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PoliGAF 2016 |OT7| Notorious R.B.G. Plans NZ Tour

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Today is the day that all the conservative politicians who don't care about LGBT people get to pretend that they care about LGBT people
Today is the day that all the conservative politicians who don't care about LGBT people get to pretend that they care about LGBT people

You have more faith in them than I do. I doubt they even pretend to care. Their constituency won't allow them to say nice things about the queers that died. There was already someone on Twitter who was saying he wondered how much HIV was in the blood on the walls.

I just fucking can't. I've gone from numb to fucking pissed.


fbi special agent in charge is telling press that there was no ongoing investigation or surveillance of the perpetrator and any investigation into a link with a radical group was closed.

atf says that the firearms were purchased legally and within the last week or so
I would bet everything I own that Fox News and its ilk will find the few straight people that died too and make them the faces of this tragedy to avoid mentioning LGBT folks in any capacity at all.


You have more faith in them than I do. I doubt they even pretend to care. Their constituency won't allow them to say nice things about the queers that died. There was already someone on Twitter who was saying he wondered how much HIV was in the blood on the walls.

I just fucking can't. I've gone from numb to fucking pissed.

What the fuck.

Fuck homophobes. LGBT people can't even feel safe in a gay club during Pride Month. Yet Trans* people are the "dangerous" ones in public bathrooms.

Solidarity for all my fellow LGBT people. Avatar change. I am not backing down, neither online or in real life. In fact, I'm turning up the gayness. If you hate me, then I'm doing something right.


You have more faith in them than I do. I doubt they even pretend to care. Their constituency won't allow them to say nice things about the queers that died. There was already someone on Twitter who was saying he wondered how much HIV was in the blood on the walls.

I just fucking can't. I've gone from numb to fucking pissed.

I read something similar. Concern about other people sprayed with blood most likely infected with HIV and Hep C.
I don't believe him. Even if they are being honest.

You need to push the button to send the tweet. At the VERY least, he's guilty of being an idiot.

Scheduling messages is *very* common in the business. They're saying his social media team did it on Thursday. He might be an idiot but it seems like a non story
What the fuck.

Fuck homophobes. LGBT people can't even feel safe in a gay club during Pride Month. Yet Trans* people are the "dangerous" ones in public bathrooms.

Solidarity for all my fellow LGBT people. Avatar change. I am not backing down, neither online or in real life. In fact, I'm turning up the gayness. If you hate me, then I'm doing something right.

There was an asswipe politician from Michigan who tweeted that this proved that LGBT people in bathrooms were dangerous. I shit you not.


There was an asswipe politician from Michigan who tweeted that this proved that LGBT people in bathrooms were dangerous. I shit you not.

It's probably best if you stay off twitter for a while man. Twitter is just a more popular form of youtube comments.
Because someone might come in and start shooting?
I have no idea what the asshole's problem is.
It's probably best if you stay off twitter for a while man. Twitter is just a more popular form of youtube comments.
You're right.

The mental gymnastics the GOP is going to have to warp themselves into for the next few weeks is going to be interesting. Do they admit that this was a hate crime, and gay people have the right to...exist? Stay tuned.
You know they'll find the one straight guy who died to plaster his face all over. The 49+ gay people who suffered don't actually even exist. They're a figment of our imagination.
Just wanted to share what I posed on facebook

