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Isn't it something where she can announce she's going to resign and not actually resign the seat until inauguration day and it still triggers the time limit for a special election?
Yes. She can express her intent to resign on the 9th, triggering the special election, then resign officially on or before the 20th. She'll be free to do some lame duck voting.


Holy shiiiiiiiiiit:


The Democratic opposition research group American Bridge is preparing a large amount of material on Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, according to The New York Times.

The newspaper reports the group has a digital video archive with 17,000 hours of footage and 6,500 clips involving the outspoken businessman going back to the 1980s.

American Bridge also has 25 opposition trackers following Trump, and the group has 5,000 pages of research on the presumptive GOP nominee, according to the Times.

The group is reportedly monitoring roughly 600 candidates on the ballot and has already started going after the businessman.

The group discovered plagiarism in a book published in 2006 by the Trump Institute, which the Times reported on Wednesday.

Trump has given his critics plenty of potential fodder through the presidential race in GOP debates, speeches and numerous media interviews.



I still like the idea of announcing around the GOP convention. Will take Trump off any focused message they can assemble to attack Clinton that is within his ability to cohesively articulate for more than 20 seconds.

I'd say announce on Thursday morning, the day of Trump's primetime speech. Have the Obamas, the Clintons, the Bidens, and the running mate all there. Completely disrupt the last major day of GOP convention coverage, and get the announcement out early enough for the weekend news cycle. Too late for any sort of really deep-cutting script change in Trump's acceptance speech (unless his people prepare for this possibility)(LOL.. right)

Trump won't have a parallel retaliation for disrupting news on the day of Hillary's acceptance speech. His running mate will be known, so that tension will be gone. And he will still be haunted by the fact that he has nowhere near the GOP starpower that Hillary has among Dems.


Clinton can't announce her VP pick before or during the RNC. The Democrats will not own that news cycle. The news will just get drowned out by whatever happens at the RNC. She needs to announce the weekend after the RNC, days before the DNC, as a sort of transition from "look at this shit show" to "we're the only adults on the ballot".
Indiana's new draconian abortion law that, among a lot of other things, forced women who have miscarriages and abortions to pay for funeral expenses plus a ban abortions sought because of a fetus' genetic abnormalities was granted an injunction blocking it today.
"We have thousands of people standing outside trying to get in, and they’re great people and they have such spirit for the country and love for the country, and I’m saying, you know, ‘Why am I not doing better in the polls?’



I'm pleasantly surprised at the reactions the the egalitarian thread, and thanks to those who contributed.

I was serious about SJW being a good word, by the way. But "intersectional feminist" is probably the, like, normal human words way to describe the position you're holding, in my view.


Just wanted to let you all know your picks are final.

I was gonna say, people are making a ton of work for you if they can change picks haha

Indiana's new draconian abortion law that, among a lot of other things, forced women who have miscarriages and abortions to pay for funeral expenses plus a ban abortions sought because of a fetus' genetic abnormalities was granted an injunction blocking it today.

Great news. I hope we can eliminate all of those anti-women laws around the nation

I'm so glad that Justice Kennedy can be a reasonable man sometimes
Honestly I think letting the American people see the GOP convention without interruption is a better idea. Sounds like it's going to be a complete disaster with Trump's delusions on full display. Throw in Mike Ditka, Mike Tyson, etc...good lord.

I want to say he'll get a convention bump because everyone gets one...but jeez. He might not.


Clinton can't announce her VP pick before or during the RNC. The Democrats will not own that news cycle. The news will just get drowned out by whatever happens at the RNC. She needs to announce the weekend after the RNC, days before the DNC, as a sort of transition from "look at this shit show" to "we're the only adults on the ballot".

Friday the 22nd? If Hillary is looking for bang-for-her-buck as far as media impact, a Saturday or Sunday is horrible..

Monday wouldn't be a bad way to open the following news week either. Add a bit of excitement to these usually-boring proceedings.

I like the contrast idea a lot.


Aside: Trump is now claiming that he has more Native American blood in him than Warren. The man can't let go.


The fun of the game is ruined if you can just change pics on a flim based on that Kaine story and any other story that may pop up.

If you havent made a pick to me yet make sure you stick with it when you tell me.

Picks are due by Friday for those who havent gotten them to me.


Honestly I think letting the American people see the GOP convention without interruption is a better idea. Sounds like it's going to be a complete disaster with Trump's delusions on full display. Throw in Mike Ditka, Mike Tyson, etc...good lord.

I want to say he'll get a convention bump because everyone gets one...but jeez. He might not.
Ditka and Tyson won't even be there.

Ex-Bears coach Mike Ditka turns down Trump convention invite

Unfortunately Mike Tyson will not be attending Donald Trump's GOP convention
Honestly I think letting the American people see the GOP convention without interruption is a better idea. Sounds like it's going to be a complete disaster with Trump's delusions on full display. Throw in Mike Ditka, Mike Tyson, etc...good lord.

I want to say he'll get a convention bump because everyone gets one...but jeez. He might not.
Even Ditka said he isn't showing up.. Good god it's gojng to be a glorious shitshow.

I'm excited.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Anecdotal evidence here, but I was up visiting my in-laws who are hardcore republicans. Her entire family is that way and always has been.

Most of them hate Trump and were shockingly saying they'd much rather have 4 more years of Obama.
I'm fully expecting Warren at this point. If not her, I'd hope it goes to Xavier Becerra, but he's got that pardon stuff in his closet.

I am looking forward to a VP debate starring Warren. It's a minor point in the grand scheme of things, but I think she's one of the few VP choices who would be able to take on Christie or someone aggressive like that in a debate. I don't know if I can see Perez or Kaine doing that.


I'm fully expecting Warren at this point. If not her, I'd hope it goes to Xavier Becerra, but he's got that pardon stuff in his closet.

I am looking forward to a VP debate starring Warren. It's a minor point in the grand scheme of things, but I think she's one of the few VP choices who would be able to take on Christie or someone aggressive like that in a debate. I don't know if I can see Perez or Kaine doing that.

I agree wholeheartedly. Christie will eat any of the other choices for lunch. Warren v. Christie would be a battle for the ages.
Indiana's new draconian abortion law that, among a lot of other things, forced women who have miscarriages and abortions to pay for funeral expenses plus a ban abortions sought because of a fetus' genetic abnormalities was granted an injunction blocking it today.

Good fucking lord.

Thank fucking lord
I kinda want Warren for a fairly symbolic reason-- to drive home that the US is ready for a 2-woman ticket.

Hillary actually doesn't do quite as well with women as you would expect. So another Woman as VP might actually be more beneficial than I think some people realize.

If Trump loses white women this election is beyond over.


By the way, Clinton's early and aggressive push in North Carolina is reminding me of Obama and Virginia in 2008. The demographics were "there" in 2008 for Democrats in Virginia. They weren't in North Carolina, but Obama's fall push there put him over the top. The moving demographics helped minimize Obama's loss there in 2012 when the nation as a whole swung farther away from the Democrats. I know Hillary loves using Florida as a sort of firewall (just like she did in this year's primaries) and she's making a big push there against Trump, but I think she also wants to further lock Trump out by keeping North Carolina out of his column.
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