Cesare Borgia
Kaine has been through this process before, he knows what he's doing. I think a lot of VP candidates end up hurting themselves by trying to impress the presidential nominee, or trying to be something he or she isn't. My personal view is that Evan Byah screwed up in 08 by attempting to out-Obama Obama. He gave a very professional and business like spiel that didn't seem authentic, and seemed more like him trying to appeal to Obama's aides by reminding them of him (analytical, some might say aloof, serious, etc). Whereas the Byah most people were familiar with was the folksier, regular guy that people saw in Indiana and the senate. But that's not how he presented himself to Axelrod. In his memoir Axelrod does note that he saw a glimpse of the regular Byah later on during the process when he discussed his family, but it was likely too late at that point.
Whereas Joe Biden walked in and was Joe Biden. He didn't try to prove he could defer or be under control, he simply was himself - and if anyone didn't like it he didn't care. It worked obviously. This is essentially what Dick Cheney did as well.
Kaine could have easily tried (and failed) to fire up a crowd or give a passionate performance on a news show recently. Instead he's just being himself, and I assume he did the same during his VP presentation/interview. He'll do his job, he won't over shadow the presidential candidate (which btw can't be said of Warren) and will wait his turn.
Whereas Joe Biden walked in and was Joe Biden. He didn't try to prove he could defer or be under control, he simply was himself - and if anyone didn't like it he didn't care. It worked obviously. This is essentially what Dick Cheney did as well.
Kaine could have easily tried (and failed) to fire up a crowd or give a passionate performance on a news show recently. Instead he's just being himself, and I assume he did the same during his VP presentation/interview. He'll do his job, he won't over shadow the presidential candidate (which btw can't be said of Warren) and will wait his turn.