Clinton lead over Trump per +6. Obama net approval: +4. Obama net favorability: +5.
Absolutely Trump can win. Keep in mind though,
remain led in just 50.6% of polls since beginning of year. Clinton has led in 93.4% of them.
Now polls can change for sure. (See 1988, 1992, 2000.) But going solely by polls, Clinton is a surer bet than remain ever was.
I think
@davidbylerrcp was right. Most don't know how to assess probability. But based on history, you can certainly offer a probability.
So that it's fair to say
Clinton's 6 pt lead roughly gives here a 75% chance of winning. Not a sure thing, but that 75% chance is valid.
That 75% chance is worth as much as a 75% chance of winning on election day. Difference is that a 75% chance then would be like a 1.5 pt lead.
If Clinton actually led by 6 on election day, she'd probably be like a 95%+ chance of winning (depending on swing state polling).