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I understand the event with Obama being cancelled. The sitting President campaigning at a time like this would be horrible optics.

But I don't know if it's wise for Hillary to have a low profile next week. Especially now that Trump is about to ramp up and milk the shit out of this tragedy.

She or Obama just has to accuse Trump of exploiting a tragedy and that should change the media narrative.


It's sickening how trump is exploiting this tragedy.

If anyone calls him out on this, it needs to be someone high enough to get his attention, but not officially connected to the Clinton campaign.

"Paging Senator Warren.. you have an urgent call on the white phone.."
Trump's response is even worse than I thought it would be (which is saying something).

He can't even bare to bring up LGBT as the first group targeted when he finally gets around to the true motivations behind the act.

It is so hard to not go into a hate spiral where I wish harm against him for the betterment of our country at times like this. The reality that his voice is the beginning of the death-throws of intolerance and bigotry as a viable political tactic provides some solace. Then I recognize that as such voices get marginalized they end up lashing out in ways such as this when their words are no longer heard. So fucking sad.

My thoughts with everyone who knows someone a part of this tragedy.


Ted Cruz's statement:



Hasn't he been to events with Christian pastors that call for gays to be killed?
If anyone calls him out on this, it needs to be someone high enough to get his attention, but not officially connected to the Clinton campaign.

"Paging Senator Warren.. you have an urgent call on the white phone.."

It has to be Clinton or Obama IMO.

Donald J. Trump ‏@realDonaldTrump 18m18 minutes ago
What has happened in Orlando is just the beginning. Our leadership is weak and ineffective. I called it and asked for the ban. Must be tough


Yes, let's ban Muslims who are born in the US. Good luck with that bro.

I think Trump knows he would never be able to do that, but he also knows he loves the poorly educated who wouldn't bother to do 10 fucking seconds of extra reading to know that the shooter was born in New York.


It has to be Clinton or Obama IMO.


I go back and forth on that. I'd love pushback from someone prominent enough to get attention, but I also don't want the public to throw their hands up at both campaigns.

Thankfully, Trump has a tendency to overplay his hand..


And Cruz needs to make his damn mind up. Does he agree with his pastor buddy that he wants us dead, or does he simply want to keep us alive so that we can constitutionally rot in jail?


I go back and forth on that. I'd love pushback from someone prominent enough to get attention, but I also don't want the public to throw their hands up at both campaigns.

Thankfully, Trump has a tendency to overplay his hand..


And Cruz needs to make his damn mind up. Does he agree with his pastor buddy that he wants us dead, or does he simply want to keep us alive so that we can constitutionally rot in jail?
This seems like one of those times.
The GOP pretending like they give a shit about the LGBT community after torturing us for decades is just great. Ted Cruz literally went to event with a pastor that said killing gay people was ok. He is anti gay rights across the board. 20 years ago there would have been party officials saying gay people brought this upon themselves.


Kills Photobucket
The GOP pretending like they give a shit about the LGBT community after torturing us for decades is just great. Ted Cruz literally went to event with a pastor that said killing gay people was ok. He is anti gay rights across the board. 20 years ago there would have been party officials saying gay people brought this upon themselves.

Called it!

Don't worry though, if this guy really was an "Islamic Extremist", I'm sure we'll start seeing some more disgusting tweets from him.

The GOP will try and paint themselves as people "fighting to protect gay people from the terrors of Islam!"
Does anyone seriously think that if a hundred people in an enclosed space were all packing fire arms, that we wouldn't be waking up to a similar number of dead people when someone opened fire?

Can we at least mandate a degree of proficiency before owning a fire arm?
Does anyone seriously think that if a hundred people in an enclosed space were all packing fire arms, that we wouldn't be waking up to a similar number of dead people when someone opened fire?

Lets not forget, I'm sure most of those people were drinking alcohol. Calling for everybody to be armed is just a ridiculous argument
I really, really am getting sick of the media refusing to refer to at as a GAY bar/nightclub.

To ignore what gay bars mean to the LGBT community is fucking insulting. These are our churches. These are the places where we fucking are not supposed to be afraid. Every time they refuse to call it a gay bar it's a fucking slap in the face.

If anyone wants to get a glimpse of it, see "Small Town Gay Bar." It's on Netflix, I believe.


I really, really am getting sick of the media refusing to refer to at as a GAY bar/nightclub.

To ignore what gay bars mean to the LGBT community is fucking insulting. These are our churches. These are the places where we fucking are not supposed to be afraid. Every time they refuse to call it a gay bar it's a fucking slap in the face.

If anyone wants to get a glimpse of it, see "Small Town Gay Bar." It's on Netflix, I believe.

I went to that bar plenty in the late 90s when I was on Ole Miss student. It's about the size of my house. Tiny place. Almost everyone there knew each other. To say it was a refuge would not be exaggeration.