Now more so than ever the 2016 American Election has become a crucial one.
This act of hate and terror is going to be abused by the forces on the right, the same people who opposed Lawrence vs Texas, who opposed Obergefell v. Hodges, who refuse to acknowledge stonewall, who again and again and again and again vote to harm and oppress us, the same people who want to deny my trans brothers and sister their right to gender identification and to pee in safety, the same people who will call this a horrific tragedy but not acknowledge who was attacked. These progenitors of hate and oppression, who use their own religion to try to suppress us, are going to try and bleach away the Pride colours of the victims, they are going to reduce us to mere people, just like them. Thy are going to act as if they too have been victimized by this horrific tragedy. They are going to hide their brand of hate and proclaim this one the only brand. They are going to use it to argue that they should be put in power, they who as soon as they take power would do whatever they could to locks us in our closets,
Next to no Republican as spoken out in support of the LGBT community, they send us condolences for loss of life sure, but we're not queers folk to them, our identities are erased with their sympathy. Donald Trump is already using this situation to proclaim he was right about Muslims, he is already using Queer oppression to oppress others. He is attacking President Obama, demanding he resign if he doesn't acknowledge the Islamic terror threat. An attack on my community is being used to attack another. Yes this man was a terrorism and a homophobe, and yes he was a Muslim, but we cannot, and we must not use the massacre of queer people to encourage the oppression Muslims, an act of hate cannot be used to justify another act of hate.
Here is an interesting fact, Republicans have no problem arguing for removing civil rights of Muslims, they have no issue calling for bans and checks, and profiling, except when it comes to guns.
The man responsible for his vicious hate crime, was on an FBI watch list, Obama and the Democrats proposed a gun ban on those who are on such lists. The Republicans voted against it. They have no issue attacking and oppressing the millions of innocent Muslims in this world. Trump and his ilk, have no qualms calling for a ban on them, they don't have a problem with no fly lists. but deny suspected terrorists guns? Now that's going too far. Who knows had that law passed, perhaps this horrific hate crime, the largest mass shooting in US history doesn't happen.
Am I politicizing this? Damn fucking straight I am. They will, they will have no problem ignoring who the victims were to emphasize who the shooter was. They will use my community's tragedy to try and win votes to then oppress us.
SO I say fuck that. I am asking now that we as liberals, as Queer allies or Queers ourselves members, as rational conservatives, as anyone in between that doesn't want to see violent homophobic terrorism by one to be used to enact homophobic laws by another. Only one party stands with queer folks, only one party stands for gun control, only one party doesn't want to use this tragedy do oppress brown people.
Donald Trump and The Republican party are dangerous and must me stopped at the ballot box, the time for bullshit both sides are the same is gone. The time for but but but my conscience says Clinton is no better is gone. Do what must be done, to prevent that man, and that party from using this event to win an election, and win the power to shove us back into closets.
Fuck H8, no mater what religion it comes from.


I made a mistake of going into the OT thread to give my condolences, and I'm immediately barraged by fuckery of all kinds. Not to say there wasn't an outpouring of love and support from much of GAF as well, of course.

Good thing E3 is starting in fifteen minutes, had to cut my rant post a bit short.
I made a mistake of going into the OT thread to give my condolences, and I'm immediately barraged by fuckery of all kinds. Not to say there wasn't an outpouring of love and support from much of GAF as well, of course.

Good thing E3 is starting in fifteen minutes, had to cut my rant post a bit short.

Yeah it's supremely distasteful. I just gave up.


It's probably best if you stay off twitter for a while man. Twitter is just a more popular form of youtube comments.

This is absolutely true.

Twitter has some great things about it, like getting information about the missing people, communicating phone numbers to use, etc

But most of the comments are just bigoted trash and trolling

New Clinton ad (I think):


Looks good.

"Stronger Together" and the focus on love and unity is so great.

I'm glad we have a real follow up to Obama in the running
As I Am

I didn't realize 'til now
That our cold self-righteous words could hurt you so
I was taught very young by those who came before me
To fear condemn the things I don't know

There is fear in the hearts of those who would change you
Fear of the light that shines from you
They don't know that light was designed by God
Who gave it a brilliant and beautiful hue

And those who would change you or send you away
You must proudly stand your ground and say:

I was put on this earth as I am
I was born with my own special blessings
I'll let them shine and not give a damn
I was put on this earth as I am!


It's ridiculous that people think that Trump can handle terrorism better than Hillary, but these events will help his campaign. Ughhh.

I'm not sure that it will. I think the gun control aspect can be made to look like Trump's position is very dangerous, even to the general public who aren't as pro-gun control already


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
I've had it up to here with this goddamn fucking stupid ass country. Fucking done.

I'm so tempted to oust any friends and family who still plan to vote for Trump.
In the back of my mind though, I fear it just leads to more echo chambers :(

I needed a laugh today.
It just doesn't make any sense to me what people want in response to this. Banning all Miuslims? He was born in the US. Even if you want to start profiling, the country can't do anything because he was able to legally purchase that firearm because literally no measure can be implemented. Going after ISIS harder (not even sure what this entails) won't stop the ISIS sympathizers in this country.
It just doesn't make any sense to me what people want in response to this. Banning all Miuslims? He was born in the US. Even if you want to start profiling, the country can't do anything because he was able to legally purchase that firearm because literally no measure can be implemented.

Trump fans probably want genocide because Trump fans are evil, but we really need to stop domestic abusers and animal abusers from getting weapons.


The man speaking on CNN just now should've been the fucking nominee. Why Rubio why? You fucked it up with the robotic shit and sleazy dick insults.
How are firearms even taxed, anyway? Everyone froths at the mouth when you bring up restricting sales, but could we at least jack up the taxes on buying and producing them to some insane levels to help cover some of the damage and discourage supply and demand?
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