter Wyvern. Freaking great hero!

Can she carry? She seems to have the potential with scaling health burn ability and high primary damage attribute gain.

She's very much a lane support.

She has poor base damage (average 42), low range (425) and low agi/BAT. You could possibly work out a build to offlane with her with using her splinter blast to farm, but she has very slow MS (285) and doesn't really have a reliable escape (her Q has a fairly short duration, and a long cooldown at early levels) so will probably get caught more times than not. You're going to want to get a Euls and a Force on her though.

So in the competitive sense, shes a support. (But obviously in pubs anything can go.)


Were you level 15? My guess is you were in the upgrade mode and you needed to upgrade stats.
It started from around level 12, and I was still able to upgrade my spells/put points into stats, which I immediately did whenever I leveled. I just wasn't able to use any of my spells. I have played about 800 matches of Dota 2, first time I have ever had this bug.


She's very much a lane support.

She has poor base damage (average 42), low range (425) and low agi/BAT. You could possibly work out a build to offlane with her with using her splinter blast to farm, but she has very slow MS (285) and doesn't really have a reliable escape (her Q has a fairly short duration, and a long cooldown at early levels) so will probably get caught more times than not. You're going to want to get a Euls and a Force on her though.

So in the competitive sense, shes a support. (But obviously in pubs anything can go.)

Even in pubs there's almost no way she scales beyond a supporting role, she'll get rekt by every carry in game. If you somehow end up getting farm you're better off building Orchid, Atos, Dagon etc. than trying to become a fighter.


Im going to skip the YB event this year

Last years one sucked

Dota is about 5v5 warfare in 3 lanes

Not a Diablo style boss fight

It's not like they take the ranked/non-ranked matches away.

Noting wrong with a temporary, optional mode that plays differently.

Even in pubs there's almost no way she scales beyond a supporting role, she'll get rekt by every carry in game. If you somehow end up getting farm you're better off building Orchid, Atos, Dagon etc. than trying to become a fighter.

Oh, I agree. But some weird shit happens in pubs.


It started from around level 12, and I was still able to upgrade my spells/put points into stats, which I immediately did whenever I leveled. I just wasn't able to use any of my spells. I have played about 800 matches of Dota 2, first time I have ever had this bug.

Ok, no idea then. I've never heard of that before.
Hmmmm I should test how WWs heal interacts with Oracle's Fate's Edict and Purifying Flames. Also Artic burn (pure) + Fate's Edict (pure and phy +50%) + Fortune's End (can cast full duration while enemy is slowed by ww) could be a nasty nasty combo.

So the heals from oracle and WW do stack through fate's edict and WWs cold embrace.
Physical resist, Magic Resist, super healing station.
It started from around level 12, and I was still able to upgrade my spells/put points into stats, which I immediately did whenever I leveled. I just wasn't able to use any of my spells. I have played about 800 matches of Dota 2, first time I have ever had this bug.

Are you sure your upgrade key is not Stuck? For example, I have CTRL + QWER to upgrade spells. If the CTRL key is stuck, Dota will think im upgrading the skills.

This happens sometimes with my ALT key. My ALT + QWEASD keys being my item keys.
Do you guys still do in house games? I'm only 2800ish MMR but need a break from Spectre's that can't last hit and mid Lion's who won't get blink before getting level 5 dagon. Just trying to find some people who are around/above my level and can teach me some outside of the basics.

Do you play on EU West? If so, you can add me and learn how to play greedy, egotistic carries: www.dotabuff.com/players/180637124


Hell no. If her Q lasted longer, yea. But 6 seconds is just short enough for you to be not quite good enough. Also her waveclear is much too expensive, so she can't farm quickly. She is a support through and through. Get a blink and pray the bunch up for your ult.

you're talking crazy as hell. No escape mechanism and Crystal Maiden-like slow move speed means she feeds solo offlane. She is position 5 all day. Maaaaaaaaybe position 4. But there are supports with more reliable ults I'd rather have at the 4.

No way in hell you want her in the 3 slot over void/tide/clock/timbersaw/Phoenix/Axe/etc. No way.

