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PoliGAF 2016 |OT7| Notorious R.B.G. Plans NZ Tour

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This particularly has been a big problem for the Republicans for the last three presidential elections but not really for the Democrats. Is the democratic primary electorate just really similar to the general election's?
I think it's a combination of changing demographics that make standard GOP stances less viable, a change in the terrain of the culture wars, and a growing intransigence on the part of the GOP base. The general electorate used to look much more like the GOP (it was >80% white in the 80s), but it's slowly moved to where it looks more and more like Democrats. Everything has hit them all at once..

Clinton should test drive all the possible VPs at events for a week and let them all shit on Trump. We get to see how they work together and Trump's head spins.
This is something I've been wanting to see for a while. Take Kaine, Becerra, Castro, Klobuchar, Franken, etc out for test drives.. see how they handle on the track.


When the UK votes to leave the EU thanks to a right-wing campaign, a Trump clone is likely to be their next PM, and their own Bernie Sanders refuses to resign from his post as leader of a party that just rejected him.



get some go again
Maybe. But I don't think it'll be a problem. Obama will get larger rallies than Hillary when he campaigns.
Biden might too.
Hillary likes smaller venues. It's known. She always has a large overflow because of it, which is annoying and it's why Kristofer wasn't able to see Hillary with me when she came to Sacramento. RIP. If she wanted a VP that would attract small crowds, she'd pick Martin O'Malley.
i doubt hillary is that petty. after all she will be the president not warren. if warren can get progressives excited about voting this nov then let her go out there and get the biggest crowds she can.


Votes in. I'm in Nassau county, which means polls opened at 6am. While there was three stations the one I used, that's been open since 6am, had a total of seven votes including mine.

Pssst, People my age who think votes don't matter. All those elections you skip, the small ones like local and congressional primaries, or the yearly local elections and ballot measures, are when your vote matters most.


Clinton should test drive all the possible VPs at events for a week and let them all shit on Trump. We get to see how they work together and Trump's head spins.
Agreed. It'd be fun to see, it'd show that the bench isn't terrible and itd make Trump scared because literally anybody can land a body blow on him.


No Scrubs
Votes in. I'm in Nassau county, which means polls opened at 6am. While there was three stations the one I used, that's been open since 6am, had a total of seven votes including mine.

Pssst, People my age who think votes don't matter. All those elections you skip, the small ones like local and congressional primaries, or the yearly local elections and ballot measures, are when your vote matters most.

Jesus. You're in the third congressional district right? Who do you think is going to take the primary for the Dems?
fyi I guess it's considered pretty likely that Hillary is going to pick Warren at this point.

How long before the media picks up on the Trump campaigns illegal soliciting of donations from foreign politicians?

Knowing how much of a clusterfuck he is, right as he's trying to give his big campaign speech on trade.


i doubt hillary is that petty. after all she will be the president not warren. if warren can get progressives excited about voting this nov then let her go out there and get the biggest crowds she can.
I agree. And I don't think Hillary cares about crowd sizes for people campaigning for her either. I mean it is her name at the top of the ticket and on the ballot anyway.


Agreed. It'd be fun to see, it'd show that the bench isn't terrible and itd make Trump scared because literally anybody can land a body blow on him.
We might also get to see new, offensive insults that he throws out in response to the various speakers. Who knows what he'd come up with for any of them? Endless possibilities there..
oh my god. This Trump speech. He's... essentially suggesting an American version of Brexit? This is after watching what happened to the UK the past week.


We might also get to see new, offensive insults that he throws out in response to the various speakers. Who knows what he'd come up with for any of them? Endless possibilities there..
Boring Tim Kaine
Baby Julian Castro
Bald Tom Perez

They just roll off the tongue.


oh my god. This Trump speech. He's... essentially suggesting an American version of Brexit? This is after watching what happened to the UK the past week.

My exact impression. It's like he just sees enthusiasm of any kind and latches on, without looking at anything else, like the blatant racism and stock market shitting the bed.


File this visual under "he's trying to lose."

I mean.. he looks like he's in some sort of Sonic the Hedgehog industrial wasteland zone..
Him mixing teleprompter and his stream of consciousness meandering style is worse than the sum of its parts. He has somehow found a way to make even less sense.

