Oh, you're right then. Who gives a fuck about LGBT people getting killed. Saudi Arabia has oil and they are allies in our fight against ISIS who horribly mistreats women and kills gay.. the only thing is that Saudi Arabia does the same things as the reasons we are told that we should hate ISIS.
I suppose it is kind of complicated but really, it shouldn't be. If you support the death penalty for homosexuality, you are wrong and you're barbaric.
Sometimes good comes from these terrible shootings... Finally after that fuckstick killed those people at the black church South Carolina and something amazing happened. One of the countries most backward states took down the Confederate flag!!
No reason not to try to make something positive out of this tragedy too.
This is silly. Someone posted the map in the thread of the shooting, and it's like a third of the world that makes being gay a crime. It's simply insane to cut off ties with those nations, when pressure from our ties could help change this stuff.
I mean, do you support us removing our embargo on Cuba? Because that country has done some brutal things to dissidents there, and I think it's still necessary to open them up.
But still, you're not doing a great job of understanding foreign policy. You're aware that most nations on Earth (including our own) have plenty of atrocities to take credit for.
It's cultural in origin, imho. Not religious. It doesn't change how I feel about anything else I said. We need to keep fighting for LGBT issues but we can also fight religious bigotry too.
Apparently Islamic cultures have become more bigoted in recent decades with regards to LGBT than they were in the days of the prophet. I don't see how the religion can be faulted for it. People use religion to excuse their very human tendencies to fear people who are different from them. You work against that with reason, not widespread condemnation of religion. That isn't moving forwards. Moving from one other to another to hate on.
I don't want my LGBT friend to be targeted. I don't want my Muslim friend to be targeted. Even if they don't like each other.
Yeah, I wish more people would look at it with the cultural/regional mindset, mixed with statistics. There are over a billion Muslims worldwide. If half of the Muslim population went out and killed about 10 people, then they'd kill the non-Muslim world in a day. One coordinated move.
It doesn't happen though, because it's not the religion specifically causing this. It's the religion mixed with regional beliefs, and even those don't crank out extremists by the thousands.
If Islam really were this plague on the world, we'd be up shit creek without a paddle given the number of Muslims worldwide. But it's not, and we're not.
Suikoguy, I'm really sorry about your friends.