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Boris isn't standing for Leadership.

So, he just blew up the country for shits and giggles? Fuck.

It's pretty clear from the utter shambles of the country that most of the Leave politicians, including Boris, didn't actually want to win. They just wanted to threaten the EU with a close referendum.

Given how badly that got fucked up no surprise that Boris is giving up as well.


And thus, the Kaine train came to an abrupt stop.


Virginia Sen. Tim Kaine took advantage of the state’s lax gift laws to receive an $18,000 Caribbean vacation, $5,500 in clothes and a trip to watch George Mason University play in the NCAA basketball Final Four during his years as lieutenant governor and governor, according to disclosures he filed.

Now a leading contender to be Hillary Clinton’s running mate, Kaine reported more than $160,000 in gifts from 2001 to 2009, mostly for travel to and from political events and conferences, according to disclosures compiled by the Virginia Public Access Project. The givers included political supporters, a drug company that soon after bought a facility in Virginia, and Dominion, the state’s biggest provider of electricity.

Neo, put me down for:
It's pretty clear from the utter shambles of the country that most of the Leave politicians, including Boris, didn't actually want to win. They just wanted to threaten the EU with a close referendum.

Given how badly that got fucked up no surprise that Boris is giving up as well.

The whole thing was/is a disaster. I'm not even sure Farage wanted out, to be honest. It gave him a sense of relevancy. Now what does he have? Fuck all, that's what.

And lololol at Kaine. Mess.


And thus, the Kaine train came to an abrupt stop.


Neo, put me down for:


If switching is allowed, put me down for Warren.
(If not, I'll happily take the L. Now we know a bit more on why he was passed-over by Obama..)


Isn't that something that would've come-up in vetting for VP? Which means he never have stood a chance.

The article says that everything is legal under VA law and that he has disclosed all of it before, but the appearance of corruption should be enough to give Clinton pause tapping him, especially with her own stigma.


The article says that everything is legal under VA law and that he has disclosed all of it before, but the appearance of corruption should be enough to give Clinton pause tapping him, especially with her own stigma.

Ah, I missed that bit of the article - skim-read it this morning before I had my coffee. But, yeah, I suppose that illustrates a point - perception of corruption is just as bad as actual corruption, when it comes to something like the VP pick.
Yeah no way in hell she wants that kind of thing when people already don't trust her. Well if the boring centrist is out of the running, that pretty much leaves Warren as the perfect pick outside of her seat.
Yeah, maybe another candidate could handle that particular bit of VP baggage, but Clinton has to distance herself from it as much as possible.

Warren is a lock.


Most of this would have been already vetted by Obama's VP selection team. And it's all pretty innocuous in reality, but the optics could be bad if the story makes it into the news cycle. Gonna see how it plays out before completely ruling him out. If they do a deep dive on all the candidates, I'm sure you'll find something.
Most of this would have been already vetted by Obama's VP selection team.

True, but it's not like Biden didn't bring his own set of baggage. This may have been why Clinton quickly latched onto the Warren train though over the last few weeks instead of being more neutral. It literally seems like the only thing Republicans can attack Warren on is the native american thing which makes them all look like looney racists.
Yeah, maybe another candidate could handle that particular bit of VP baggage, but Clinton has to distance herself from it as much as possible.

Warren is a lock.

Exactly. If Kaine is the safe, everything is fine, I'm a warm glass of milk...I don't think he can survive something like this. It's the allure of corruption. It would make her look out of touch and distant.

Our Queens are going to ride, y'all. BELIEVE.

(Although I'm happy with anyone who is left, to be honest. Not Kaine, though. Never Kaine.)


Ah, I missed that bit of the article - skim-read it this morning before I had my coffee. But, yeah, I suppose that illustrates a point - perception of corruption is just as bad as actual corruption, when it comes to something like the VP pick.

Yeah, it's pretty damning when Kaine wrote a letter to the judge about being lenient on McDonnell.

Before sentencing, Kaine was among many political leaders of both parties who sent letters asking the judge for leniency, citing McDonnell’s efforts to restore felons’ voting rights.

“It seems fair to examine any request for mercy by exploring whether the petitioner has been merciful in similar circumstances,” Kaine wrote. “I am convinced that Governor McDonnell showed mercy to convicted felons not for political reasons or because he had anything personally to gain by doing so.”

Just for reference as well, Kaine accepted $160,000 worth of gifts mainly in the form of travel while McDonnell accepted $175,000. The difference between the two was McDonnell accepted his almost entirely from one man trying to get political favors while Kaine received his from multiple sources, but good luck trying to spin that to the public now.

Kaine is dead in the VEEPstakes.


So much for contesting PA...

Trump's Pennsylvania campaign is missing in action

Nearly everyone can agree that Donald Trump’s path to the White House goes through Pennsylvania.

