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Does he not realize how racist calling someone Pocahontas is?

Honestly, I think this is the #1 reason they should pick Warren. I love her politics and she'd bring in some of the more hardline Sanders supporters who are still being grumpy in the corner, but more than anything Warren really gets under Trump's skin like nobody else seems to be able to at this point. Even Hilary's attacks haven't caused him to go into broken robot mode like Warren's have.

I think making her the VP would result in Trump spending an inordinate amount of time off message harassing Warren instead of focusing on Hilary. He wouldn't be able to help himself and would just spiral further into his insult campaign.



Trump keeps breaking one of the rules of politics. Don't. Punch. Down.

If you're attacking a surrogate, then you're not attacking the candidate.


Unconfirmed Member
According to Bernie they do ;)

This was in response to the article that came out last week that Wall Street donors were signaling they wouldn't give if Warren was the VP pick. No way of knowing how real it was.

Real or not, it's probably the case. Rich people go to fundraisers expecting to be coddled like babies and constantly reassured that they're self worth is equal to their monetary worth and Kaine is the best person to do that. Not just to fundraise against trump but to fundraise for various democrats in 2018 as well.


Been watching Warren for a long time, I still remember her first appearance on TDS like years ago.

I'd be pretty pleased if Hillary selects her for VP, I think it will definitely be an energizing move.


Another week where Trump and the GOP were supposed to keep their fire trained on Hillary. Another week where they get distracted by silly things, like Warren's Native American issue.

Undisciplined. Sad!


Apparently Twitter was abuzz this morning when Trump referred to Warren without saying "Pocahontas". They are just wound up looking for any sign of a pivot.

Trump resolved the issue, of course.


Patrick Murphy, like every other Florida Dem, being exposed as a shit candidate lying about his resume has me increasingly worried Rubot is getting back his seat.
Patrick Murphy, like every other Florida Dem, being exposed as a shit candidate lying about his resume has me increasingly worried Rubot is getting back his seat.
Murphy's issues are totally overblown, and the outlet that ran with it were basically doing it as a witch hunt and constantly corrected themselves and edited it without saying anything until the allegations were basically nothing.

Republicans will still attack him on it of course, but Rubio is a pretty awful candidate himself - how easy will it be to run against the guy who hates the Senate and is only doing this because he lost his shot at the presidency?
Some of them have gofundmes set up to fund their trips. I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of them ended up being no-shows.

Asking for $5,000 to $10,000, even. When you can easily stay an hour away, split a room, and take trains and/or uber to the city, and do it for hundreds.

I guess they are inspired by Vatican Bernie.


AP: Clinton's VP thinking: Don't harm Dem chances to take Senate

As Hillary Clinton considers her choices for vice president, she's seriously weighing the potential negative impact her decision could have on Democratic efforts to retake control of the Senate, according to party members familiar with her thinking.

She's also said to be worried about how her pick could affect congressional elections in 2018, at the midpoint of her presidency should she win the White House. Her political calculus underscores how closely linked she believes her success as president would be to having her party in power on Capitol Hill.

Clinton's concerns center on senators whose seats would be filled by a Republican governor if they move into the White House — including Cory Booker of New Jersey and Sherrod Brown of Ohio. Examined by Clinton's vetting team in an early stage of the vice presidential process, it's unclear whether they have been moved onto her short list.


For Reid, there's one exception: Warren. Reid and other Democrats have been reviewing Massachusetts rules for filing a Senate vacancy and are confident there are ways to speed up a special election they believe would return a Democrat to the seat before the next president takes office, despite GOP governor Charlie Baker's power to tap a temporary replacement.

Reid is actively pushing Clinton to tap the leading Senate progressive, who vigorously spoke up for her as they campaigned together in Cincinnati on Monday. He's argued against picking Booker or Brown because of concerns about Senate control, according to Democratic officials.


But Clinton is skeptical of playing the role of party kingmaker, say people familiar with her thinking. She worries that by picking a younger running mate, she might appear to be selecting her successor — a responsibility she believes should rest with the next generation of Democrats.


uh what. what?

The landslide New Hampshire victory finally put the campaign in a different frame of mind. "It gave us confidence that we could fight," says Jane Sanders. She calls the New Hampshire blowout "humbling, moving and surprising."

But then came Nevada, where a harsh reality set in: the Sanders campaign had not scaled up with talented teams beyond the first two states. The campaign had fired the original state director, and replacement Joan Kato was no better. With three weeks to go before the caucuses, the campaign still did not yet have chairs for every precinct.

There were other signs Kato was overmatched. At one point shortly before the caucuses, she instructed staff to buy double-sided coins -- in case coin-flips were needed to decide any of the caucuses in the event of a tie, according to staffers. In the end, Sanders lost Nevada by about a 5 percent margin. Although the campaign felt Kato had run a faulty field operation, she was not let go, instead staying on with the campaign as the national delegate director.



Elizabeth Forma is so cheap she couldn't even buy the Elizabeth Warren twitter handle when she ran for Senate. Sad!

What exactly is the Warren/Native American issue? All I hear of it is whenever Trump mentions it

She has a Native American ancestor and Trump says it was a lie to help her get into college or something

She probably thought double-sided meant normal coins, like images on both sides (LOL)


What exactly is the Warren/Native American issue? All I hear of it is whenever Trump mentions it

Short story, her family passed down stories that they had Native American blood. When she applied for post-grad/teaching positions at Harvard and I think one other school, she checked off the box. She hadn't done it previously in her life.

Harvard has said that it had nothing to do with her getting the job, but because she had made the change from the past, Scott Brown and opponents said that she had lied to get the job. There is more to it regarding whether or not she was being classified as a minority hire, but all in all it is nothing.

However, it basically became all Scott Brown had in the Senate race and they milked it dry.


Are there any good possible senate candidates in MA able to take Warren's spot if she does get tapped for VP?

Absolutely. MA's bench is absurdly deep. There is a good mix of elder statesmen and rising stars. Out of the fourteen people listed on the '14 young democrats to watch' list, four are from MA.


Deval Patrick - Should need no explanation

Barney Frank - He'd probably only serve a term or two to keep the seat warm for someone younger

Joe Kennedy III - Very young, but he's apparently well-respected in the House already.

Niki Tsongas - widow of Paul Tsongas and a well-respected US rep in her own right. I think in prior Senate elections there was a big effort to try to get her to run

Seth Moulton - I hadn't heard of him until he was on the list above, but it sounds like he's made a name for himself since I left the state in 2013.

Mike Capuano - ran too early in 2010, and lost to Martha Coakley in the primary who had more name recognition. But he's another well-respected rep. He doesn't have as big of a statewide profile as some of the others, but enough that he could do well

Ayanna Pressley - rising star in Boston, she's been an at large councilor for seven years now and the time is ripe for her to make a move up. She has to look outside Boston because I think Marty Walsh is in it for the long haul.

Michelle Wu - Didn't hear about her until that NYT article either. She actually might be too young now, but one of the above folks leaving the House for the Senate could open up a seat for her to improve in the future.

If we're trying to groom future Presidents
getting Ayanna to jump to the Senate now at 42 is probably the best thing to do. Kennedy, being only 35, can probably wait until Ed Markey retires after another term or two. Moulton in third

If we're trying to have an elder statesman who would probably win and do good work but only stay in office for a term or two:
Frank or Tsongas

If we want another Ted Kennedy to be a big liberal presence in the Senate:
Mike Capuano or Deval Patrick
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