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PoliGAF 2016 |OT7| Notorious R.B.G. Plans NZ Tour

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I am just so angry that we are unable to do common sense things like prevent those on no fly lists from also buying a gun. It's not a cure all BUT WHAT CIVILIZED NATION WOULD NOT TAKE THIS STEP? Ours, apparently.

The NRA has blood on their hands, I don't care what anyone says. Their utter paranoia over the notion that the government would take everyone's guns away is just absurd.

Fuck, I am so upset. And to top it off we have Trump running around like a jackass enabling this stupid type of thinking.

Yes. I would very gladly give up my gun forever if it would prevent things like this from happening.
Does Clinton say Radical Islam or no?

The question is being framed wrong. Does Clinton support our "allies" who believe gay and lesbian people should receive the death penalty? Hopefully, she will clarify that this is totally unacceptable and that there should be repercussions for the countries that practice this.
The question is being framed wrong. Does Clinton support our "allies" who believe gay and lesbian people should receive the death penalty? Hopefully, she will clarify that this is totally unacceptable and that there should be repercussions for the countries that practice this.

ah yes because diplomacy and international alliances are that simple!


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Well, my brothers friend who was apparently in the hospital, was not.
An article got released with his name, but was later pulled. They still can't locate him. His boyfriend was killed by the shooter.

It does not look good :(
ah yes because diplomacy and international alliances are that simple!

Oh, you're right then. Who gives a fuck about LGBT people getting killed. Saudi Arabia has oil and they are allies in our fight against ISIS who horribly mistreats women and kills gay.. the only thing is that Saudi Arabia does the same things as the reasons we are told that we should hate ISIS.

I suppose it is kind of complicated but really, it shouldn't be. If you support the death penalty for homosexuality, you are wrong and you're barbaric.

Sometimes good comes from these terrible shootings... Finally after that fuckstick killed those people at the black church South Carolina and something amazing happened. One of the countries most backward states took down the Confederate flag!!

No reason not to try to make something positive out of this tragedy too.


Paul Ryan's statement is actually pretty notable in that he isn't really politicizing the issue at all. He doesn't mention Trump, the election, or even any specific policies. The farthest he gets is saying that radical Islam is bad and we should oppose it.

If anything, Ryan's efforts to distance himself from Trump are forcing him to be more moderate in general.


Well, my brothers friend who was apparently in the hospital, was not.
An article got released with his name, but was later pulled. They still can't locate him. His boyfriend was killed by the shooter.

It does not look good :(
I'm really sorry to hear that
Well, my brothers friend who was apparently in the hospital, was not.
An article got released with his name, but was later pulled. They still can't locate him. His boyfriend was killed by the shooter.

It does not look good :(
I'm so sorry. I can only hope that everything turns out alright (or as best as it can), but I know life isn't always so kind.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
It's just weird, it get's more personal when someone in your family was affected.
I'll relay the sentiment to my brother. Thanks everybody.
Well, my brothers friend who was apparently in the hospital, was not.
An article got released with his name, but was later pulled. They still can't locate him. His boyfriend was killed by the shooter.

It does not look good :(

Condolences man, can't imagine what you/they are going through.

Captain Pants

Killed by a goddamned Dredgeling
Oh, you're right then. Who gives a fuck about LGBT people getting killed. Saudi Arabia has oil and they are allies in our fight against ISIS who horribly mistreats women and kills gay.. the only thing is that Saudi Arabia does the same things as the reasons we are told that we should hate ISIS.

I suppose it is kind of complicated but really, it shouldn't be. If you support the death penalty for homosexuality, you are wrong and you're barbaric.

Sometimes good comes from these terrible shootings... Finally after that fuckstick killed those people at the black church South Carolina and something amazing happened. One of the countries most backward states took down the Confederate flag!!

No reason not to try to make something positive out of this tragedy too.

Your balls are impressive. Using this attack to try and claim people on PoliGAF don't care about the LGBT community is dirtbaggery at its finest.
Christianity, Islam and to a lesser extent Judaism all have major issues when it comes LGBT individuals. These aren't beliefs only held by extremists.
It's cultural in origin, imho. Not religious. It doesn't change how I feel about anything else I said. We need to keep fighting for LGBT issues but we can also fight religious bigotry too.

Apparently Islamic cultures have become more bigoted in recent decades with regards to LGBT than they were in the days of the prophet. I don't see how the religion can be faulted for it. People use religion to excuse their very human tendencies to fear people who are different from them. You work against that with reason, not widespread condemnation of religion. That isn't moving forwards. Moving from one other to another to hate on.

I don't want my LGBT friend to be targeted. I don't want my Muslim friend to be targeted. Even if they don't like each other.
Oh, you're right then. Who gives a fuck about LGBT people getting killed. Saudi Arabia has oil and they are allies in our fight against ISIS who horribly mistreats women and kills gay.. the only thing is that Saudi Arabia does the same things as the reasons we are told that we should hate ISIS.

I suppose it is kind of complicated but really, it shouldn't be. If you support the death penalty for homosexuality, you are wrong and you're barbaric.

Sometimes good comes from these terrible shootings... Finally after that fuckstick killed those people at the black church South Carolina and something amazing happened. One of the countries most backward states took down the Confederate flag!!

No reason not to try to make something positive out of this tragedy too.

Oh screw off

You know exactly what I meant and you decide to try and warp it into saying that I somehow don't care about the mass horrific violations in human rights going on in the countries that the US does business with and have uneasy alliances with?

Tell me, what type of repercussions should Obama impose on Saudi Arabia, China and Israel? Those are three major countries with important relations to the US, but all have their own major and obvious human rights violations.

