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I suppose so, but if he chooses to align himself with Trump, he will associate himself with a racist and vile platform in the present.

Right but I already know that Newt isn't a racist. It's impossible for me to think that, forever, because I have already seen him shake hands with young black children and say that the education system is failing them.

If he aligns himself with Trump it's just because he's white, conservative, and race issues simply aren't the most important issues to him. I can accept that.


Over/under on the number of Republican politicians who will speak at the Republican National Convention?

Do they need to be active in politics? Gonna go with 5 if no and if you count Trump (who might not be there lol) Trump, Newt, Cruz, Kris Kobach, Christie. If yes to that question then 2 Kobach, Cruz. Kobach mainly because Kansas has to be associated with all the bad shit of the republican party and he was an early Trump endorser.


Right but I already know that Newt isn't a racist. It's impossible for me to think that, forever, because I have already seen him shake hands with young black children and say that the education system is failing them.

If he aligns himself with Trump it's just because he's white, conservative, and race issues simply aren't the most important issues to him. I can accept that.

Jesus Christ, your standard of racism is ridiculously lenient.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Right but I already know that Newt isn't a racist. It's impossible for me to think that, forever, because I have already seen him shake hands with young black children and say that the education system is failing them.

If he aligns himself with Trump it's just because he's white, conservative, and race issues simply aren't the most important issues to him. I can accept that.



H. A. Goodman

HILLARY CLINTON TO EVERY AMERICAN IN THE COUNTRY: "I was too stupid to realize an unguarded server could be hacked. Oh well. Vote for me!!!"
3:46 PM - 6 Jul 2016


Listen Bernie, if you're going to endorse, I need you to do it early next week before I go on vacation, so I have time to savor the salt this man will precipitate out.


Right but I already know that Newt isn't a racist. It's impossible for me to think that, forever, because I have already seen him shake hands with young black children and say that the education system is failing them.

If he aligns himself with Trump it's just because he's white, conservative, and race issues simply aren't the most important issues to him. I can accept that.
I give him credit for the good he has done in the past, it will just be a damn shame if race issues are indeed on his lower list of priorities. It makes him seem indifferent, which is almost as bad as being racist, I feel. He would just be turning his cheek on the suffering many would face under a Trump presidency. Including those children he shook hands with.


Right but I already know that Newt isn't a racist. It's impossible for me to think that, forever, because I have already seen him shake hands with young black children and say that the education system is failing them.

If he aligns himself with Trump it's just because he's white, conservative, and race issues simply aren't the most important issues to him. I can accept that.
Do you know anything else about policies Newt has proposed or supported which have or would clearly harm people of color including underprivileged black children like those he shook hands with? For the sake of consistency it seems like that would matter.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Holy crap, what an ass. Clearly I am a bit in the dark about what Gingrich has said and supported.

Gingrich, more than anyone, including the great Ronaldus Magnus, is responsible for shaping the Republican party as it exists today. Fuck him. There's nothing he can do that would make up for all the shit he's done over the years.
Newt's "Kids should be janitors idea!" reminded me of how fascinating 2011 was politically. The Tea Party dominated the year before and the Tea Party immediately did a heat-check by bad talking child labor laws.


This caliber of heat check was like scoring 20 points by half time and then taking a half-court shot with 18 seconds left on the shot clock (and you're not Steph Curry).


Gingrich, more than anyone, including the great Ronaldus Magnus, is responsible for shaping the Republican party as it exists today. Fuck him. There's nothing he can do that would make up for all the shit he's done over the years.
Oh yeah, I definitely know about that. I just wasn't aware of a few statements he has said from the last 5+ years.
Gingrich is the architect of the obstruction we've seen from the Republican party in the past 20 years.
It really is coming full circle.


So, earlier today, Trump's son-in-law wrote an op-ed defending him over the Star of David image, after one of his employees recieved threats and harassment because she's Jewish and was offended by Trump's tweet:

My father-in-law is not an anti-Semite.

It’s that simple, really. Donald Trump is not anti-Semitic and he’s not a racist. Despite the best efforts of his political opponents and a large swath of the media to hold Donald Trump accountable for the utterances of even the most fringe of his supporters—a standard to which no other candidate is ever held—the worst that his detractors can fairly say about him is that he has been careless in retweeting imagery that can be interpreted as offensive.


There’s real racism in the world. There’s real anti-Semitism in the world. These are pernicious, dispiriting truths. Some of the tweets that Ms. Schwartz has received, depicting her being thrown into an oven, for example, are beyond disgusting. I am appalled that anyone, let alone someone who works for me, would have to endure that kind of hateful rhetoric. But blaming Donald Trump for the most outrageous things done by people who claim to support him is no different from blaming Bernie Sanders for the people who stomp and spit on American flags at his rallies.

I tell people that Donald Trump is a Rorschach test. People see in him what they want to see—if they dislike his politics, they might see other things they dislike, such as racism. If they like his politics, they might imagine they’re hearing “dog whistles.” He will touch subjects politicians try to avoid. This is part of why he appeals to so many.

This notion that has emerged that holds my father in law responsible for the views of everyone who supports him is frankly absurd. Not only is this expectation completely unique to Donald Trump, but it’s clear how easily it could be used to manipulate the public. Don’t like a candidate? Hire some goons to go hold signs in favor of that candidate at a rally. A few months ago, my father in law completely and totally disavowed the support of one of America’s best-known racists. The issue immediately became whether the seconds it took for him to do so proved that he was insufficiently committed to fighting racism. It’s an insane standard.

