Uh, guys.
Donald J Trump is literally the GOP nominee for President.
Like. This is real. In our Universe.
I mean, I've expected it for months, but it's still surreal.
There's pretty much no way he's winning and this will likely signal the beginning of the end of the current GOP, but holy fuck what the fucking fuckity fuck!?
McCain endorsing Trump is the most obvious example of the rot and sickness in the Republican party. They deserve everything they get, and I hope they all go down in flames.
McCain just endorsed Trump.
A new one???? He's spending millions of dollars on ads over 3 speeches?Chris ripping into Weaver over that Bernie wall street paid speeches ad.
YAAAAAAAS, just got my "Qualified" sticker.
So I see they're finally reaching Stage 5: Acceptance.McCain just endorsed Trump.
I just want to make a quick comment about Trump. I'll do one for Bernie later tonight or tomorrow.
But for the first time in my life, I'm really seeing the Presidential election as something that truly, truly matters.
Of course, the past elections have proven to matter a lot, but at the time of the election, I didn't feel it (with the exception of Obama's significance in terms of race).
Even 2012 didn't feel the weight of what's coming now.
The GOP is nominating a race baiting, xenophobic, misogynist, conspiracy theory, con man, hack piece of shit bigot.
For him to become the leader of our nation would be the greatest failure of my lifetime. It is of vital importance that this does not happen. I don't care how slim the chances are of it happening (and trust me, it's very slim). The point is it can not happen. And the larger the defeat the better. This shit has to be put out back and shot in the head (figuratively).
In the end, Donald's reign as President probably wouldn't hurt me in any way except potentially from an economic perspective. But there are so many lives that do not have the "luck of the draw" that I've had and for them, I am willing to fight against this.
So yeah, that's my Trump rant.
McCain just endorsed Trump.
@BenSasse Ben Sasse Retweeted GOP
I assume this is a parody account?
Thank you to the entire Republican field for a hard fought race. The Party is better for your efforts.
I guess we're waiting on Romney's endorsement at this point. McCain is such an embarrassment, including media darling "Maverick" '00 version.
I wanted to buy something, but since it's technically a campaign donation I can't do it as non-citizen![]()
I don't know who 33% of those people are.It was on Twitter. He is down to 39 from 41, but I think it was just the same two that already switched.
It's like the worst game of Snog, Marry, Avoid ever .
In the short term, yes, but I'd like to see his supporters join the real political world sooner rather than later, one where you can't put all your eggs in one national race and yadda yadda yadda your way to wins across the country on many levels. Everything about his campaign (Step 1: Bernie!, Step 2: ???, Step 3: Sweeping political revolution) is a naive and short-sided approach to progress.So what? Let em' pat themselves on the back if it's what they need. All I care about is the results. That's why I'm on Team Hillary in the first place.
That's one I can't see happening
He's annoying. His policy proposals aren't that different than trump but he'll pretend rhetorically he's different.
The GOP is nominating a race baiting, xenophobic, misogynist, conspiracy theory, con man, hack piece of shit bigot.
I've not seen this anywhereMcCain just endorsed Trump.
Cannot believe McCain, how could he endorse trump. It's just crazy
After all those terrible things Trump said about McCain, he's endorsing him!?
I think this was the second time:Second time he's been shot down and held captive by the enemy.
Too soon?
I'm sure there will be a thread on this soon: Hacker Guccifer Claims He Broke Into Hillary Clinton's Email Server
After all those terrible things Trump said about McCain, he's endorsing him!?
This this thread had become really bad about not demanding links or proof before reacting. not a good lookWhere is this McCain stuff coming from? Don't see anything anywhere.
Calling for a debate because you won 5 delegates?
Is he for real? Nobody wants a debate. Nobody will care about it. Nobody will watch it. It's pointless. The network doesn't want it. The DNC doesn't want it.
This this thread had become really bad about not demanding links or proof before reacting. not a good look
Calling for a debate because you won 5 delegates?
Is he for real? Nobody wants a debate. Nobody will care about it. Nobody will watch it. It's pointless. The network doesn't want it. The DNC doesn't want it.
It's pointless, but it's free ad time.
Where is this McCain stuff coming from? Don't see anything anywhere.
John McCain, the 2008 Republican nominee, said he would support Trump. McCain is a U.S. senator from Arizona who is seeking re-election this year and was insulted by Trump last year.
"As John McCain has said, he will support the nominee of the Republican Party, who is now presumptively Donald Trump," said McCain's Senate campaign spokeswoman, Lorna Romero.
This is him basically saying that he accessed the server and didn't see anything interesting on there at the time.Isn't this an old story? I swear...
Edit: Found it http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1195011&highlight=hacker+guccifer+hillary
Haven't read either yet so your's is probably new news.