I mean Obama has been really side stepping Saudi Arabia with the entire human rights stuff, I guess he just doesn't give a fuck about gay people.

And this is a very reserved response, I must have rewritten this five times to try and tone it down. What you just wrote is fucking bullshit and you know it.
Well, my brothers friend who was apparently in the hospital, was not.
An article got released with his name, but was later pulled. They still can't locate him. His boyfriend was killed by the shooter.

It does not look good :(
In this more connected world, it doesn't take many victims for everyone to at least know someone who knew someone that died.

My heart goes out to you, and to everyone that this has left a scar on. Some will never get over it, but I hope we come together to heel, and we get at least one small silver lining out of this. However small.


Oh, you're right then. Who gives a fuck about LGBT people getting killed. Saudi Arabia has oil and they are allies in our fight against ISIS who horribly mistreats women and kills gay.. the only thing is that Saudi Arabia does the same things as the reasons we are told that we should hate ISIS.

I suppose it is kind of complicated but really, it shouldn't be. If you support the death penalty for homosexuality, you are wrong and you're barbaric.

Sometimes good comes from these terrible shootings... Finally after that fuckstick killed those people at the black church South Carolina and something amazing happened. One of the countries most backward states took down the Confederate flag!!

No reason not to try to make something positive out of this tragedy too.

Great job oversimplifying the shit out of something you so clearly don't understand. For fucking shame, dude.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
don't you guys have, like, kangaroos running around in the streets

Ironically, needing a gun for protection from their island monstrosities is far more needed in Australia versus here.
don't you guys have, like, kangaroos running around in the streets
Everything can kill you here, and yet we don't feel the need to pretend that this:

Is some sort of necessary protection device or hobbyist tool.

It's a weapon, plain and simple.
Everything can kill you here, and yet we don't feel the need to pretend that this:

Is some sort of necessary protection device or hobbyist tool.

It's a weapon, plain and simple.

More than that, its the mass murderers weapon of choice, presumably because its the best firearm for killing a whole bunch of people all at once. I mean, it is what it was designed for. Lets not pretend otherwise or that its coincidence that such a weapon has been used in five prominent mass shootings since 2012 began.
Oh, you're right then. Who gives a fuck about LGBT people getting killed. Saudi Arabia has oil and they are allies in our fight against ISIS who horribly mistreats women and kills gay.. the only thing is that Saudi Arabia does the same things as the reasons we are told that we should hate ISIS.

I suppose it is kind of complicated but really, it shouldn't be. If you support the death penalty for homosexuality, you are wrong and you're barbaric.

Sometimes good comes from these terrible shootings... Finally after that fuckstick killed those people at the black church South Carolina and something amazing happened. One of the countries most backward states took down the Confederate flag!!

No reason not to try to make something positive out of this tragedy too.

This is silly. Someone posted the map in the thread of the shooting, and it's like a third of the world that makes being gay a crime. It's simply insane to cut off ties with those nations, when pressure from our ties could help change this stuff.

I mean, do you support us removing our embargo on Cuba? Because that country has done some brutal things to dissidents there, and I think it's still necessary to open them up.

But still, you're not doing a great job of understanding foreign policy. You're aware that most nations on Earth (including our own) have plenty of atrocities to take credit for.

It's cultural in origin, imho. Not religious. It doesn't change how I feel about anything else I said. We need to keep fighting for LGBT issues but we can also fight religious bigotry too.

Apparently Islamic cultures have become more bigoted in recent decades with regards to LGBT than they were in the days of the prophet. I don't see how the religion can be faulted for it. People use religion to excuse their very human tendencies to fear people who are different from them. You work against that with reason, not widespread condemnation of religion. That isn't moving forwards. Moving from one other to another to hate on.

I don't want my LGBT friend to be targeted. I don't want my Muslim friend to be targeted. Even if they don't like each other.

Yeah, I wish more people would look at it with the cultural/regional mindset, mixed with statistics. There are over a billion Muslims worldwide. If half of the Muslim population went out and killed about 10 people, then they'd kill the non-Muslim world in a day. One coordinated move.

It doesn't happen though, because it's not the religion specifically causing this. It's the religion mixed with regional beliefs, and even those don't crank out extremists by the thousands.

If Islam really were this plague on the world, we'd be up shit creek without a paddle given the number of Muslims worldwide. But it's not, and we're not.

Suikoguy, I'm really sorry about your friends.
Elizabeth Warren ‏@elizabethforma

It’s our choice – whether to come together as one people and live our values, or to splinter and turn on each other in fear.

America is strongest when we unite & celebrate our diversity. When we promote those values abroad & live them here at home. #loveislove[

That’s the message of Pride. That’s who we are. That’s how we’ll defeat hate, & how we protect America. #loveislove

Usually, stuff doesn't get to me. But, I'd be lying if today didn't.
More than that, its the mass murderers weapon of choice, presumably because its the best firearm for killing a whole bunch of people all at once. I mean, it is what it was designed for. Lets not pretend otherwise or that its coincidence that such a weapon has been used in five prominent mass shootings since 2012 began.

The reason the AR-15 is used more often (from what I can gather) is that it's a very effective gun. Standard AR's can be equipped with a variety of sights and scopes to really customize them, and due to their design can be fired pretty quickly with minimal kickback. If you're planning on firing off rounds quickly an AR is definitely the most cost-effective gun to do so. My room mate has one, and my ex's brother used to custom build them for people in the family (they are basically modular in that you can get any kind of stock, scope, sight, grip, you name it) but I've never gotten to shoot one so I can't say exactly how they feel.
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