Does Trump realize that reserving ad space for the Fall is much cheaper if you do it several months in advance?
Donald Trumps campaign aides are lining up a slate of iconic sports figures to appear at the national convention in Cleveland next monthincluding former undisputed world heavyweight champion Mike Tyson, legendary Chicago Bears coach Mike Ditka, former Indiana University basketball coach Bobby Knight and NASCAR chief Brian France, people familiar with the planning told Bloomberg Politics.
Talks are in the works with a broad slate of other celebrities and top athletes, so the list of those appearing at the convention will grow, organizers said.
But much of Trumps current list of sports champs seems to be more targeted at male voters age 45 and older, rather than minority and female voters.
The sports stars specific roles at the convention have not yet been finalized, and it is unclear whether they will speak on stage to delegates and television cameras. Representatives of those lined up to appear did not immediately respond to requests for comment.
Trump has said on the campaign trail that he wants the event to be a gathering of winnersand not politicians, like at past conventions. Were going to do it a little different, if thats OK, he said in Virginia earlier this month. Im thinking about getting some of the great sports people who like me a lot.
More talk about potential Trump convention speakers/guests:
He should get Vince McMahon to make this entire farce complete.More talk about potential Trump convention speakers/guests:
More talk about potential Trump convention speakers/guests:
Bernie delegate (bill mckibben) has a new politico pieces complaining that Hillary is blocking everything in the platform because she won't agree to radical thing like banning fracking (which I think raises constitutional questions), and commiting not to extract any new fossil fuels and stopping eminent domain (can someone explain to me why liberals have made this such a big thing. Eminent domain is essential to liberalism and helps fight against the tyranny of unchecked private property).
He says all the other progressive stuff is just "broad themes"
Trump's new digital director seems like a legitimately terrible hire. His last post was this:
Wow, he really is blatantly incompetent.
can't wait for the epic vince mcmahon rant.More talk about potential Trump convention speakers/guests:
Trump's new digital director seems like a legitimately terrible hire. His last post was this:
When the AFL-CIO and Chamber both agree your economic plan sucks ... oof.
Adam, I didn't think it was possible, but it looks like Trump might be pulling a real campaign together.
First, he fired his campaign manager, then he brought on a bunch of new staff, then I'll be damned if he didn't (supposedly) manage to raise $5 million in two days last week. Last Thursday, he even went almost 12 hours without sticking his foot in his stupid mouth -- mostly because he was in an airplane, on his way to putz around a golf course in Scotland for the weekend, but still.
If this is a sign of things to come, then Trump is going to be a tougher opponent than anyone thought, and I'll guaran-damn-tee you that we all better take that seriously.
Hillary's facing a huge FEC deadline on Thursday, and she needs her team, to quote our opponent, to step up "bigly."
Email from Carville
Email from Carville
Sanders message ignoring the racism and xenophobia that played a large part of the vote is the reason he wasn't able to appeal to minorities. He doesn't have any kind of cohesive message on race.
I'm seriously curious as to what his solution to globalization is. Economic isolationism?
Yes.I'm seriously curious as to what his solution to globalization is. Economic isolationism?
Sanders message ignoring the racism and xenophobia that played a large part of the vote is the reason he wasn't able to appeal to minorities. He doesn't have any kind of cohesive message on race.
I'm seriously curious as to what his solution to globalization is. Economic isolationism?
I know some people who have been doing breakups very wrong then
I'm seriously curious as to what his solution to globalization is. Economic isolationism?
"I'll fuck you in your ass you punk white boy. I'll eat your asshole alive, you bitch!"You can't give Mike Tyson a live microphone on national television
Tonight at a rally Trump said we need to fight ISIS "fire with fire". Presumably adopting some of their brutal tactics. Obviously this sentiment would go away if we banned fracking.
What does that even mean?
Especially when it's probably a super great way to stop fossil fuel extraction!I thought it was the far right that hated eminent domain. I guess politics really are circular and the more extreme you get the more like the other side you become.
Bernie today said that voting for Hillary is not the same as endorsing her when speaking with Andrea Mitchell. He also got really agitated when she pressured him as to why he hasn't backed off yet in regards to his campaign ending. She asked him directly if the convention was going to be contested, and he wouldn't give her a straight answer. But he was really hard on Hillary and the Democratic Party but especially Hillary saying that she needs to answer to voters who are really struggling as though she's not a good enough candidate. You really have to wonder what the hell is wrong with this guy.
I'll vote for you... but I'm not endorsing you at all.. and you kinda suck and I'm not going to help you suck less while I complain about you, holding my supporters hostage... but I'll vote for you. Totally not endorsing though. Oh and the convention may be contested but I won't say. But I'll vote for youHe is just pissing away all of the remaining influence into hissocialism recycling cathetermagical pixie dust urine catheter converter.
Bernie today said that voting for Hillary is not the same as endorsing her when speaking with Andrea Mitchell. He also got really agitated when she pressured him as to why he hasn't backed off yet in regards to his campaign ending. She asked him directly if the convention was going to be contested, and he wouldn't give her a straight answer. But he was really hard on Hillary and the Democratic Party but especially Hillary saying that she needs to answer to voters who are really struggling as though she's not a good enough candidate. You really have to wonder what the hell is wrong with this guy.
He said he wants her as VP.i wonder if bernie will turn on warren if she is made vp. i don't think he is going to like her taking away his fading spotlight.
samantha bee? get out of here with that obama propaganda. The best and truthiest show on tv is back
Brexit is a populist, anti elite revolution that Trump will ride to the white house! Also, because Jeanine's dad fought in world war 2, it's not unamerican to ban entire ethnicities of people from immigrating, or something!
The comments section echoes with appreciation for Judge Jeanine's message:
Damn, the game cost that much? 2.3 mil?Lol, Republicans wasted $7 million to exonerate Hillary. Could've funded three Mighty No. 9 games for that kinda scratch..
samantha bee? get out of here with that obama propaganda. The best and truthiest show on tv is back
Brexit is a populist, anti elite revolution that Trump will ride to the white house! Also, because Jeanine's dad fought in world war 2, it's not unamerican to ban entire ethnicities of people from immigrating, or something!
The comments section echoes with appreciation for Judge Jeanine's message:
Judge Jeanine is my arch nemesis. Been that way ever since we had a mass shooting and she said the next day that it's every American's duty to go out and buy a gun. She's the nuttiest wackjob they ever found for the late night clown car on Fox News.samantha bee? get out of here with that obama propaganda. The best and truthiest show on tv is back
Brexit is a populist, anti elite revolution that Trump will ride to the white house! Also, because Jeanine's dad fought in world war 2, it's not unamerican to ban entire ethnicities of people from immigrating, or something!
The comments section echoes with appreciation for Judge Jeanine's message:
Damn, the game cost that much? 2.3 mil?
Tonight at a rally Trump said we need to fight ISIS "fire with fire". Presumably adopting some of their brutal tactics. Obviously this sentiment would go away if we banned fracking. Trump said Tuesday that the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal was a rape of the United States.
The Trans-Pacific Partnership is another disaster done and pushed by special interests who want to rape our country just a continuing rape of our country, the likely Republican presidential nominee said at a rally in St. Clairsville, Ohio.
Its a harsh word but its true, he said.