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PoliGAF 2016 |OT7| Notorious R.B.G. Plans NZ Tour

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I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Here's a link,


I feel like in a lot of ways this was Obama unfettered. Free to speak as he truly feels. It's a reminder of how lucky we've been to have Bams as POTUS these past eight years.

Is there some sort of advisory position he can do part time after he leaves?
It's basically Democrats 2.0 distilled.

If they can follow that platform outlined in that speech, Republicans will have an increasingly hard time getting elected.


This is a great speech. It's a really comprehensive take on current events and does an excellent job connecting globalism / isolationism / economic inequality / diversity / terrorism / Trumpism / brexit / etc. into a single narrative. He should give this speech to Americans!

B-but he didn't talk about X!

He emphasized this but not THAT AND THAT IS MORE IMPORTANT.

Look at the ratings on the video. People's egos are already giving it disapproval, though everything he has spoken about is true. I especially liked his arguments on technology, societal change, and the difficulties people are being put into that require big social contract changes. I think that's the issue of advanced societies, for nobody really has anything set up today to sustain the scenario of the future, and anyone who thinks they do is not paying attention.

I think only he and "the Queen" are the only ones who have been around people who have talked about automation concerns, for example. Out of all of the candidates that have been in this game, that's a tragically small number for what can eventually become the biggest social issue next to climate change, for it's a big rift to perpetuate poverty and the have not dichotomy already affecting too many people. It also shows the ghost in Trumps "bring back manufacturing jobs" for we have the highest rate of manufacturing in US history. It also contains the fewest people employed in that arena than ever before, as well. Most people somehow believe Trumps jobism on this matter and not Obama's hard facts about it. This puzzles me greatly when I speak to people.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
B-but he didn't talk about X!

He emphasized this but not THAT AND THAT IS MORE IMPORTANT.

Look at the ratings on the video. People's egos are already giving it disapproval, though everything he has spoken about is true. I especially liked his arguments on technology, societal change, and the difficulties people are being put into that require big social contract changes. I think that's the issue of advanced societies, for nobody really has anything set up today to sustain the scenario of the future, and anyone who thinks they do is not paying attention.

I think only he and "the Queen" are the only ones who have been around people who have talked about automation concerns, for example. Out of all of the candidates that have been in this game, that's a tragically small number for what can eventually become the biggest social issue next to climate change, for it's a big rift to perpetuate poverty and the have not dichotomy already affecting too many people. It also shows the ghost in Trumps "bring back manufacturing jobs" for we have the highest rate of manufacturing in US history. It also contains the fewest people employed in that arena than ever before, as well. Most people somehow believe Trumps jobism on this matter and not Obama's hard facts about it. This puzzles me greatly when I speak to people.

Wait, has Hillary weighed on on Automation? I'd love to see what she said about it, as from a social perspective it is second (versus Climate Change) on the things we need to plan.
Amazing speech. Obama really is the GOAT.

Also, GODDAMN at the First Lady of Canada. She is insanely hot. Aesthetics through the roof.

Make you a deal...

Let's take a flight to Canada, you steal away the First Lady, and I take the Prime Minister? Deal? Deal. Let's do this.


Wait, has Hillary weighed on on Automation? I'd love to see what she said about it, as from a social perspective it is second (versus Climate Change) on the things we need to plan.

When directly asked, she gave a comment that was the atypical "good question, we have to think about this going forward". Not much to go on there.

But my point was when she was Secretary of State, she worked with Alec Ross, who in his role became aware of trends and concerns, and has gone on record saying "interest in basic income (as a response to poverty and automation) may get serious traction in 5-10 years". It was brought up at some point in this video. He was a Senior Advisor for Innovation, so it's not like he was in the wrong arena to make this claim.

At the very least, she has had people work around her who have become aware of it, so I consider that a plus. Couple that with the arguments that she will essentially be Obama's third term, she will very likely take into consideration concerns from Obama's own economic committee findings, which is very grim for people on the low end of the wage system. One can even argue minimum wage will not save them, and the report supported that argument; it instead suggested education, and we know that's just another shackling thing for Americans.

When people are in a sinking ship taking in the water of weak wages, student loan debt, and straight up job sustainability, there's not a very strong argument to keep the status quo what it is. All three have to be addressed, and they are all big issues of themselves. I feel the latter needs to be addressed first, for the former two simply bleed into that one. We'll probably work in the order I wrote them out, though.


Y'know, how some people like to float around the idea of Hillary appointing Obama to the Supreme Court to really get under the Trumpers and the R's skins?

