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So were Scott's. FL Democrats have been screwing the pooch since 1998. Nelson has been their only success.

This is a presidential election year brah. Dems be poppin son, hard body.

Also, Rubio is on record talking shit about the Senate and saying it's either the Presidency or nothing for him. Just loop that shit over and over. He doesn't want to be your Senator, you can't trust him.
He will run

Yassss King

...or better yet

Aren't there other Republicans who wanted that seat? Does Rubio have to run a primary for the seat?

And holy hell, why does he think he'd win when he's on record as hating being a Senator? It's literally the opposite of inspiring.

Mississippi, Arizona, Utah, and Georgia are the states I'm watching. The first 3 are uniquely possible with Trump on the ticket, and GA is up to switch with changing demographics. I'm super interested in how much Clinton wants to push into those regions; just feint the attempt to bait some campaigning there, or really make a push for it and possibly steal more than you would without the push?

I'd probably just feint and make sure I took VA and PA, but still.


I'll just say it's a tossup for now.

But I believe Murphy will end up winning. Rubio's approvals are terrible.

Rubio, who announced Wednesday that he intends to run, leads U.S. Rep. Patrick Murphy 47 percent to 40 percent and U.S. Rep. Alan Grayson 48 percent to 40 percent, according to a Quinnipiac University survey of 975 registered Florida voters that has a 3.1 percentage point error margin.

Read more: http://www.politico.com/states/flor...ocrats-in-us-senate-race-103137#ixzz4CKTuiFW2



Those AZ poll numbers, wow. Hope that also follows with the Senate race. It's time for McCain's forced retirement.

Is it crazy to say that is because of the pissed latino vote?

Even white people are losing interest in Trump with his recent antics


FGC Waterboy
First, let's lay out more groundwork for this. Are you talking about racists who tell stupid jokes or Klansmen? Because I'm talking about the latter (and I realize that they probably aren't a big feature in Seattle, but in Mississippi, they show up at least once a year to march somewhere). I simply find it disgusting to appeal to them.

And to my knowledge, the "they're not mean, just ignorant" is a myth. Some people simply hate black people, or Muslims, or LGBT people, etc... and they state that if asked in the company of white hetero folks. My own father-in-law is a Trump supporter who says his favorite song is "White Christmas" *wink wink*. These people exist; they're not dumb, and the real world isn't a Disney channel original movie where people are swayed once they see the real truth (or whatever).

I really don't know how you can look at something like that other thread in OT right now (with the TN guy putting up billboards that say "I Have a Dream" with Confederate flags or "Make America White Again") and say, "That guy's probably just not as knowledgeable about people of color. Shame on you for not appealing to him!"

See above for changing people. People that tell racist jokes? Maybe you could get through. But I think there's a sizable portion of our nation that simply doesn't like people of color or any other minorities, and you won't change them with a hug or a TV show.

Blargh, GAF ate my long response, so I'll do a short version

A) People who make racist jokes as opposed to KKK members. In the nuance of the internet, they're lumped in as the same. Which is a major part of the problem. In that sense, I think we are talking about different groups, which makes the earlier conversation make waaaaay more sense. :D

B) Seattle doesn't have these issues (really sucks to be a black person or a poor person in Seattle though, but that's a different story) - but the vast majority of my life (been in Seattle 9 years, midwest 20+) has been in rural IL, and the paki-beating newsletters taped to our driveway never quite leave you.

C) I think that the echo chamber and banality of the internet generally fools people into believing that what they find (and by find, often times have self-selected themselves into socially) on the internet is representative of the world at large. See: Bernie Sanders supporters. So when we see stuff like the TN thread on GAF, it comes across as a meaningful representation of the world, rather than a random independent (not even GOP, but actual independent) jackass who bought two billboards in TN and caused the outrage of the day. There's zero news in that thread. But because it validates our pre-existing narrative, we give it importance.

I think basically, that maybe 5-10% of the country is irredeemably racist and hateful. I think people act like it is 30-40%. Which, when you think about the people you know and how many there are...anything besides low single digits is probably a massive exaggeration.
Ryan's health care just seems to be to massively cut Medicaid and CHIP.

I think basically, that maybe 5-10% of the country is irredeemably racist and hateful. I think people act like it is 30-40%. Which, when you think about the people you know and how many there are...anything besides low single digits is probably a massive exaggeration.

... Donald Trump has floated the idea of nuclear war with Europe and destroying the global economy and he's still between 30-40% in the polls even though his only platform is that he really really extremely absurdly hates people of color.

There is literally nothing appealing about Trump other than the fact that he is a white nationalist. 30-40% of people in America are certainly racist.

30% of people think Obama is a Muslim and calling Obama a Muslim is just a codeword for n*****. Come the fuck on.

30-40% of Americans want to ban Islam from America. How are those people not irredeemably racist and hateful people?

Can't say enough about the job Hispanic groups and democrat organizations have done registering voters over the last few decades in Arizona. This election seems like it could be unique enough to give democrats a good chance at winning the state. Clinton is going to have so much more money than Trump that it won't hurt to really invest in GOTV infrastructure there and roll the dice. Might not win but hey, you might be able to beat McCain which is nearly just as good.
So not only did the press destroy that "major" Trump speech, it was horrible! If that is Manafort's "presidential" Trump, then I'm fine with that.

Manafort will do as much to straighten him out, and probably will advise Trump in every step of the way. Doubt it'll work effectively as Trump will do whatever he wants. Manafort and the children will probably spend most of their time on working behind the scenes to get everything going and get money. Too late for this month, he actually might have even less money these month or roughly a little more. What matters is how July goes. If the next month is a disaster; that means it is almost guaranteed that he is going to lose based on an organization standpoint .

