Congrats on the Log Luffy pulls pelicansurf, copons and burritosenior! Burritosenior I'll be sure to add you if I haven't already, can always use more Log Luffy friends.
After the Log Luffy first pull I got a little greedy and did another 8 pulls I want to say and managed a Log Brook. It was more so foolishly testing my luck on red posters, but I'm done now and I'm happy regardless with the end result. Some fun tidbits unless it was coincidence but Log Luffy (perhaps all Log units?) speaks when you get a super success on him. Definitely a fun unit to play with and am looking forward to levelling him through the weekend.
I would've posted this earlier, but was streaming.
I watched your stream retroactively, thanks for doing that! It was fun to watch and funny to see as I echo your sentiments of "being scared" when pulling initially. I'm sure it means nothing, but I've been trying to no avail with Enel to drop as well and was wondering how my luck would work out today. Of course it's easier to say that in hindsight. Again awesome clutch last pull! To which,
Meanwhile, I still have 53 gems that are calling me to use them, but given how many duplicates I received today [and my luck], I'm going to save them. The Log units will be available outside of this Sugofest, right?
The Log units are always available, it's cool in that sense that they're always there but also difficult with Luffy being a legend.
I just wanted to add some dialogue to how your pulls went, given the amount of gems used today. Yet the corollary can be found in pelican using 170+ gems and getting who he wanted. I find that Sugofest always revolves around casting a net you are personally comfortable with and living with the results. Unless you absolutely go for it, it's scary how things can get out of hand very easily as Sugofest can really be an up and down experience.
I've been there in regards to doing 66 pulls for a Rayleigh on the last pull, to doing 100 pulls and probably should've stopped halfway after a Whitebeard, then a Sugo with another 60-70 pulls and netting no legend, to now just doing one pull and being absolutely lucky. It really is a case if you're lucky you're lucky and while it's great to see some find success in new units, it's also a bummer to see others not fair so well. Whether it matters or not, I hope it doesn't sour your experience moving forward and hope equally so everyone gets their desired character eventually. It's a wonderful experience when that does happen!