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I can see it now

"The UK is in a recession because of poor judgment, the same judgment Donald Trump supported and endorsed...-"

cut to Trump in press conference

"do you support Brexit"




"Brits leaving EU"

"Oh yea, I think they should leave"

"-and he didn't even know what it was"
Manafort thinks Trump can remake himself. Sad!


Also, a ban on French immigration is, uhh, not something that play well because France is pretty white.

Yeah, but they're also pretty French, and thus not terribly popular with that base.

He's like Nate Silver. They're good at a specific unrelated things and they think that makes them good pundits.

Which is funny because Nate's book was ENTIRELY ABOUT not falling into that particular mental trap, lol.
Watching Hillary's body language with Warren attacking Trump, you can see she would love to say these things but she knows she can't. Hahahaha. God, this is giving me life.
Does your local news use Trump's twitter as a source?

It's Cleveland, so maybe? Then the news guy said "But swing state polls show them basically tied everywhre." It was just a mess of a segment. I think his teleprompter went off.

Warren clapping into the microphone for a minute and a half was adorable as fuck.


Oh boy. Possible VP pick Jeff Sessions is looking to see if the Democrats violated rules by doing a sit-in in the House.

These fuckers. They are allowed to shut down the government over healthcare with no consequences, yet the Democrats doing a sit in is in some violation?


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Oh boy. Possible VP pick Jeff Sessions is looking to see if the Democrats violated rules by doing a sit-in in the House.

These fuckers. They are allowed to shut down the government over healthcare with no consequences, yet the Democrats doing a sit in is in some violation?

That's just an awesome look from the party that won't consider any meaningful gun reform.


It doesn't have "a lot of terrorism" it's obvious he's referring to mideastern countries. Lets not try to be all smarmy about it. It turns people off and does nothing to actually go after what is so odious about the plan.

There's a reason trump didn't go after "those dirty Europeans that overstayed their visas" or is preaching building a free Canadian border wall. His supporters would lose their minds if he attacked white people, so he/they use plausible deniability.

By saying shit like "we're going to stop Muslims from terrorist countries" he's doing the same thing. As you said, mid-east countries.

Liberals have to either get him to say that he's planning to hunt down white people and raid their homes with immigration agents. Or show the world the obvious reason he won't say it. The electorate is finally tuned to his racism now, everything that smells like racism will be perceived as such.
Shutting down the government by refusing to vote on bills is not the same as shouting loudly and physically positioning yourself so that you obstruct the legislative process from happening even if a majority of people desire it.


Nate Cohn

Here's a summary of all of the things I failed to mention RE: election fraud lol


This is what I meant when I said that "frauuuudddd" is the background noise of my life.

Nate Cohn failed to mention all the FRAUD.

This is in response to this article he wrote:

Exit Polls, and Why the Primary Was Not Stolen From Bernie Sanders

Placebo ballots? That's a new one!


Shutting down the government by refusing to vote on bills is not the same as shouting loudly and physically positioning yourself so that you obstruct the legislative process from happening even if a majority of people desire it.

So... Republicans are in the right?


Well, Clinton and Warren seem pretty gewd so far. Just started watching after getting home from work. They're good alright. Not Cruz and Fiorina awkward hand sex level good, but pretty good. They have a ways to go before they hit that level.
Shutting down the government by refusing to vote on bills is not the same as shouting loudly and physically positioning yourself so that you obstruct the legislative process from happening even if a majority of people desire it.

It also doesn't cost the country 1/1000th the amount of damage shutting down the government did


I remember Chuck Todd saying recently something to the effect of "Republicans can agree on 50% of issues and have that be enough to consider each other 'one of us', but if two liberals agree on 90% of issues, they'll argue until they're blue in the face about that last 10%". I think it is a kind of true phenomenon and I'm not sure why.

I don't think this is true at all!

So, first, obviously the Tea Party was pretty much all about purging the GOP of people who were not sufficiently far right. "RINO" has been a thing for a very long time and you only see it more often as the party moves to the right and purges more dissenters.

Second, the GOP has a pretty sharp boundary on the right on many issues - to be a member in good standing you have to walk this very narrow path between being an obvious bigot and bowing to the politically correct liberals. There's really very little room for legitimate positions here. Trump has pushed this, and in doing so he's split the coalition.

Further, you not only have to have the right positions, you have to talk about them the right way and have the right tactics. Often that's what makes the difference between bigotry and mainstream Republicanism, but also that's often what makes the difference between conservatives and RINOs. Mitch McConnell and Ted Cruz both wanted basically the same things in the Senate, but McConnell is a RINO because he (I think rightly) believed that the way to get what he wanted was to grind everything to a halt with as little drama as possible, he didn't want to try to cause the US government to default, etc.

And just demographically, there's a reason that the Republican Party is so white and so old and so Christian. There is not room in this coalition for anyone else.

It's true that the GOP can be understood as a union of social conservatives and business interests, and everyone is sufficiently used to this arrangement that each side is more-or-less comfortable letting the other occasionally have what they want on issues where they may "personally disagree". It's important that the business interests just don't really care about the social policy wins they give the conservatives. But where there's actual disagreement and not just one faction shrugging at what the other wants, this gets really hostile. Look at immigration. Go check out the comments on any National Review article. Trump and Brexit and all that are in part the result of conservative voters being really upset at the influence of business interests in their parties.