Also, wtf on that backdrop?
Also, new NBC/Surveymonkey poll

Hillary +8


Hillary Clinton now leads Donald Trump by 8 points, her highest advantage since the general election match-up question was first asked on May 2, according to the latest NBC News|SurveyMonkey Weekly Election Tracking Poll.

This week, Clinton enjoys 49 percent support of registered voters to Trump's 41 percent. Her 8-point margin over Trump grew from 6 points in last week's poll.

Clinton maintains a 6-point advantage over Trump—42 percent to 36 percent—when Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson and Green Party candidate Jill Stein are included as choices in an alternative version of the horse race question, according to the poll, conducted online from June 20 to June 26.

On Bernie voters:

While it seems many Republicans are united in their approval of Trump's nomination, he did fall nationally against Clinton this week. Some of Clinton's momentum can be attributed to gains among white voters and millennials. After murmurs from Sanders that he will most likely vote for Clinton in November, the presumptive Democratic nominee enjoyed an 8-point boost among 18-24 year olds this week from last week. She now has 68 percent support among younger voters—up from 56 percent last week. Sanders' stronghold over millennial voters in the primary are considered a key demographic for Clinton's campaign to win over in the coming months.


Clinton also continues to make gains among white voters. Although Trump is still ahead among this group of voters, he dropped from a 12-point advantage last week to an 8-point advantage this week; 41 percent of white voters now support Clinton and 49 percent support Trump.
The global economy much functions today on western nations buying cheap shit from other countries. This is especially true of the US economy. Stuff either directly from overseas or comprised of components from overseas. We also have a massive chunk of the financial services industry. He's........... suggesting we upend all of this and just HOPE it works out because our trade deals totally suck because he says so?$@*(!#@

Oh jesus shit. We're all fucked. Like "going to starve" fucked. The US has recovered fairly well compared to much of the world. Why would we toss that away? New separate deals with every other country! That'll totally fix things!

You dipshit. Some of these manufacturing jobs are never coming back, eeeeeeeeeever coming back. Holy fuck.




why is there a picture of a uniform wall of trash being displayed over a trump headline

i mean, it fits, but way to insult the hardworking members of the solid waste industry by comparing their work to trump



You dipshit. Some of these manufacturing jobs are never coming back, eeeeeeeeeever coming back. Holy fuck.

It's hard to explain to the 50-60 year old steel worker that their time is over. That it isn't about them anymore at this point, but securing an economy for their children, and more likely their grandchildren. It's a hard thing to accept (said the millennial typing on a message board)
Aah, in proper Trump fashion, he's suggesting we solve everything via litigation if he doesn't like it.

Who is Trump's economy advisory board? Does he even have one? I assume there's at least one person who could tell a speechwriter what they wanted to include here.

This is a 100% Brexit proposal from NAFTA, WTO, everything, based on his gut feeling that we get a raw deal from it all. He's even racist as hell already, so no need to try to play that angle! Economists are going to rip this to shreds. And on top of that all, he's going to explain how he plans to ruin the domestic economy in the same speech!
It is deeply troubling that there is not a recording of the discussion where he and his staff agreed on this backdrop being a good idea.
Sometimes, I can't fathom just how much better this campaign is going to get. My mind can't think of any possible way that it can.

And then Trump gives a speech in front of garbage.


Jesus. You're in the third congressional district right? Who do you think is going to take the primary for the Dems?

Yeah I'm in the third. I'll be dammed if I know who's going to get it at this point. Most of my friends are either apathetic to politics or Republicans so I don't even have any anecdata to go on. I ended up giving my vote to Anna Kaplan, but if I had to guess based on name recognition Id say Suozzi, but his spat with the police union may still poison him enough with the people likely to turn out today to prevent it.

Honestly if every voting station has the sort of turnout I saw at mine it might come down to who has a bigger group of friends and family willing to stop by a polling place today.


Cross-posting from OT re: Trump foreign donation begging:

Best option would be someone making fun of him for getting next to no donations from Britain... and then him loudly proclaiming that he gets the best donations from Britain, so many donations to Britain you won't even believe it.


Any way that we can make this happen? Any journalists we can feed this line of attack to? It's guaranteed to work if he gets caught with it before his handlers realize it.
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