I live in Orlando and have been trying to reach out and contact every one of my friends who may have been in the nightclub that night. Last week an imam who advocated the death penalty was allowed to speak at an Islamic centre in an Orlando suburb.
Its kind of hard to describe the tears of joy I get upon seeing each and every gay and lesbian person I have today.
I'm much more concerned with the victims of this horrible attack on US the gay community in this city than I am with any outrage over "islamophobia" today.
Don't let the LGBT hating terrorist fuckhole push you into buying into the anti muslim rhetoric of people like Donald Trump.
It would be adding to the tragedy if this terrorist succeeds in encouraging anyone else to hate the billions of Muslims that don't subscribe to the extreme beliefs of ISIL. The same Muslims that ISIL have murdered in greater numbers than they have attack Americans of any creed, religion or sexual orientation.
It seems apparent that this guy sympathized with a very specific terrorist group. Don't let the LGBT hating right use the deaths in the LGBT community in Florida that you find yourself part of as leverage in their campaign of hate against another group.
ISIL want you to hate all the Muslims that aren't part of ISIL. That's literally part of their goals. They hate them too, and it just lends credence to their recruiting rhetoric which is based on the notion that we in the west want to wipe out every Muslim. It drives more people to their cause.
Please don't fall into that trap.
Today I have spoken out against LGBT bigotry. Today I have spoken out in favor of common sense gun control. I have condemned that heinous 'reap what you sew' tweet out of Texas. I have condemned Islamophobia. We can speak out against all of these things today, tomorrow and going forwards.