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PoliGAF 2015-2016 |OT3| If someone named PhoenixDark leaves your party, call the cops

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Someone asked about Bill Clinton's actions and he said they were wrong. Which they were. Even the most staunch Democrats will admit this. He also defended Hillary by saying "Hillary is not her husband." That was the entire exchange. There is no attack here. It's like if someone asked "what do you think about the Iraq War" and he said "it was wrong to go there."

From this we got:

He sucks at campaigning.
He's running a negative campaign.
He can't keep his composure.
He's being snarky.
He's opportunistic and desperate, attacking Hillary because he's down in the polls.

People are pulling conclusions out of thin air but I'm the one posting garbage. Okay, whatever.
Bernie is being criticized for his campaign problems.

You, on the other hand, complained because Hillary is a woman. And you think you can call those few posts of criticisms equivalent?

From the third debate thread:
Something rather labial about Hillary's outfit.
It's starting to bug me that Hillary appears to be wearing a potato sack.
god I can't fucking stand her voice. Also, was she dropping a deuce and was late because of it?

From the DNC data breach thread, and the abuela thread.

Subtle sexism.
Hillary when pinned against the wall about campaign finance: "Blah blah blah... uh... 9/11!, SEPTEMBER ELEVENTH, first WOMAN president!!!"

*crowd goes crazy*
Bernie and Trump have been the only ones keepin it 100 on the need for campaign finance reform. Still needs to change regardless of what Bernie's doing. Not to mention, nine eleven, tragedy, brave men and first WOMAN for the president of the UNITED STATES!!!
nine eleven, first WOMAN PRESIDENT!!

The tired old "Hillary is not likeable and 'fake'":
Would rather have Sanders over fake Hilary any day of the week but...damn....don't make have to vote for her as a backup.
I can't stand Hillary. She comes off fake as shit. Sanders is for real. War Sanders!!!
No one likes her except for Gaffers.
I believe Hildog will win the general election, but there won't be parades and people cheering with excitement and anticipation when she takes office like there was with Obama. The average person is going to go to the polls and ask themselves "Can we just vote for Obama again? No? Hillary it is I guess...."
Hilary is such a fake.
Next thing to come out from her site:

24 Things Hillary doesn't have in common with a soulless automaton (I couldn't believe #16!).
She's dead and with hole full of worms where her heart used to be?
Has Hillary been dead for 47 years like my abuela? That's the only thing she would have in common.
Is Hillary even a human being at all? Everything about her seems constructed or measured.
HIllary is really a lifeless, unfeeling robot, right.
Hillary Clinton is the least sincere human being on earth
DWS should cancel the upcoming debate in response to this. Never know how Hillary is going to make us cringe next.
Terrible, cant stand this woman
Saw about this earlier. She's doubling down on the stupid that lost her the nom last time. Gonna be great when Bernie gets the nom.
Uncle Bernie


Hey, Hillary is just like your Abuela, a specific person whom we are making assumptions of. [Ironically, he made an assumption about the title, which was '7 things Hillary Clinton has in common with your abuela', not 'just like your abuela']
This one gets bonus points for comparing a woman to a donkey:
There is nothing to Hilary Clinton, so you need to play dress up with her. The Clinton name is the tail, but you still need the donkey.

People who don't care about morals as long as Hillary goes down.
I don't even care if it was malicious or not, fuck Hilary and her corporate campaign. Within reason the goal justifies the methods to stop her nomination. This might end up badly though looking at the fact that people in general care more about drama than the improvements of their own lives.
Doesn't bother me if they cheat and steal, just don't lie.

They don't seem to care about policies either.
They won't. The real enemy here is Hillary Clinton. Bernie and Trump are united on that front. Notice how Trump has been trashing the Clintons in the press but laying off of Sanders.

Hillary is casually disparaged for being a woman, for being unlikable, for wearing something strange, for going to the bathroom. And because she is such a boogeyman, it's okay to assume the worst about her and not care about morals when it comes to taking her down.

