User 463088
lol what is this?

lol what is this?
I believe SuperPAC ads are not allowed to Specifically endorse a candidate. They can attack another candidate all they want but they can't endorse. SuperPAC leaders don't mind though because it's easier to attack your opponent than to put a candidate on a pedestal.A SuperPAC can run ads for anyone, right? I'd love to see a pro-Clinton PAC run pro-Johnson ads in Utah or something. See if you can deny Trump 3-4 points, may be enough to swing it to her or something. I mean, it's kind of a waste of money, but if someone has some berning a hole in their pocket or something.
Trumpy said:"I have many friends that live in Salt Lake, I have a lot of friends," Trump told the audience. "By the way, Mitt Romney is not one of them. Did he choke? Did this guy choke? He's a choke artist, I can't believe. Are you sure he's a Mormon, are we sure?"
lol what is this?
The PR bill is pretty anti-labor. It basically is the Detroit plan.
Kinda figured it would be him from the beginning, to be honest. He's gonna make it far.Rumors of Joe Kennedy running to replace Warren if she's VP picking up steam.
I feel sorry for the poor soul who even tries to challenge the guy.
Run ads featuring the incident during the primary where Trump questions Romney's Mormon faith.
They might air only in Utah, but word gets around. Lots of Mormon voters in nearby western states..
Kinda figured it would be him from the beginning, to be honest. He's gonna make it far.
Rumors of Joe Kennedy running to replace Warren if she's VP picking up steam.
I feel sorry for the poor soul who even tries to challenge the guy.
I don't think Utah would really boost Johnson's votes, he's all about weed and gay marriage and I think that won't present a palatable choice for the Mormons that don't want Trump. Maybe the Consitution candidate lol
Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont is back to giving floor speeches deriding the rich and defending those in misery, writing Op-Ed pieces against trade and giving television interviews during which he declines to fully support Hillary Clinton for president. He spent much of Wednesday vigorously denouncing a rescue bill for Puerto Rico that had the support of two-thirds of his fellow senators.
This is as close to shade as the NYT will ever get.
Im sure its really hard on him, said Senator Barbara Boxer, Democrat of California. Losing is awful.
They are going to demand that all of the airport's turn off CNN in protestlol what is this?
The British will never elect a woman PM.
The British will never elect a woman PM.
To organize how to kill Hillary's Presidential bid with a timely Bill
why the hell would you have a meeting with the AG in her private jet on the tarmac.
Boris isn't standing for Leadership.
So, he just blew up the country for shits and giggles? Fuck.
That's a silver lining.
Gove is probably going to go for it though.
Ya, he is. Took some shots at Boris too
Stop watching morning joewtf Bill
why the hell would you have a meeting with the AG in her private jet on the tarmac.
Do Clintons not have any type of foresight or self-awareness?
Nope.Are there any Republicans on the panel?
In the comments, Gordon Freeman is a Trump supporter. You'd think he'd be against a headcrab zombie running for president.
Stop watching morning joe
I know a libertarianish guy who watches it because I quote "it ensures I can't come across anything stupider that day."I was watching New Day
Do you take me as a masochist that I would watch Morning Joe to start my day?
lol Rasmussen predictably has Trump "surging into the lead" when he's doomed in the other polls. 43%-39% amongst "likely voters".
Oh look, a poll showing Hillary behind Trump. Bernie has more ammo.
Can't wait for the horse race narrative to return.
Oh great. Now the news media is going to be citing this poll all day to keep the "horse race" narrative going.
Shouldn't a 9 point swing in 1 week make you question your polling methods?
Oh great. Now the news media is going to be citing this poll all day to keep the "horse race" narrative going.
Would be cool since he actually met his wife taking Warren's class at Harvard.Rumors of Joe Kennedy running to replace Warren if she's VP picking up steam.
I feel sorry for the poor soul who even tries to challenge the guy.
How many states will have Stein on the ballot?
So you're saying he had a secret plan to fight inflation?