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PoliGAF 2016 |OT7| Notorious R.B.G. Plans NZ Tour

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I don't see him


It would probably be logical to switch my votes to Warren and Sessions, but fuck that music. PEREZ 4 LYFE! I don't care how bad he was on SCHMEMSNBC. Oh well, it's probably Warren. :(
Glenn Greenwald just RT'd this:

@adamjohnsonNYC Adam H. Johnson
It appears so yes
noah kulwin @nkulw
…..is the us chamber of commerce supporting hillary clinton? https://twitter.com/USChamber/status/747862410267136000

The problem? The Chamber of Commerce's statement does not mention Hillary or Democrats.

The other problem? Glenn Greenwald's pinned tweet:

Is it really necessary to spend next 6 months pointing out that "criticism of Clinton" ≠ "support for Trump"? Just get a different tactic.



Note that Bernie and Trump campaigned on a straight up delusion. American manufacturing as an industry is fine, it just doesn't need labor any more.


Increased automation of repetitive manufacturing tasks in increasing manufacturing efficiency shocker.

I hate when politicians try to sell something which is both counter reality and counter common sense. Manufacturing is likely to continue to come back to Western countries, it's just not going to employ that many people when it does. Politicians should be trying to explain that, get people ready for it and develop strategies and policies to harness that for the good of everyone. But no, it's trade is bad!!!
So, I've been wondering how the GOP might react to a huge loss thanks to Trump.

Months ago, I just assumed it would be them going "not conservative enough, Cruz 2020!" but I wonder now if the GOP will realize that Trump is just a giant con and I want to see how they react to finally being conned on such a large scale.

The conservative movement, at least politically, has been a giant con for decades, especially in the recent term. Selling false promises on abortion-religion-guns to enact tax cuts for the wealthy and cuts in business regulations that mostly help their constituents.

They sell lies about things like Benghazi, e-mails, Fast & Furious, etc. The right wing media is basically a con media.

Their websites an stations sell giant cons like buying gold.

And now comes Donald Trump and he's the biggest con of them all. I am convinced his entire reason for this campaign was because he is struggling a bit financially and wanted to help himself. When his campaign is all said and done, I think all of this will become obvious. He is lining his coffers with the donated money. He doesn't give to charity even though he claims he does. IMO, it's pretty obvious at this point.

His University, his steaks, his board game. He's in a way the living embodiment of Herbalife of whatever. Sure, it's not a MLM or ponzi scheme in structure, but he's the actual con itself. And now his Presidential Campaign is his last ditch effort.

Not only do I not believe Trump is liquid rich, I think he's actually financially desperate.

And I wonder if the voters after November notice and if they do, their reaction to it.


The problem? The Chamber of Commerce's statement does not mention Hillary or Democrats.
It doesn't have to. They primarily support conservatives. Them going after the GOP presumptive nominee means they plan to sit it out at the top level.
but I wonder now if the GOP will realize that Trump is just a giant con
Nope. The ads are a symptom of the true disease.
Nope. The ads are a symptom of the true disease.

sure, I agree. But eventually most people become self-aware. And could this be that tipping point?

I think in November the stories are going to come out full force. The amount of $$$ Trump's campaign will be putting into his own coffers will be staggering. This is a big reason why the big donors will stay home. They're smarter.


I think Jeet Heer was pushing the idea that Trump's endgame for this current "con" after a loss could be to establish a type of TrumpTV and milk it for all it's worth.
Holy fucking hell he did NOT give a speech in front of that shit. OMG. Trump, you beautiful flower. DO YOU MANE. DO YOU.

As to Hillary being upset at being upstaged by the Veep? Naw. It's not how she works. Besides, she wants to do the job of President. This whole campaigning thing is a necessary evil in the way of her actually being able to do the work. She's a work horse, not a show horse. If someone else can do the showy part, I think she jumps on that.
It doesn't have to. They primarily support conservatives. Them going after the GOP presumptive nominee means they plan to sit it out at the top level.

My point is, no, the Chamber of Commerce is not "supporting" Hillary. Being against Trump does not equal supporting Hillary, as Glenn's pinned tweet likes to remind us!


sure, I agree. But eventually most people become self-aware. And could this be that tipping point?

I think in November the stories are going to come out full force. The amount of $$$ Trump's campaign will be putting into his own coffers will be staggering. This is a big reason why the big donors will stay home. They're smarter.
My point is, no, the Chamber of Commerce is not "supporting" Hillary. Being against Trump does not equal supporting Hillary, as Glenn's pinned tweet likes to remind us!
It is a zero sum game. Pulling your funds from Trump = supporting Hillary. It may only be "half a dollar/vote" by going from support to abstention, but its implicit support all the same.

They can't actively support Clinton in the way National Review likely will.
I think Jeet Heer was pushing the idea that Trump's endgame for this current "con" after a loss could be to establish a type of TrumpTV and milk it for all it's worth.

I buy that. Then, I expect in 2019, he will launch a new reality show on his network called The Nominee. And him and Herman Cain and Newt Gingrich will judge 16 contestants as they go through a variety of politically themed challenges, until one remains who becomes the 2020 Trump Party nominee.


Yo. Been gone for a week but I'm back.

Missed lots of things.

I'll just recap what I would have said:

Britain is stupid.

lol Trump.

Hey, let's not go crazy.

The English are stupid*.

After how they voted during Brexit and especially after that "Trump exposed soliciting donations from Scottish MP's" story, I'm willing to give Scotland the benefit of the doubt.

My sincerest apologies to any Englishmen that frequent this fine thread. I'm sure you understand, given the circumstances.

It is a zero sum game. Pulling your funds from Trump = supporting Hillary. It may only be "half a dollar/vote" by going from support to abstention, but its implicit support all the same.

They can't actively support Clinton in the way National Review likely will.

Which is why Greenwald's pinned tweet is bollocks. Which, I do believe, was the poster's original point.

The trash just got 10 ft higher

I wonder if Sam Wang over at Princeton Election is being much more cautious this time around regarding the Senate since he kind of whiffed on them last time around. The snapshot is currently:

Senate snapshot: Dem+Ind: 49, GOP: 51, Meta-margin: R +0.28%


Oh boy I wonder what the work TV always tuned to FOX News will subject me to today


Oh no


oh christ no

Oh boy I wonder what the work TV always tuned to FOX News will subject me to today


Oh no


oh christ no


At my neurologist appointment today, I bitched until they turned it to something else. I cannot with Fox News.

Also, my brain is fine. I have a good brain, according to my doctor. Best brain.


No Scrubs
At my neurologist appointment today, I bitched until they turned it to something else. I cannot with Fox News.

Also, my brain is fine. I have a good brain, according to my doctor. Best brain.

If you're going to play bullshit cable news at least show CNN.
Speaking of greenwald.


He posts a poll which a majority of voters want corbyn to resign but labor voters are only 54% in favor.

By a 19-point margin, Labour voters don't want Corbyn to resign. Democracy is so inconvenient.

You literally have to pay to be a labour member. Its an economic punishment to the poor but only labour voters matter I guess.

Wonder what he thought about bernie and registered democratic voters overwhelmingly favoring clinton

He also agrees with America First-ism and anti-globalism all while hyping up US violations of INTERNATIONAL* Law

*adjective: transcending national boundaries or viewpoints
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