I know I'm late to this, but I just wanted to give my 2 cents. I think Wyvern will be a great support, Arctic Burn is a great zoning tool, and since you can apply the debuff to numerous enemies during the duration, I think she will excel in a trilane, all her abilities seem to work well in a 3v3 scenario. Cold Embrace will be amazing imo since if you consider Arctic Burn essentially means she can trade with multiple heroes and come on top in terms of damage exchange and of course her ult will be devastating in an exchange.

I think her best role will be position 4 support, not 5. I think this because while all her abilities feel great at level 1, you want arctic burn maxed quickly for the 20 sec cooldown, not to mention the extra attack range and reduced mana cost. Just to make its uptime better for better lane harass. I think the mana cost on Splinter Blast paired with the 7 second cooldown is indicative that you want levels and some items to sutain the mana cost. I mean, a 320 aoe nuke on a 7 sec cooldown is pretty good. Plus you want to get some good levels to sustain the mana cost of your ult.

For her skill build, You can prob go 3-1-1 if in a tri or 3-0-2 imo. Spinter Blast and cold embrace are good at level one for just the aoe 25% slow. With a quick blink she can be pretty deadly. Also, with quick levels Splinter Blast can clear waves pretty well so I think you can prob max the heal last and you'll get some decent farm.

In the offlane, I don't think she'll be that bad. Will probably have a though time competing with the tier 1 offlaners, but I think she can still be a good pick there. At level 5 you have your escape available more often than phoenix (36s) or batrider (40s). Of course, this is less than optimal vs a lane that can zone you out and make sure to delay your later levels while the two others will have a better escape at level 1 (phoenix can escape faster, and bat's escape last longer and he can farm with it). On the flip side she also has a pretty cheap self heal that makes it hard for right clickers to gank her so I can definitely see some use for her in that lane and a quick Splinter Blast as you run away can probably prevent a successful kill and it has a pretty good range and will always hit after 1.35 second so its more reliable than skywrath's flare in that respect.

Also, I think her best synergy is with Axe. I tried it with Print Screen yesterday in the test client and the biggest point imo is that her heal does not prevent axe from spinning! So you can do jump in, call, WW casts cold embrace on you and you get healed while taking no physical damage and still spinning. While Axe calls them it gives you the time to apply Arctic Burn and use Splinter Blast on them. You can also use your ult either after or before call. It has a slightly longer range than call so you can use it to setup Axe call or just wait till his call is finished.

She'll also be great vs illusion heroes as you can apply Arctic Burn on all of them, do good aoe dmg with Splinter Blast and if you spot the real one have his/her own illusion solo him/her.

Also good vs ulted lycan when he has wolves and necro units and invoker with forge spirits and necro units. Meepo too. Basically any hero that has summons or illusions, but those are what standout the most to me. Good synergy with duel if the enemy's team tries to help their ally being dueled. Crits also work under ult, so if the enemy team doesn't have true strike and have a PA you basically cast it on her ally and she solos him/her/it for you! I haven't tested if the ult also makes some abilities target allies like Huskar Burning Spears, Razor's ult, Necro aura, and DP's ult for example.

One thing that I found with her ult at early levels is that its deadly when used with an enemy creep wave. Of course, generally you imagine using it on 5 enemies, but early on you can melt a squishy hero and get solo kills with it. Obviously there will be a difference in effectiveness as bots tend to group as 5 so it will be more effective vs them compared to pubs, but even vs real players if you get a quick level 6 and use it after arctic burn on a squishy hero thats in the middle of his creep wave, you basically get a guaranteed kill. Early on having two ranged creeps focusing you can be annoying, but the dps of an entire creep wave hurts so much. Its not like it has an insanely high cd

Later on I think its better to use to get rid of a hero quickly unless you want to disable a carry that popped his bkb. Ex: if a void thats fed chrono's one of his teammate you can use it and make the void use around 50% of chrono to kill his own teammate. Also works like reaper scythe in that if the enemy dies under its effect it gives you credit for the kill.

