Junior Member
Got a bunch of game soundtracks recently: FFVII, VIII, IX, X, XIII-2 Plus, Xenogears, Parasite Eve I + II, Persona 3 Portable, Persona 3 FES and Persona 3. I've actually already had copies of most of those Squaresoft soundtracks for a decade or so, but only recently realized that they were bootlegs (doh!), so I replaced them with legit copies.
Got the Persona 3 artbook from a good friend for my birthday and requested the Famitsu Vita special from my local Kinokuniya. My Japanese sucks but I wanted to flip through it and it came with a Vita case.
New Fangamer shirts: Kid Icarus, Earthbound and Ocarina of Time.
New rucksack and kicks that coincidentally match. Really, really happy with these two.
My best "pickup:" got these for my birthday late last month from my partner. All time favorite comic series, seriously jazzed to have the hardbacks in my collection.
That binder is awesome! I hope we get something like that in North America. /wishful thinking
Wow that is an amazing collection of soundtracks. Where did you get them?