Well, I specified immigration.
Which was the main factor. Given the freedom of movement was generally thought a net positive for the UK economy, and the economic support these regions were given by the EU. Everyone who keeps wanting to deny this, really needs to just accept it and move on.
Whether it was racism and xenophobia driving that dislike of immigration or not is a different question. And highly likely. There being a lot of them doesn't mean they weren't driven by xenophobia.
And that doesn't really wax lyrical on the drivers of that immigration either. Which some will want to go at length apologising for I'm sure.
Or from the wisdom of the Simpsons: Immigants! I knew it was them! Even when it was the bears, I knew it was them.
I keep seeing "they couldnt ALL be bigots!" but like why not
sure they could
Yeah, I like the comparison we have further up that we're discussing whether the Civil War was actually about slavery. I assure you, there are that many racists. People like my father-in-law who sing "White Christmas" after Trump rallies. They exist, and they make up more than just a few idiots in the South.
the $15 minimum wage is unfeasible in smaller States
It makes sense in NYC, SF, DC and LA but it doesn't make sense in the middle of the country
Yeah, it would destroy Mississippi.
Also, Gary Johnson:
Unsustainable entitlements are clearly why people voted to leave the EU. I'm sure Brits will be ecstatic to receive cuts to their pensions and the NHS!
I really don't understand this idea that the UK is some special snowflake in the world that we should be throwing ourselves at them for insanely favorable trade deals. Like, one of the consequences of the Brexit is that we find the UK much less appealing, and we're also not in a rush to start more negotiations when we're already knee-deep talking to the much larger, more important EU.
Tired of the "Hillary's a terrible campaigner" bullcrap when Hillary has run BY FAR the most PRISTINE campaign this cycle on both sides. She's leading in votes (second to only her 2008 SELF and Obama) while basically being on cruise control since February.
2008 was 8 years ago, y'all.
Same. Hillary is exciting to a lot of people. If you want a candidate that wasn't, look at her most recent opponent.
Sanders and Stein going two for two on econowashing racism away.
Why do they struggle with minorities again? So weird
It's hilarious that they can't see it. Literally no different than my mom walking around saying "Why won't the black people vote for the Party of Lincoln?" without a hint of irony.
I feel the same way. For me the only choices are Kaine and maybe even Locke?
I was on the Beccerra train but that whole deal with the pardoning of the cocaine trafficker made me get off it. Clinton already has enough fucking baggage she doesn't need any more.
See, I just looked him up, and the first video that popped was him on the Daily Show (which I don't watch anymore

). The first question was "What does your job entail? Like, what do you do?" and he starts off with "We help the middle class" to a good applause.
I think he's charismatic enough to do that. I really just want someone for Hispanic outreach. We have to make the US as a whole look like California with our Hispanic margins. If that happens, the GOP becomes a regional party overnight. Then we start chipping into certain regions, then states, then districts. Secure the White House and we free up a lot more resources (and even the WH can be relaxed if the Court is locked up).