But local party leaders in some of the state’s most pivotal counties say there’s been almost no outreach from his campaign so far, and there’s scant evidence of any Trump-driven ground organization. What infrastructure is in place lags behind the Democratic coordinated campaign on behalf of Hillary Clinton.

“The good news is, the level of enthusiasm for Mr. Trump in this county is the strongest I’ve ever seen for anyone,” said Michael Korns, Republican chairman of Westmoreland County, the second biggest in western Pennsylvania and the site of a Trump speech on Tuesday. “The bad news is, the resources at our disposal are by far the worst I’ve ever seen in any campaign, at least in any presidential campaign.”

It's questionable whether even a competent campaign would matter since there so much more votes in the Eastern side of the state. But this is incompetence. They're gonna get buried by that Dem GOTV machine in Philly/Philly suburbs.

This theory has probably already been stated, but this is all looking like a repeat of past campaigns by the likes of Newt/Huckabee/Cain/Carson multiplied/magnified by a million times over. Trump is in no way serious about actually winning and this is all an extended effort to market/sell his name/brand/products. And I highly doubt he'll care about losing after putting zero serious work into things.
So much for contesting PA...

Trump's Pennsylvania campaign is missing in action

They're gonna get buried by that Dem GOTV machine in Philly/Philly suburbs.

"Hey Trump, yea if you can stop emailing people over seas for donation and focus on the key states you need to actually win, that would be great"

That Rass poll swings the entire aggregate by 3 points alone, lol.

Clearly everyone else is wrong and they are right!
I'll be watching the betting odds to see the moment Warren takes over as the favorite. They currently have Kaine with a 33% chance and Warren with about a 20% chance. It'll be interesting to see how that looks by the end of the day.


So much for contesting PA...

Trump's Pennsylvania campaign is missing in action

They're gonna get buried by that Dem GOTV machine in Philly/Philly suburbs.
Ha, this kind of story makes me unusually giddy.

I think it was Box of Kittens who nailed it - it's almost like he's giving us a data set on what elections look like when one side uses modern, data-driven, big-machine techniques while another side foregoes all of these plusses.


Oh yeah, I didn't think we could change our guesses but it's been clear for several days now that Warren is the one. Good for Hillary for finally choosing to do one non-safest-possible-option thing.


When he's not campaigning in PA, Trump's s being crazy:


Donald Trump told donors Wednesday he wanted to make Massachusetts, a state that has voted for a Democratic president since 1988, competitive in November.

"He said that they would play in Massachusetts," two fundraiser attendees told The Boston Globe.

"'Unless Scott tells me it's not worth it, then we won't,'" the attendees quoted Trump as saying, referring to former Sen. Scott Brown (R-Mass.), who introduced Trump at the fundraiser in Boston.


Wow, I really thought Kaine was going to be the VP pick.

Oh well. Time for Xavier Becerra to step in.

Keep Becerra as far away from Clinton as possible. Him asking Bill Clinton to pardon a convicted cocaine trafficker after the father of said cocaine trafficker donated money to his campaign is not wanted.

If I could change my prediction, I would change it to Warren/Brewer. I won't change it though. I'll take the loss.


Alright, can someone from MA promise me that if we do end up picking Warren, that no one allows Martha Coakley to run for the Senate seat?

I cannot understand how she got to run for Governor after her disastrous run for Senate, it seems like MA democrats keep getting hoodwinked.


So much for contesting PA...

Trump's Pennsylvania campaign is missing in action

It's fine, guys.

The Republicans are just as, if not better, organized, insisted Pennsylvania GOP Chairman Rob Gleason. It’s just that their organizational structure comes from the state party and the RNC, rather than the official campaign. The state party, he said, has been working with the RNC to plan for the race “for three years.”

“We have enough people, we have a plan, we’re executing the plan,” he said, declining to reveal details about the plan, other than to “get one more vote than Mrs. Clinton.”

“I suspect there may be more Trump people [coming], but it doesn’t even matter,” he said. “Trump or Republican, we’re all Republicans, we’ll get to the same end: to win for Trump, for [Sen. Pat] Toomey, our congressmen, and lots of elected Republicans in Pennsylvania.”

This is fine.


No Scrubs
Alright, can someone from MA promise me that if we do end up picking Warren, that no one allows Martha Coakley to run for the Senate seat?

I cannot understand how she got to run for Governor after her disastrous run for Senate, it seems like MA democrats keep getting hoodwinked.

Sounds like Joe Kennedy wants it so no one's going to even try and get in his way.
i don't buy the narrative the clinton is going to select another NE liberal to join her ticket. kenndy/warren/whatever doens't make any sense.

Region balancing isn't really a thing anymore. There's something to be said about picking someone who shores up some of your weaknesses. Warren does this (helping with the far left) and she's can bring excitement to the ticket.

Another? It's not like she's a NE liberal herself.

Her home state is New Illinokansas.
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