Yeah lots of health issues are on a rise these days. More social media stuff definitely doesn't help either. I was born after the 80s but from what I've seen and know. More people were actually healthier, more sane, more social, and just overall better during the 80s even if things were more wild back then. I think late 2000s were when things starting going bad with crazy stuff being normalized and pushed. Now in 2024 we are at a point when things that should never even be debated become debated.
To go along with possibility of food/meds messing people up, people's mental state has eroded.
Too many young people attached to smartphones. Too many young workers grew up with this. And when you got too many people exposed early in life to too many dumbs things on the net something's got to give.
That's why the old generations seem more level headed. They are already established and the net was something that came abut hard when they probably already 25. And if you go older (my parents are in their 80s), the vast majority will be the same people with the same views. It's not like Twitter came around 15 years ago and suddenly my mom or dad magically amped up on online shit when they were 67 years old and now in their 80s are different people. They dont give a shit aside from sending emails about family dinners and doing online banking or checking the weather. My dad can barely even use a printer.
But when you got young people doing this from the start, it's overload.
Having fun as a kid going to the mall or playing street hockey is just that. Have fun with people face to face and thats kind of it. Talk sports, hot girls, which guy is getting the next awesome video game etc... There's only so many wild takes you can get hanging with friends. But you can get a shit load surfing the net in 10 minutes. And then when youre older in college without the net being the norm (I was still old school going to the library and doing photocopies), you hang out with friends at pubs or picking up chicks. And when it's time to get a job, you respect the process and the people there if you get hired.
Internet changed a lot in people. Since it's so much about self promotion and social media profiles and airing out views, it's become a very me, me, me world. I never used the net until maybe 1998 (so I missed all those early days of Geo Cities or archaic forums) but back then I dont get the feeling people were all about themselves like now. It was around that time because I remember reading up on PS1 games and early news about Dreamcast which hadnt come out yet. It seemed more like a hobby to goof around. Buying stuff online didnt seem like a thing, no Twitter or FB, no politics. I dont think things were even bad in the 2000s. It was some time in the 2010s which I think it really changed where people really got into it being vile, self promotion, making a career out of it, politics etc... I cant pinpoint a year, but I dont think the 2000s were like this.