There's also your winning post about reverse racism. Where, without doing your research, you claimed that Bernie was just as good about women's rights as Hillary, but obviously Planned Parenthood picked Hillary because she is a woman.

Good luck finding equivalent posts disparaging Bernie for being a man, for being unlikable, for wearing something strange or for going to the bathroom. Because I certainly don't remember PoliGAF criticizing him on any of those points. And I'm sure you know which type of criticism is actually garbage (hint: it's not the type you linked).


Bernie is being criticized for his campaign problems.

You, on the other hand, complained because Hillary is a woman. And you think you can call those few posts of criticisms equivalent?

From the third debate thread:

From the DNC data breach thread, and the abuela thread.

Subtle sexism.

The tired old "Hillary is not likeable and 'fake'":

This one gets bonus points for comparing a woman to a donkey:

People who don't care about morals as long as Hillary goes down.

They don't seem to care about policies either.

Hillary is casually disparaged for being a woman, for being unlikable, for wearing something strange, for going to the bathroom. And because she is such a boogeyman, it's okay to assume the worst about her and not care about morals when it comes to taking her down.

There's also your winning post about reverse racism. Where, without doing your research, you claimed that Bernie was just as good about women's rights as Hillary, but obviously Planned Parenthood picked Hillary because she is a woman.

Good luck finding equivalent posts disparaging Bernie for being a man, for being unlikable, for wearing something strange or for going to the bathroom. Because I certainly don't remember PoliGAF criticizing him on any of those points. And I'm sure you know which type of criticism is actually garbage (hint: it's not the type you linked).

you must save these select statements?


Deep into his 30th decade
One of the biggest assets of Sanders is that he hasnt changed his core positions since forever. This is certainly not the case for Clinton who has pragmatically changed opinions and positions in key matters like gay marriage.

It's funny you picked this example since Sanders has absolutely refused to support gay marriage, and only fully supported it after it was obvious his state supported it.



The tired old "Hillary is not likeable and 'fake'":

Why is my post in their. Uncle Bernie, like Uncle Sam. Is different than hillary claiming she is equivalent to being someone's aunt, and going further in specifical speaking towards the Hispanic population. It's being chummy in a with a motive and direction, versus just trying to start some endearing moniker. I'm just point out the comparison was patronizing in a way that Uncle Bernie is not.

Walls of shame are fun, but you're just slurping up every dissenting position.


It's funny you picked this example since Sanders has absolutely refused to support gay marriage, and only fully supported it after it was obvious his state supported it.


This is every politician in a nutshell. He walked the same political line every politician has on gay marriage. Anyone who has been in office for 2 or more decades and now supports gay marriage has done the flip. Bernie flipped sooner than Hillary because of political context. I think both honestly support gay marriage and both publicly flipped when it was "safe" to do so.
Clinton/Trump went from Clinton +11 to Trump +3 in less than a month. Smells a little funny but you know Trump will be all over that.

And it was Trump +5 before that. It's a total joke at this point. The electorate is shifting by double digits every month according to Fox.
Not sure this Fox News national poll was posted (1/4-1/7)

Trump 35%
Cruz 20%
Rubio 13%
Carson 10%
Jeb ;_; 4%
Fiorina 3%

It's just so remarkable that 2/3 of the GOP has been in on Trump/Cruz/Carson for the last few months.

It just won't change. 2/3 of GOP primary voters really think that people that Trump, Cruz, and Carson would be good leaders of the United States.

edit: In that poll (like most), Trump is at 40% with men and only 30% with women. That's not surprising, but what is interesting is that Jeb is at 2% for men and 6% for women and I think I've seen similar splits for Jeb before. I wonder why Republican women like Jeb so much more than Republican men do.
Double-post, but this is super interesting...




TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
There are maybe 8 or 9 Bernistans that will not vote for Hillary and they all post on Reddit using different aliases.
And they would be too.
It won't matter. I think enough Bernie supporters will feel like they've been Rogered, but good and it'll keep them from the polls. It doesn't matter if you think they're stupid or irrational (come on, this is politics), you will still have to deal with it and I don't think Hillary can reconcile or attract enough disaffected Bernie diehards.

Bernie-bashing is bad politics and it's all over the Internet for this race - a race where the Internet bashing is on phones! My mom is rarely on the Internet on her computer, but she's all over Facebook and social media on her phone where this is taking place. That wasn't true in 2008! Bashing Bernie supporters is even dumber, considering that you'll need enough of them to hold their noses and vote for Hillary. They see you bashing what they see as a stalwart old fashioned liberal of the type that left democrats have been craving since Carter lost to Reagan. They see an unfair nominating process that's weighted to the front runner. It doesn't matter if it's true! It's the narrative that Hillary has to deal with after she wins the nomination.

Imagine that Hillary Clinton wipes out Sanders after the first three primaries. The perception of Hillary's flaws, whether they exist or not (and some of them certainly do) is out there in the air supply and it's not going anywhere. Bernie will have been wiped out before enough of his flaws are evident. Do you think Bernie voters are ever going to forgive Hillary for wiping out their perfect unicorn candidate? One who has gotten through this process relatively unsullied by the demands of a general election race?

You are mad. Insane. The Democrats have already lost this election.
There are maybe 8 or 9 Bernistans that will not vote for Hillary and they all post on Reddit using different aliases.
Oh...I hope you don't really believe that. That's exactly the kind of attitude that will seal the fate of Democrats in this election. And it will effect all the down-ballet races too. You have disdain for Bernie supporters, but many of them have pure, unadulterated hatred for you and your candidate. You've seen it yourself! You call them irrational and then expect them to act rationally when your candidate is the nominee. They are many that are self-righteous and paranoid. I wouldn't be surprised if many of them end up hating Hillary more than they hate the Republican candidate.

And it all could have been prevented.....except, well they're Democrats.

I'm a Marxist. I'll vote for Bernie, but we always lose. The only difference is that this time, the Democrats will lose too. I'll save a place at the table for ya!

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
Definitely out of hand at this point. I do think that the majority of people who vote Sanders will vote Clinton, and most of the evidence suggests that. Those who do not were unlikely to vote Clinton anyway and usually like Sanders for reasons often only weakly linked to policy-outcome.


Oh...I hope you don't really believe that. That's exactly the kind of attitude that will seal the fate of Democrats in this election. And it will effect all the down-ballet races too. You have disdain for Bernie supporters, but many of them have pure, unadulterated hatred for you and your candidate. You've seen it yourself! You call them irrational and then expect them to act rationally when your candidate is the nominee. They are many that are self-righteous and paranoid. I wouldn't be surprised if many of them end up hating Hillary more than they hate the Republican candidate.

And it all could have been prevented.....except, well they're Democrats.

I'm a Marxist. I'll vote for Bernie, but we always lose. The only difference is that this time, the Democrats will lose too. I'll save a place at the table for ya!

The fact that you're willing and happy to condemn Bernie's movement to death for cycles past 2016 tells me all I need to know about your alleged seriousness on his issues.

At some point, admit that you're more about the man - the personality - and less about his actual ideals. That'd be the noble, honest thing to do.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Oh...I hope you don't really believe that. That's exactly the kind of attitude that will seal the fate of Democrats in this election. And it will effect all the down-ballet races too. You have disdain for Bernie supporters, but many of them have pure, unadulterated hatred for you and your candidate. You've seen it yourself! You call them irrational and then expect them to act rationally when your candidate is the nominee. They are many that are self-righteous and paranoid. I wouldn't be surprised if many of them end up hating Hillary more than they hate the Republican candidate.

And it all could have been prevented.....except, well they're Democrats.