Whenever there's a black kid shot by a cop my dad will always feel the need to articulate to me how it was the black kid's fault and the cop was just doing his job, but now that 50+ people were murdered today in Orlando, he hasn't said a WORD about it.

You guys should know better than to think they view us as human beings.

We're not. We're statistics. We're still nothing more than statistics to use against the big bad Islamic boogyman.
Pretend you didn't need to pass a test and have a license to drive a truck and you woke up to the news that someone had plowed through a crowd of people and 50 were killed. And you said 'hey maybe you should have to pass some kind of proficiency test before you get one'.

And people accused you of trying to take trucks away from every single person who operates them safely.

That would be utterly stupid.


All of this online inspiration and recruiting that ISIS does makes me realize that someday we might not have the luxury of using the Internet as we do today, right now (even doing things like posting on forums).

Just wait. If there's another 9/11 kind of event planned online with homegrown terror you can kiss the open nature of the Internet goodbye. It sucks, but I've been slowly coming to terms with the possibility over the years and we may all have to just accept it someday. Might as well enjoy the Internet as we know it while it lasts.


Fuck. I don't even know what to do with myself today... I went on Facebook and the I keep seeing people posting anti-Clinton / pro-Bernie articles and memes. They changed their avatars to be rainbow tinted and in a few cases did some minimal #Orlando post, but they can't help themselves but to go back to this sub-partisan horseshit minutes later. Fuck.

Turned on twitch to watch a bit of E3 coverage to clear my head but I can't stomach watching virtual people get shot today either. Guess I'm just gonna read a book for a bit.



He has urged Congress to declare war on ISIS, prevent those on watchlists from buying a firearm, called time and time again for stricter gun control legislation... what exactly should he do, Huck? Bomb the entire middle east? What would satisfy you? Asshole.


If there was any sense in our congress, gun stores would be linked to a list of people who have been investigated and the appropriate people would get an alert. This incident would have been prevented without an issue.

But no, lets demonize a whole religion. What is Trump even suggesting we do? This guy was born in the US and he had been monitored. Is he suggesting thought crime? Monitor every Muslim and if they even so much as visit a web page with the word ISIS on it, just lock them up?

The NRA's hold on this country is disgraceful.


Unconfirmed Member
It's scary to think how a President Trump would handle this.

I know. Can't help but think things muslim consecration camps is the solution that Trump would do in response.

Maybe he'll say something dumb again if he gets baited into giving specifics. His Muslim travel ban was created as a response to San Bernardino because it would have theoretically stopped the shooter from entering America, but it seems like the travel ban would have done nothing to stop this one.
You know what I don't get?

Okay, so we call it "radical Islamic terrorism" or whatever the hell they want us to call it. And what? What does that do? Is this like fucking Rumpelstiltskin? We get the name right and it just magically stops?

It was an act of hate and, yes, an act of terrorism.

You know what else is an act of hate and an act of terrorism?

Me getting the shit beat out of me when I was 13 so badly that one of my kidneys shut down. And when my parent went to the school, the principal looked us in the eye and said "If he wasn't so obviously gay it wouldn't offend the students with religious convictions." (It may have also been an act of hate when my mom launched herself at him across the desk too...)

Or when I was 15 and a group of "Christian" protesters screamed at me and my parents as we were at my first pride parade. When they threw their bigotry at us, they managed to tell my parents they should be ashamed and I should be taken away from them so I could be "normal." They terrified me.

Or the dozens of times I've been called faggot, or whatever else they wanted to throw at me.

I didn't see a hijab there. Or the Quran.

What I saw was the same shit we always see: hatred, narrow mindedness, and stupidity. And people will use anything to justify their hatred and their fear.

You know what I don't get?

Okay, so we call it "radical Islamic terrorism" or whatever the hell they want us to call it. And what? What does that do? Is this like fucking Rumpelstiltskin? We get the name right and it just magically stops?

It was an act of hate and, yes, an act of terrorism.

You know what else is an act of hate and an act of terrorism?

Me getting the shit beat out of me when I was 13 so badly that one of my kidneys shut down. And when my parent went to the school, the principal looked us in the eye and said "If he wasn't so obviously gay it wouldn't offend the students with religious convictions." (It may have also been an act of hate when my mom launched herself at him across the desk too...)

Or when I was 15 and a group of "Christian" protesters screamed at me and my parents as we were at my first pride parade. When they threw their bigotry at us, they managed to tell my parents they should be ashamed and I should be taken away from them so I could be "normal." They terrified me.

I didn't see a hijab there. Or the Quran.

What I saw was the same shit we always see: hatred, narrow mindedness, and stupidity. And people will use anything to justify their hatred and their fear.


And imagine JUST imagine if the President of America accused a specific group of being behind this, and then it turning out to not be the case. The same people throwing shit at him for not specifying the idealogy of the terrorist, would be no less pissed off at him. It's important to get all the facts in these situations, however likely it is that we can predict who is behind it.
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