User 85168
Dem: Kaine
GOP: Christie
Picking Kaine seems like such a Hillary thing to do. Hence my pick.
GOP: Christie
Picking Kaine seems like such a Hillary thing to do. Hence my pick.
so are those your picks?
though honestly i have no idea on the gop side
Can Trump be his own VP? Maybe he'll pick one of his kids.
Hillary: Kaine
Trump: Gingrich
Honestly, Ivanka would be a better pick than all of the other bustas he has to choose from.
The gingrich pick is just too toxic. Christie is pushing that threshold already IMO.
Why are you guys so up on Sessions?
I understand his stated criteria (Washington experience, foreign policy experience), but Sessions lacks all of the standard qualities of a VP which absolutely still apply to Trump's campaign. He's a shit surrogate, will bomb the VP debate against nearly any of the potential Clinton picks, and is a terrible attack dog. IMO, Trump would be foolish to not choose Christie or Gingrich. They both have baggage, but so does Trump. Both are skilled orators who can (fact based or not) give scathing rebukes of the Democrats and will absolutely rock the VP debate against most of Clinton's potential picks. Sessions, Corker, and Cotton are like Tim Kaine x 1000: boring as shit, crap campaigners, and terrible debaters.
Why are you guys so up on Sessions?
I understand his stated criteria (Washington experience, foreign policy experience), but Sessions lacks all of the standard qualities of a VP which absolutely still apply to Trump's campaign. He's a shit surrogate, will bomb the VP debate against nearly any of the potential Clinton picks, and is a terrible attack dog. IMO, Trump would be foolish to not choose Christie or Gingrich. They both have baggage, but so does Trump. Both are skilled orators who can (fact based or not) give scathing rebukes of the Democrats and will absolutely rock the VP debate against most of Clinton's potential picks. Sessions, Corker, and Cotton are like Tim Kaine x 1000: boring as shit, crap campaigners, and terrible debaters.
I'm gonna go with Warren and Gingrich too. Was thinking about picking Christie, but I think he's just a McDonalds gopher now
"I've determined the best VP selection is... me"
People that think Trump actually views Christie as some kind of manslave and/or sex servant need to get off Politico.
IDK, "Christie was seen fetching McDonalds for Mr. Trump" seems....
Isn't this exactly what Cheney did? I could swear he was head of Bush's search in 2000 and ended up finding himself.
Never!People that think Trump actually views Christie as some kind of manslave and/or sex servant need to get off Politico.
IDK, "Christie was seen fetching McDonalds for Mr. Trump" seems....
Today I got Five Guys for me and my roommate. I guess I am his servant.
Yup. I don't understand the thinking behind Gingrich being a viable choice. He is the human equivalent of toxic waste. No one wants toxic waste near them.
The VP debate is one news cycle. I think Trump is looking for someone that backs him up with conservative credentials and doesn't rock the boat too much. I don't think Trump takes Christie seriously, given the whole fat narrative that has come out in the last few weeks. Gingrich is just toxic.
People that think Trump actually views Christie as some kind of manslave and/or sex servant need to get off Politico.
People that think Trump actually views Christie as some kind of manslave and/or sex servant need to get off Politico.
Today I got Five Guys for me and my roommate. I guess I am his servant.
Los Tres Amigos: Obama, Trudeau and Nieto to meet in Ottawa to discus North American matters, trade, climate change and newly how to handle the Brexit and EU fuckery.
This is like pornLos Tres Amigos: Obama, Trudeau and Nieto to meet in Ottawa to discus North American matters, trade, climate change and newly how to handle the Brexit and EU fuckery.
Los Tres Amigos: Obama, Trudeau and Nieto to meet in Ottawa to discus North American matters, trade, climate change and newly how to handle the Brexit and EU fuckery.
Oh man I really didn't need to see this before I go to sleepTrump: Hey buddy, I think you've got the wrong door, the leather club's two blocks down.
Los Tres Amigos: Obama, Trudeau and Nieto to meet in Ottawa to discus North American matters, trade, climate change and newly how to handle the Brexit and EU fuckery.
Los Tres Amigos: Obama, Trudeau and Nieto to meet in Ottawa to discus North American matters, trade, climate change and newly how to handle the Brexit and EU fuckery.
I didn't feel like waiting.
Los Tres Amigos: Obama, Trudeau and Nieto to meet in Ottawa to discus North American matters, trade, climate change and newly how to handle the Brexit and EU fuckery.
Hillary's VP doesn't matter that much because Deborah Ross will be the 2024 nominee regardless of the VP selection in 2016.
VP sweepstakes winners
Dem: Becerra
GOP: Christie
* But I also feel like Trump is going to pick a woman.
Eh, I could also see this, but I think his options are limited. Fallin is meh. I don't think Martinez would take it. Who does that leave? Haley, Love? Certainly not Palin. That Creek already got shat in.