I'm a Marxist. I'll vote for Bernie, but we always lose. The only difference is that this time, the Democrats will lose too. I'll save a place at the table for ya!

I don't have disdain for Bernie supporters at all. I like Bernie.

According to you, the Democrats have already lost the election. So, like, forgive me for ignoring decorum, but wow.

Lots of things keep me up at night about Hillary as a candidate; Bernie supporters largely voting for her in the general is not one of them. I've had this discussion with people I think are less stark raving mad than you are (hi Crab!) before so I don't feel like having a worse version of it again.

Definitely out of hand at this point. I do think that the majority of people who vote Sanders will vote Clinton, and most of the evidence suggests that. Those who do not were unlikely to vote Clinton anyway and usually like Sanders for reasons often only weakly linked to policy-outcome.

Hi Crab!

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
Hello, y2kev. I am having a cup of tea and a crumpet. Care to join me?

EDIT: Although I would clarify my statement. I don't think the presence of Sanders and the contested nature of the primary will reduce Clinton's support below what it otherwise would have been sans Sanders, but I do think there is a significant amount of voters who would vote Sanders but not Clinton (and hence that Sanders is a more electable candidate). I just think in an alternate world where Sanders did not run, they were not likely to vote Democratic in the first place, rather than being Democrats who were evangelized into only supporting Sanders and nobody else.

I do agree that the constant hate directed at Democratic Sanders fans is not useful, though. Even if I think it is very likely they will turn up to vote, there are other important things you need them for - grounds troops, for example.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
If you ever go to London, Beigel Bake does the world's best bagels. Honest to god, you will simply not disagree once you've tried.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member

This is the time to have scones and tea, not crumpets!

Flog him!

I have no scones. :( I forgot to go shopping yesterday. I'm also having to use a generic spread on my crumpets and not real butter, because I am also out of butter.
The fact that you're willing and happy to condemn Bernie's movement to death for cycles past 2016 tells me all I need to know about your alleged seriousness on his issues.

At some point, admit that you're more about the man - the personality - and less about his actual ideals. That'd be the noble, honest thing to do.
I think you've mistaken me for a Bernie-stan. I'm far further left than he is. Bernie is tolerable, but he's a liberal reformist Capitalist. I still have to plug one nostril to vote for him.

I don't think I'm a typical Bernie voter. I am, however, acquainted with quite a few Bernie supporters who quite simply will not vote for Hillary. Some of it is crazy confusion, stuff like Rand Paul supporters who would vote for Bernie but not Cruz or Trump and certainly not Hillary. Some of it is tired old liberals who know they don't have too many elections left to make a difference who are just not going to for a candidate they don't like anymore after Clinton and Obama.

No one trusts the fairness of the social contract. It goes beyond parties and the unfairness is so visible that it can't be denied the way it could even in 2008. GWB hatred was enough then. Now, there's no one to hate but themselves for believing Obama would fix anything. The betrayal of the millenials by the two decades of Reagan, Bush, and Clinton. The lack of security, the lack of hope for a fair shake, crippling college debt for degrees that are nearly worthless. Endless wars and terrorism. The patriotic paint just won't stick to the imperialism anymore and the cynical motivations of all the bodies and institutions could formerly be seen as ineffectiveness and ineptitude. Now they are seen as openly hostile to the average voter on both sides of the political divide.

I've never seen a political environment like this in this country before, but I've read enough history to make a tentative diagnosis. I think that if you look deeply into what's going on that you'll see it too. The current system cannot continue in its present form. It could be that we'll get a progressive, liberal Capitalist reform Hail Mary like we did in the 1930s, but it's just as likely that we'll get real, actual fascism. Consumerism has alienated us from one another more than ever before.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
Okay, but there's not many like you, and with respect I don't think the Marxist voter niche nor the lost Ron Paul fans will impact the election. I'm more worried about disengaged soft-left millennials than anything else.


I think you've mistaken me for a Bernie-stan. I'm far further left than he is. Bernie is tolerable, but he's a liberal reformist Capitalist. I still have to plug one nostril to vote for him.