And just hours later, Trump does this:

New York Times: In a Defiant, Angry Speech, Donald Trump Defends Image Seen as Anti-Semitic

Donald J. Trump on Wednesday offered a defiant defense of his campaign’s decision to publish an image widely viewed as anti-Semitic — saying he regretted deleting it — and vigorously reaffirmed his praise of Saddam Hussein, the murderous Iraqi dictator.

In the span of 30 minutes, an often-shouting Mr. Trump breathed new life into a controversy that was sparked on Saturday by his posting of an image on his Twitter account of a six-pointed star next to a picture of Hillary Clinton, with money seeming to rain down in the background. The image was quickly, and broadly, criticized for invoking stereotypes of Jews. Mr. Trump deleted it two hours later, and replaced the star image with a circle.

“ ‘You shouldn’t have taken it down,’ ” Mr. Trump recalled telling one of his campaign workers. “I said, ‘Too bad, you should have left it up.’ I would have rather defended it.”

“That’s just a star,” Mr. Trump said repeatedly.

It was a striking display of self-sabotage from a presumptive presidential nominee and underscored the limitations of Mr. Trump’s scattershot approach during the Republican primaries — not to mention how difficult he often makes it for his campaign team to control him.

So much for putting this "careless retweet" behind him!

EDIT: And just now, he tweeted this:


Trump just can't let this go!


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
The twitter comments are surprisingly consistently good on that trump tweet. "Maybe it's because it doesnt say ELSA WANTS YOUR MONEY on it" LOL
Jesus Christ, your standard of racism is ridiculously lenient.
Maybe it might seem that way. Perhaps my sense of racist nuance is skewed because I live with two overt, uncensored racists, and I also live in a (formerly) tea party district in California.

But my self assessment is that, no, my standard of racism is not "ridiculously lenient". I recognize the insidiousness of dog whistles. I understand coded language because I grew up with my peers and their parents using it constantly. I hear it on TV, I see it in the media, I hear it on the radio, and I've seen its disgusting traces in our educational material, too. I see racism everywhere in this country but if I had to give an intensity rating to everything that was even slightly racist, Newt Gingrich would barely show up on my Geiger counter.

Here's a list of supposedly the most bigoted things he's said. That seems mostly tame to me, and most surprisingly is the fact that he said "blacks need to work twice as hard in this country" compared to their white counterparts. That's definitely very self aware of his own privilege for a Republican. A racist man does not say that. Nor does he say "I agree with Al Sharpton, education is the number one civil rights issue of the 21st Century". Not when almost the entire Republican base sneers and seethes at the very concept of civil rights issues, or the idea that black people don't have access to the same educational resources.

do you say you are a racist

- yes
- no
Definitely not racist.

I'd counter that it isn't a standard. It's a blank cheque.

Just last week I got stared down while driving to my house by some bearded rednecked motherfucker and his disgusting trash of a girlfriend as if I didn't belong in his fucking neighborhood. Not the first time I have been treated qualitatively different from white people where I live.

Don't accuse me of giving a blank check to racists. That offends me more than you think.

I give him credit for the good he has done in the past, it will just be a damn shame if race issues are indeed on his lower list of priorities. It makes him seem indifferent, which is almost as bad as being racist, I feel. He would just be turning his cheek on the suffering many would face under a Trump presidency. Including those children he shook hands with.
Gingrich has already said that what Trump said about the Mexican judge was unequivocally wrong, and unnacceptable as a presidential candidate. He's willing to put his foot down. He also said that Trump's statements about Muslims should, uh, "evolve" into something more limited. ...That's not perfect, but it's a definitely better than the sniveling surrogate scum I see on CNN like Katrina Pierson.


Lmao Christie, you're prostrating yourself while the man makes 24/7 mock of you on the wall. You delicious, delicious craven


Trump just can't ...let it goooo

The original picture had all the plausible deniability of machine gun bacon until he got caught on it


Just last week I got stared down while driving to my house by some bearded rednecked motherfucker and his disgusting trash of a girlfriend as if I didn't belong in his fucking neighborhood. Not the first time I have been treated qualitatively different from white people where I live.

Don't accuse me of giving a blank check to racists. That offends me more than you think.

I can't claim to know your character, only what your devil's advocacy looks like. I can, of course, have it completely wrong.


Y'know how demographics folk talk about how Trump needs to perform well among suburban Republican-leaning female voters?

This is a bullseye for Team Hillary. I'm still in awe here.


Holy shit, Hillary's response..
Gingrich has already said that what Trump said about the Mexican judge was unequivocally wrong, and unnacceptable as a presidential candidate. He's willing to put his foot down. He also said that Trump's statements about Muslims should, uh, "evolve" into something more limited. ...That's not perfect, but it's a definitely better than the sniveling surrogate scum I see on CNN like Katrina Pierson.
That's good, and I've read them, but he should seriously distance himself then instead of going buddy buddy for his words to have any substance. Walk the walk so to speak.


Y'know how demographics folk talk about how Trump needs to perform well among suburban Republican-leaning female voters?

This is a bullseye for Team Hillary. I'm still in awe here.

You think it's a lock for Hillary to choose warren if Newt is on the other end of the ticket? Feels that way to me.
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