I've had some DNC ones hit the spambox..His fundraising emails have been marked as spam (possibly because they read more like sales pitches or advertisements and less like campaign fundraising emails) and most people haven't opened them or even looked at them. Both Hillary and Bernie had next to none of their emails marked as spam, so this is a pretty big problem for Trump - he's behind in damn near everything at this point. He can't even get the email part of fundraising done properly.
It's great. I love it. I just hope he doesn't screw up so badly that he doesn't get nominated - but then again, it's not like the Republicans are suddenly going to grow a backbone.
If we're in that situation,DGAF Obama will lead to No Chillary killing it.Given a Senate majority but not a supermajority, and a House majority, do you think the Democrats should try and eliminate the filibuster? I've been thinking about it a bit recently, and I can't decide what I think.