Johnny Silverhand
please tell me it's region-free!
Unfortunately it isn't.
It's code B. Japanese and German dub, Germans subs.
please tell me it's region-free!
Someone always has something fucking stupid to say hereDoes the revolution involve becoming a paper weight or sitting in a box in a garage in the next 6 months?
Someone always has something fucking stupid to say here
Unfortunately it isn't.
It's code B. Japanese and German dub, Germans subs.
New phone, loving it, but I switched from an iphone 4 to this, so I dont get any messages from anyone with an iphone, very frustrated because Apple basically told me on the phone I shouldn't have switched to Android. So because I switched, Apple is basically holding my text messages from other iphone users hostage. Dramatic, yes but infuriating also.
Hi there,
I had the same problem when switching from an iPhone4 to my S3: you have to go on your Apple ID profile on the web and remove the iPhone from your registered devices. This disables iMessages for good.
Which PS3 theme is that?
I don't have one.Yeah? Where's your OUYA? I don't see it in this thread.
It might be on the box! It's in the xl one.
I love new house pick-ups! Congrats!
Post pictures of the interior(s) if you have a chance.
I really like the style of that house. Really compact but really practical. Good job!
Sure I snapped some quick shots earlier...
I forgot to mention that we also paid for appliances, and the wood cali shutters throughout the house. I'm just glad that I won't have to spend that crazy amount any time soon.
Deadpool 360 - Dumb fun with everyone's favourite non-fictional fourth wall breaker, perfect for after The Last of Us.
Green Ranger - B'day gift for my younger brother. GO GREEN RANGER GO
Sayonara Umihara Kawase 3DS - Been a fan of the series since the SFC original. Pre-order bonuses include the soundtrack and a super useful phonecard.
Newest goods:
Added a Corsair K70 to my gaming rig. Absolutely love
Holy icons Batman!
Your house, I want to live in it.Sure I snapped some quick shots earlier...
I forgot to mention that we also paid for appliances, and the wood cali shutters throughout the house. I'm just glad that I won't have to spend that crazy amount any time soon.
That makes 95 DS games now! Time Hollow and Black Sigil I managed to both get for pretty decent prices too.
Newest goods:
Deadpool 360 - Dumb fun with everyone's favourite non-fictional fourth wall breaker, perfect for after The Last of Us.
Green Ranger - B'day gift for my younger brother. GO GREEN RANGER GO
Sayonara Umihara Kawase 3DS - Been a fan of the series since the SFC original. Pre-order bonuses include the soundtrack and a super useful phonecard.
Where'd you get the Power Ranger?
Am pretty sure you just one June's pick-ups thread.....Nice and congratsSure I snapped some quick shots earlier...
I forgot to mention that we also paid for appliances, and the wood cali shutters throughout the house. I'm just glad that I won't have to spend that crazy amount any time soon.
After many years away from it, I felt the pull to get back into music production again, and finally gave in. Dug my keyboard up from the basement and ordered up some new toys...
Sure I snapped some quick shots earlier... Pearl Setup/IMG_0432_zpsee101472.jpg Pearl Setup/IMG_0441_zps8c94ce1a.jpg Pearl Setup/IMG_0453_zpsdd04f7ef.jpg Pearl Setup/IMG_0455_zps708259e4.jpg Pearl Setup/IMG_0465_zps2f58f302.jpg
I forgot to mention that we also paid for appliances, and the wood cali shutters throughout the house. I'm just glad that I won't have to spend that crazy amount any time soon.
Yeah? Where's your OUYA? I don't see it in this thread.