Mhmm. You'd think the campaign would be pushing other prospects into the spotlight too, but they're really not. It's all been Warren.
Just what I was going to say. Clinton's social media feed spends a ton of time on Elizabeth Warren. I've seen multiple quotes from her endorsement, posts linking to things she said about Trump, on and on. The only other person who's gotten any meaningful spotlight time out of Clinton's feed has been Al Franken, but that was relatively early on in the primary. No real mention of Perez, Kaine, anybody.
At first I thought it was just because Warren's social media game is strong and it was just, "This other person you probably like and follow also likes me! I'm popular by association, right?"
But this is getting to be a lot. The Ohio rally was good I thought. I'd be sad to lose Warren in the Senate, but it does seem to make sense. At this point, I'll be pretty surprised if Warren isn't the pick.