Meanwhile the Democrats are a pretty big tent. That's why there are more of them! They've achieved a broad consensus among all their different factions to support those things that each wants most, and while there are deep disagreements these don't seriously threaten the political coalition. The Democratic Party includes people who disagree with each other strongly on Israel - who are even activists on either side of the issue. It includes Y2Kev and outright socialists. It's really easy to be a Democrat in good standing. You pretty much have to be former Republican Jim Webb to be a DINO, and there's basically unlimited room to the left of mainstream Democratic politics - it doesn't run into a racist wall the way that the GOP's right does.

So I don't really see it. Like, yes, liberals on the internet will yell at you if you if you're against gay marriage, but there's no attempt to purge people with socially conservative views from the party, and in fact elected Democrats go to some lengths to be welcoming and pluralistic about people who have moral/religious disagreements with some of what the party's doing. You can't let these disagreements extend to actual policy - you've got to whip everyone to support the party's position when it matters or what's the point of having a party - but the disagreements are there.
Nate Cohn failed to mention all the FRAUD.

This is in response to this article he wrote:

Exit Polls, and Why the Primary Was Not Stolen From Bernie Sanders

Placebo ballots? That's a new one!

It's what some called provisional ballots, because they often aren't counted. His argument was they're placebos because they make you feel like you've voted but don't do anything.

It's not totally analogous to placebos though, which would be fake ballots that at least partially count.

But yeah, if you ever have any questions about what the heck the remaining Sander's supporters are going on about and can't bring yourself to go to Sanders4PRESIDENTJESUS you can always ask me and I'll probably already know because my facebook feed is still terrible.


Shutting down the government by refusing to vote on bills is not the same as shouting loudly and physically positioning yourself so that you obstruct the legislative process from happening even if a majority of people desire it.

I mean, this is clearly true, but what point are you making?


LOL Cenk is now saying there is a very good chance Corbyn is going to be the next prime minister. His stupidity is not only bound to the US anymore.
Perez just flailed all over the place when asked by Chris Matthews if he was being vetted for VP. He knew that was coming, should of had a much better answer
LMAO at the Muslim ban pivot. Trying to play it off as at the level of flip flop of "oh yeah she supported $12 minimum wage, but now she supports $15; she just wanted to raise it." When really it's more like "holy shit he's actually racist asshole; can't flip flop from that."


I'm so sorry he passed away. There were several touching things done at Pride over the weekend to honor those who were killed.

At NYC pride they had 49 people wearing all white holding victims names to represent each person killed in the tragedy.


Trump succumbing to the PC brigade.


Seriously though, too late. He's said it on video, everybody in the country will be reminded of his words via ads soon enough.
So... Republicans are in the right?
No, but Democrats might be in the wrong.
It also doesn't cost the country 1/1000th the amount of damage shutting down the government did
Look, I'll be among the first people in any discussion to agree that what Ted Cruz and the tea party did was pure negligence and delusion. However, it was an abuse of power, not an actual violation of anything. If I shouted down the judge in a courtroom because I didn't like his decision then it's not surprising when I get held in contempt.

I mean, this is clearly true, but what point are you making?

I was responding to this post, sorry for not quoting:
Oh boy. Possible VP pick Jeff Sessions is looking to see if the Democrats violated rules by doing a sit-in in the House.

These fuckers. They are allowed to shut down the government over healthcare with no consequences, yet the Democrats doing a sit in is in some violation?
They're different, and the latter is probably deserving of some kind of formal consequence. I'm not normally interested in being pedantic but the comparison of the two isn't useful because one is about how a large bloc abused their influence and caused damage through childishness while another could actually, really be a violation of the rules that hold the House together. In a room where the people almost literally hate each other, the rules are the only thing preventing absolute chaos.
A little late with 'pivoting', the hard thing is supporting bans on countries with alleged supporting on terrorism or links to it would be basically accusing countries of terrorism which is kind of hard to prove and/or the governments might not actually partake in. Being specific with it would also be disastrous as anyone can basically back the country calling them needed allies in the fight against terrorism. I don't think he might start listing countries, unless it is only going to be Saudi Arabia , Pakistan, and/or Iran.


A little late with 'pivoting', the hard thing is supporting bans on countries with alleged supporting on terrorism or links to it would be basically accusing countries of terrorism which is kind of hard to prove and/or the governments might not actually partake in. Being specific with it would also be disastrous as anyone can basically back the country calling them needed allies in the fight against terrorism. I don't think he might start listing countries, unless it is only going to be Saudi Arabia , Pakistan, and/or Iran.
The reporting is that he's going to release a statement expounding on it tomorrow, including a list of countries. We'll see if that happens, though.


Now Hope Hicks is saying that reporting isn't accurate.

Then why let Pearson comment on it? Get your camp together, Hope. Guess we'll just have to wait for tomorrow.



Its important to stress from the article that it is never about the rest of term, regardless of Harry Reid's machinations . The rule is 145 days and then a special election. So Warren would resign nov. 8 and there would be three months left for the interim republican's term post inauguration.

The trick being talked about is resigning even earlier to start the clock but not vacating until later, or something. So we are talking about an interim serving for three months of Hillary's term vs an interim serving for none of Hillary's term. So not a huge loss either way, especially since the first three months of a presidency are usually too early for votes on big legislation.

In other states like Ohio and new Jersey, the interim does in fact serve until the end of the term, so that is more scary.
145 days?

so she could conceivably resign at any point before august 29 and the interim would only serve for a maximum of 17 days of the 115th if not elected
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