I don't think I'm a typical Bernie voter. I am, however, acquainted with quite a few Bernie supporters who quite simply will not vote for Hillary. Some of it is crazy confusion, stuff like Rand Paul supporters who would vote for Bernie but not Cruz or Trump and certainly not Hillary. Some of it is tired old liberals who know they don't have too many elections left to make a difference who are just not going to for a candidate they don't like anymore after Clinton and Obama.

No one trusts the fairness of the social contract. It goes beyond parties and the unfairness is so visible that it can't be denied the way it could even in 2008. GWB hatred was enough then. Now, there's no one to hate but themselves for believing Obama would fix anything. The betrayal of the millenials by the two decades of Reagan, Bush, and Clinton. The lack of security, the lack of hope for a fair shake, crippling college debt for degrees that are nearly worthless. Endless wars and terrorism. The patriotic paint just won't stick to the imperialism anymore and the cynical motivations of all the bodies and institutions could formerly be seen as ineffectiveness and ineptitude. Now they are seen as openly hostile to the average voter on both sides of the political divide.

I've never seen a political environment like this in this country before, but I've read enough history to make a tentative diagnosis. I think that if you look deeply into what's going on that you'll see it too. The current system cannot continue in its present form. It could be that we'll get a progressive, liberal Capitalist reform Hail Mary like we did in the 1930s, but it's just as likely that we'll get real, actual fascism. Consumerism has alienated us from one another more than ever before.
I actually think we're fucked, too; this century is going to be amazing and scary and sad. My main motivation is to steer us in the decline.

(edit: Sorry for being a downer. Eat, drink, and be merry!)


I actually think we're fucked, too; this century is going to be amazing and scary and sad. My main motivation is to steer us in the decline.

(edit: Sorry for being a downer. Eat, drink, and be merry!)

To be honest for me Bernie is not presidential looking. Hillary looks and feels presidential to me. That 10 hour Benghazi slug fest showed me she is definitely the one to take on the Republicans in the fall. Bernie sticks to his economic script and thats great but put him in a non-scripted moment and he flubs.


TRUMP at 43% in Georgia. Cruz won't make it out of Texas during the SEC primary.

Cruz is going to win his home state with Trump a close second.
Okay, but there's not many like you, and with respect I don't think the Marxist voter niche nor the lost Ron Paul fans will impact the election. I'm more worried about disengaged soft-left millennials than anything else.
Right. You shouldn't worry about me or the confused Rand Paulists. We're too small a minority. I'm not delusional enough to think that Bernie backers will refuse to vote for Clinton for the same reasons that I do.

I just can't shake the feeling that this isn't like Howard Dean in 2004. Hillary is a weak candidate with a very solid ceiling (dunno how much of it is glass). Remove the kids and enough of the old left from the Democratic equation, add enough kids voting 'LOL, Trump' (because trolling is the only real exercise of personal power that they can effect, short of spree killings and the girls don't do that anyway) and it's not a pretty picture.

Hillary would have won in a landslide if Sanders hadn't gotten into the race, but being in the race, he's a klieglight pointing out every single one of Hillary's flaws from the left. Fox News either points out or flat out makes shit up about her on her right. Now the ceiling sinks.

And a showman with a bad hairdo (Trump or Cruz) emerges on the stage and between low turnout and flat out stealing Ohio, we get the scariest right winger we've ever seen. As president.

And I don't think anyone can stop it because Sanders was never going to get the nomination and he's the only one with enough perceived integrity to pull off a Roosevelt. And let's be honest, it would still be damned difficult for him even if he did win.

Roosevelt had a strong socialist/communist party and the unions that he could sell out or use to scare the living shit out of business. That's gone, never coming back. Gone with it is any semblance of left unity. People are angry and scared and uncertain about their futures and there's nothing on the left to harness it or direct it, so it's gonna go to the right.
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