Well, an idea I've had for a while, but especially after watching Obama's speech today and the reception to it, is what if Hillary appointed Obama as her Secretary of State? I know that's not the way things work and there's absolutely no precedent for it (I think), what with SoS being a step-down from the Presidency and all and that making things kind of weird, but that would just be the most amazing thing in the world to me, much better than him being in the SCOTUS. I just can't imagine a better fit than him. Plus, something about the idea of them flipping roles and having both served as each other's SoS and been POTUS is just amazing to me.

I know that it's a non-starter, is the type of thing that would never happen in a thousand years, but I can dream. Hillary's going to be amazing, no doubt, but Obama's definitely going to be missed. What a great President. <3
Haha. He'd never do it, especially because of his kids and all, but I love this idea. So crazy and fun.
Chief Justice Obama. The salt would be everlasting.
The salt would be glorious, but politically it would be a huge misstep imo. He couldn't campaign or play an active (public) role in Democratic politics, and he'd likely have to recuse himself from anything that happened during his administration. We'd basically be forfeiting a vote on anything that came up related to ACA.

I like how Gary Johnson gets less support than the apocalypse.




No Scrubs
The salt would be glorious, but politically it would be a huge misstep imo. He couldn't campaign or play an active (public) role in Democratic politics, and he'd likely have to recuse himself from anything that happened during his administration. We'd basically be forfeiting a vote on anything that came up related to ACA.

Well, that's probably 20 years down the line. Can't imagine many ACA lawsuits at that point.


New York Times: Bernie Sanders Returns to the Capitol, His Campaign in Tow


Mr. Sanders, who has not withdrawn from the presidential race, has not really left the Democratic primary battlefield. Apparently defeated but decidedly unbowed, he has brought his campaign to Capitol Hill, most visibly in the large security detail that surrounds him as he moves about (“He is very secure,” noted Senator Tim Scott, Republican of South Carolina) but also in his comportment with his colleagues.

Eager to expand the left-leaning coalition he has built during his campaign, Mr. Sanders has been pushing his colleagues to take on policy fights that helped propel his base’s passion and gave him new gravitas among Democrats.

In addition to opposing the measure to aid Puerto Rico, he is working hard to kill trade agreements. He is threatening a bill that would govern the labeling of genetically modified food.

“Everyone knows the fervency of his opinions on different things,” said Senator Harry Reid, the minority leader, who, like most senators, was eager to get on with business and out of town for the Fourth of July.

The Democrats with whom the independent Mr. Sanders caucuses have been tolerant of his not-quite-campaign, in no small part because they do not wish to emulate Republicans, whose wounds have been oozing openly. But many Democratic colleagues, especially the women, are growing weary of his progressive lectures that seem more fit for a dais than a lunchroom encounter, and his unwillingness to energetically back Mrs. Clinton.

“He feels he has a duty to his followers to raise the flag on the issues they care about,” said Senator Claire McCaskill, Democrat of Missouri. “We are all being patient, and we’re all hopeful he’ll be on the campaign” for Mrs. Clinton.

For now, Mr. Sanders seems to be adjusting — if slightly mournfully — at the fork in the road between kind-of former candidate and definitely current senator. He walks through the halls at times emulating Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts, whose shoulder he gave a squeeze as he bounded through the basement of the Capitol on Wednesday, brushing off reporters with a wave. At other times he becomes chatty again, talking about legislation he despises. “I’m sure it’s really hard on him,” said Senator Barbara Boxer, Democrat of California. “Losing is awful.”


FGC Waterboy
Well, that's probably 20 years down the line. Can't imagine many ACA lawsuits at that point.

He'd also be in DC alone - as soon as kids were done with school Michelle is getting the hell out of DC. Obama's joked (with truth) that Michelle has forbid him from getting long-term DC gigs.


No Scrubs

What is with him and GMO thing? Does he just not understand how it works?

He'd also be in DC alone - as soon as kids were done with school Michelle is getting the hell out of DC. Obama's joked (with truth) that Michelle has forbid him from getting long-term DC gigs.

I read something like that. It's why if it ever happens it's not going to be for decades.


In addition to opposing the measure to aid Puerto Rico, he is working hard to kill trade agreements. He is threatening a bill that would govern the labeling of genetically modified food.


He picked the shittiest battles to fight.


FGC Waterboy
What is with him and GMO thing? Does he just not understand how it works?

I read something like that. It's why if it ever happens it's not going to be for decades.

A) A lot of progressives are anti-science when it comes to GMOs. It's really fucking embarrassing.

B) It won't happen. Michelle despises DC.


No Scrubs
A) A lot of progressives are anti-science when it comes to GMOs. It's really fucking embarrassing.

B) It won't happen. Michelle despises DC.

A) It really fucking is and it's an easy thing to forget at times.