More speeches like this is going to be more common, but there will still be fuck ups in the campaign. These speech tried to avoid it, but it won't change many people's minds.The speech itself would probably work for the GOP base, but won't really work for anyone besides some left-wing guys, but these men probably don't like Hillary anyway.



*anxiously runs to Harry Enten and Nate Cohn twitter*

(((Harry Enten)))Verified account
Do I think Clinton is up 5 in AZ? No. Do I think the state is in play? Absolutely.
Nate CohnVerified account
A bit hard to reconcile a big Clinton buy in Nevada with a Clinton lead in AZ. It'll be interesting to see if she goes in

I'll take it!
I also agree with whoever said that the Cincy event with Queen and Warren is a trial balloon. I don't think Warren was ever really on her short list pre-Bernie. I think she wants to see how the two work together. Hillary's not going to take someone she doesn't feel comfortable with. So, come through Cincy. Don't fuck this up....
I mean, America's biggest war in history was over whether or not to enslave black people, then America was an apartheid state for the 100 years after that war, and then Nixon and Reagan got elected via hating black people.

... I mean, giant, huge things in the history of this nation have come about from America hating people of color alone. There has to be passion from a lot of the citizens of the nation to have these massive things happen.


In a year Bush won by 5. Do you think that will happen this time?

Willing to trust PPP more than Quinnipiac here, who quite frankly puts out bullshit numbers especially in states with high Hispanic populations.

If Hillary can win FL by 5 I concede that will be hard for Rubio to outrun Trump. Just remember that Rubio like his colleagues has the "advantage of incumbency"
I feel like Hill is just playing mind games against Trump by featuring Warren so heavily in her campaign early on. Potentially baiting out his VP pick or something.
Can't say enough about the job Hispanic groups and democrat organizations have done registering voters over the last few decades in Arizona. This election seems like it could be unique enough to give democrats a good chance at winning the state. Clinton is going to have so much more money than Trump that it won't hurt to really invest in GOTV infrastructure there and roll the dice. Might not win but hey, you might be able to beat McCain which is nearly just as good.
Sad thing is AZ could have been competitive a lot sooner, but Obama essentially forfeited the state in 08 due to McCain's favorite son status and didn't bother in 2012 as the campaign was more concerned with playing defense (and even dropping IN, a state he did win). Not that I'd call either of those bad moves, but Hillary would have a lot better infrastructure to start with.

If Hillary can win FL by 5 I concede that will be hard for Rubio to outrun Trump. Just remember that Rubio like his colleagues has the "advantage of incumbency"
Democrats have more often outrun the top of the ticket during presidential election years. Also incumbency advantage could actually be very damaging when your approval ratings are in the toilet.


Nancy Pelosi wearing a rainbow wristband, giving a speech about the Democratic sit-in over the lack of a gun control vote? That's my aesthetic. I fucks with that.


I think the Murphy/Rubio race will be close either way but I think Murphy should just barely edge him out.

I still don't think Rubio has a prayer. It is very rare to be able to run an ad of your opponent for Senate saying that the Senate is stupid and he doesn't bother going to work any more.


No Scrubs
I mean, America's biggest war in history was over whether or not to enslave black people, then America was an apartheid state for the 100 years after that war, and then Nixon and Reagan got elected via hating black people.

... I mean, giant, huge things in the history of this nation have come about from America hating people of color alone. There has to be passion from a lot of the citizens of the nation to have these massive things happen.

If we hadn't fucked up reconstruction so bad we'd probably be in a better position today. We needed to stamp out that apartheid state shit immediately instead of waiting 100 years. It's easily one of the biggest fuck ups we've made as a country.

In a perfect world he'd pick Michele Bachman as VP.

You mean Newt Gingrich.
I mean, America's biggest war in history was over whether or not to enslave black people, then America was an apartheid state for the 100 years after that war, and then Nixon and Reagan got elected via hating black people.

... I mean, giant, huge things in the history of this nation have come about from America hating people of color alone. There has to be passion from a lot of the citizens of the nation to have these massive things happen.

sorry but that all ended because Obama is black


I still don't think Rubio has a prayer. It is very rare to be able to run an ad of your opponent for Senate saying that the Senate is stupid and he doesn't bother going to work any more.

Name value is a huge, huge thing in Florida politics. Murphy has to make himself better known, he's less known than Grayson among the populace at large.

Thankfully, he should receive the full backing of the DNC and be able to go on an ad blitz once he locks up the nom.
Nancy Pelosi wearing a rainbow wristband, giving a speech about the Democratic sit-in over the lack of a gun control vote? That's my aesthetic. I fucks with that.
The ardent Bernie supporters should look at this and see what it's like for Democrats to take a strong stance on something and fight for it.

But they're all a part of the establishment, both parties are the same because Dems voted down the shitty shitty GOP amendments, waah.


This Dem sit-in has taken over the news cycyle

You know Trump is pissed.

Oh he has to be and I'm happy. :)

He had the morning only for his speech to be followed up by fact checking showing him to lie about so many things, addition there still wasn't any push back on the claims and examples Hillary gave in her last two big speeches. Just a lot of she's a liar without any examples or proof and conspiracy theories and overall just a lot of stupid. Then you have the sit-in that completely pushed him to the side. Now you have Hillary with her own speech leading into the prime time news hour with additional talk about her meeting and congressional dems and them rallying around her which again loops right back to the sit-in.

He had all of an hour possibly to himself before everything else took place.
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