Item wise I'm a bit stumped. I think blink will be core even is she already have great range on all of her abilities. For boots, Tranquils can make up for her low ms, but I feel its redundant considering her heal. Its not like if it was phoenix that not only has low hp but abilities that cost hp. Mana boots maybe, or phase? Eul's will probably be good in that aspect as it will give her mana regen and that extra ms. Maybe Atos? Shiva's and Sheep are obviously great as on all heroes. Urn prob good too, extra pure dmg with Arctic Burn and some mana regen. Force staff to get out if you need the extra speed after you get the free pathing from her first ability. I dunno about mek. At worst a dagon to finish off a target after ult. Refresher will be awesome on her in the same vein as Axe refresher to either get that 6 sec on a single target for that guaranteed kill or if they already kill them on a different target. Maybe even orchid? Might be a good item on her. Use orchid, arctic burn + ult on the target.

TL;DR shes not awful offlane imo, but shes at her best in a trilane as position 4 support.

Unrelated, the Arc Warden teaser has me so happy. I've been looking forward to the hero and I though the Mysterio looking concept art looked great with the face slightly hidden within the globe. At first I was disappointed that apparently it was Oracle concept art, but now its really great that its the design they decided to go with. He seems very flexible item wise so looking forward to that.

Also, noticing that pit lord will be the last hero ported is a bit weird. I remember my first post on gaf was asking when everyone thought he would be added. I think the heroes considered iconic in dota 1 were Techies and Pit Lord. I wonder if the delay is because Icefrog wants to try to change his skills further.

I checked your profile but don't see your steam name in it.

I can't tell if you're joking or not...

His name is TUSR on steam if he isn't using any lame anime name. and no, Madouu isn't joking. Steve has a good stack, plays lots of Random Draft, All Random and All Pick and hes decent for a 1.5k mmr player.


does it bother anyone here that a profile is marked private by any chance? I am just curious cause it seems to make so many people rage in games that I play

Did they re-add level up drops, or are levels still pointless?

The blog wasn't really clear on that.

I really hope they did. It was honestly the main reason I played dota 2 over other games.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
stevewinwood is the nicest person on the forum, he helps people for free!

add stevewinwood

i can confirm that stove threepwood is a 100% total babe who does mind* if you're shit at dota

*or at least doesn't tell you if he does


does it bother anyone here that a profile is marked private by any chance? I am just curious cause it seems to make so many people rage in games that I play

Only really bothers me when it comes to people adding me for a trade. My general rule of thumb is if there's no mutual friends and I don't recognize them from elsewhere, and they send me a friend request with a private profile, that shit goes straight in the ignore bin.


does it bother anyone here that a profile is marked private by any chance? I am just curious cause it seems to make so many people rage in games that I play

I only mark mine as private in Captain's mode out of paranoia after my 3 most played heroes got banned in a row in one of my game. Even if it was a coincidence I still go private just in case.
It's kind of funny the best buff a hero can get towards playtime is an Arcana (or a nice cosmetic in general or a visual remake).

I bet CM is played more this patch than WW is.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
It's kind of funny the best buff a hero can get towards playtime is an Arcana (or a nice cosmetic in general or a visual remake).

I bet CM is played more this patch than WW is.

well cm is also a pretty girl whereas cm is a dragon so that helps

can you even imagine if pudge was a pretty waifu character, every game would be half empty after everyone leaves because they didn't manage to pick her fast enough


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
Ok, maybe I was a little blind to this Juggernaut thing becoming a problem.


Nerfs still kill me, but I liked Jugg a whole lot better when there wasn't one in every game.


Ok, maybe I was a little blind to this Juggernaut thing becoming a problem.


Nerfs still kill me, but I liked Jugg a whole lot better when there wasn't one in every game.

I didnt exactly care for him prior to this meta as it was so hard for me to ever win using him. I loved the fact that I could jungle him but it seems like got nerfed hard. No more jungle for him


I think the logic behind was to keep killing creeps and healing yourself.

And now its better imo since you can boost the dmg of radiance by 40% (so roughly 70 magic damage/sec instead of 50) and the speed and damage buff is gradual so when you tick down their hp you buff yourself by just standing there.


And now its better imo since you can boost the dmg of radiance by 40% (so roughly 70 magic damage/sec instead of 50) and the speed and damage buff is gradual so when you tick down their hp you buff yourself by just standing there.

get blown up in team fights 40% faster!
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