B) Doesn't surprise me, but we can always hope.
Mike Lee embraces Ted Cruz as his "best friend" revealing that Ted Cruz has friends, shocking the world.

“We can get into that if you want,” he [Mike Lee] continued. “We can get into the fact that he [Donald Trump] accused my best friend’s father of conspiring to kill JFK. We can go through the fact that he’s made statements that some have identified correctly as religiously intolerant. We can get into the fact that he’s wildly unpopular in my state, in part because my state consists of people who are members of a religious minority church. A people who were ordered exterminated by the governor of Missouri in 1838. And, statements like that make them nervous.”

A SuperPAC can run ads for anyone, right? I'd love to see a pro-Clinton PAC run pro-Johnson ads in Utah or something. See if you can deny Trump 3-4 points, may be enough to swing it to her or something. I mean, it's kind of a waste of money, but if someone has some berning a hole in their pocket or something.
A SuperPAC can run ads for anyone, right? I'd love to see a pro-Clinton PAC run pro-Johnson ads in Utah or something. See if you can deny Trump 3-4 points, may be enough to swing it to her or something. I mean, it's kind of a waste of money, but if someone has some berning a hole in their pocket or something.
I don't think Utah would really boost Johnson's votes, he's all about weed and gay marriage and I think that won't present a palatable choice for the Mormons that don't want Trump. Maybe the Consitution candidate lol
Also, I take issue with some of the selections made. Here's a paragraph conveniently left out:

Senator Chuck Schumer, Democrat of New York, recognizes that Mr. Sanders’s appeal is valuable to the party and will try to harness it, while attempting to convince him that uniting around Mrs. Clinton is the best way to defeat Donald J. Trump in November. “In our caucus,” Mr. Schumer said, “the general view is that Bernie is a constructive force

I'm sick of Bernie because I'm a dirty centrist, but don't forget that many Democratic Senators have fought their whole lives for... roughly... the same stuff Bernie is fighting for and like him for that reason. If the democratic senators were snubbing their noses at him and sick of his shit, Schumer would not say "the general view".


No Scrubs
Also, I take issue with some of the selections made. Here's a paragraph conveniently left out:

I'm sick of Bernie because I'm a dirty centrist, but don't forget that many Democratic Senators have fought their whole lives for... roughly... the same stuff Bernie is fighting for and like him for that reason. If the democratic senators were snubbing their noses at him and sick of his shit, Schumer would not say "the general view".

Yes, because Chuck Schumer, the next leader of the Dems in the Senate, is going to say Bernie should suck eggs.
Oh noes

At this point in the campaign cycle four years ago, the main super PAC backing Republican nominee Mitt Romney, Restore Our Future, had spent nearly $50 million. As of the end of May, three Trump super PACs, Great America PAC, Rebuilding America Now PAC, and the Committee for American Sovereignty, have spent less than $4 million, according to FEC filings.

Meanwhile, the oldest of the pro-Trump groups, Great America PAC, formed in early February, has raised just $2.5 million the four months since its inception.



No Scrubs
Mitch McConnell has played hard with Ted Cruz on a number of occasions. Leadership isn't always bread breaking.

Cruz is an utter and unrepentant asshole. He's fucked McConnell and Boehner in the ass without lube so many times it's not even funny. The two aren't even comparable.
Doug Adams &#8207;@DougNBC 3h3 hours ago

Romney is Aspen tonite says he won't vote for Hillary or Trump. Says he'll write in his wife Ann or some 3rd party candidate.

Ann! You hear that? Strap your dog to the top of the car, girl, you're going to the White House!




*Ugh* Mitch McConnell Says Trump Is Not Yet a &#8220;Credible Candidate&#8221; (VIDEO)
Donald Trump shattered the GOP primary record this year by more than a million votes.
He was running against 16 challengers &#8211; another record.

Despite this fact GOP elites continue to trash the Republican nominee.
They want Hillary in the White House.

Kojak &#8226; 4 hours ago
McConnell is not a credible Republican, leader of the opposition -- or simply credible as a "man."

Him and Ryan were bitch-slapped everyday and took it -- like sissies.

Then came Trump, he hit back, and the left-wing politicians and MSM began to cry like babies.

Renee Patty &#8226; 4 hours ago
Check out the photo that Fox News put up for Trump - it's awful. I think they need to be added to the CNN ban.
Incisor Renee &#8226; 2 hours ago
Already added. And I'm not waiting until July to quit.


Did some canvassing tonight... was a different kind of experience. Not sure it's really for me though, I think I might look for other ways to get involved.
My phone's through Sprint. My renters insurance is through Geico. My business checking account is through Wells Fargo. But, I don't watch CNN......
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