Y'know, how some people like to float around the idea of Hillary appointing Obama to the Supreme Court to really get under the Trumpers and the R's skins?
Well, an idea I've had for a while, but especially after watching Obama's speech today and the reception to it, is what if Hillary appointed Obama as her Secretary of State? I know that's not the way things work and there's absolutely no precedent for it (I think), what with SoS being a step-down from the Presidency and all and that making things kind of weird, but that would just be the most amazing thing in the world to me, much better than him being in the SCOTUS. I just can't imagine a better fit than him. Plus, something about the idea of them flipping roles and having both served as each other's SoS and been POTUS is just amazing to me.
I know that it's a non-starter, is the type of thing that would never happen in a thousand years, but I can dream. Hillary's going to be amazing, no doubt, but Obama's definitely going to be missed. What a great President. <3