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PoliGAF 2016 |OT7| Notorious R.B.G. Plans NZ Tour

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No Scrubs
Better training in de-escalation and reducing bias would go a long way if it was pushed hard. It's probably going to be difficult to break the current police culture, but that's the right idea I think

Ironically gun control would help with this. Cops are trained to assume everyone's got a gun, if they didn't have to assume that they might not pull their guns so fast.


Guest: "Obama's a devout Christian..."
Bill: "Wooooooah woah woah woah. Devout? How did you come to that assessment?"


Bill: "Do you think that's really a good idea, though? For our president to be sympathetic to ALL cultures and ALL religions?"

This the first time you watched his show? He is usually like this. You seen his tides video?

Also is that a selfie Kris?


remember me
Seriously, what is the protocol if Trump literally cannot find anyone to accept the VP position?

No risk of that happening. Plenty of losers like Bachmann, Santorum, Huckabee, etc that are out of politics and have nothing to lose. Worst case scenario he picks one of his kids.


I fully expect at the RNC while Trump is speaking the lights go out and one spotlight shines up into the rafters to reveal......

Herman Cain.....wearing a 999 shirt and trenchcoat
He's infinitely more reasonable than Sean Hannity or Rush Limbaugh, if that's any consolation for anybody.
No, I find them all equally appalling and outrageous.

This the first time you watched his show? He is usually like this. You seen his tides video?
No, I agree, and yes. I'm just watching again tonight to see the FBI salt.

Also is that a selfie Kris?
Absolutely not. I would never stoop to such a shameless suh. I'm also not white.
I'm still not convinced Trump isn't a Clinton plant.
Picture it. Brooklyn. 2015. Interior. Clinton Global Initiative.

"Mr. President?" the secretary asked breathlessly. "Do you have time to discuss how we're going to launder money through your office to pay for tickets to Silva Berlusconi's next bunga-bunga party?"

"Hmm?" Bill answers, putting the ball gag and whip back in its hidden compartment under his desk. "No, no. I need to make a phone call, Shelia. Thank you."

His statesman like frame turns to look out the window.

"Big Dawg," (that's what he calls his junk), "What are we going to do about Mrs. Rodham-Clinton wanting to run for President? During our quarterly, court mandated power lunch, she said she wants to run again." He sighs. "I don't know what to do. I've had everyone who could stop her murdered and/or paid off...but still. I worry. I worry."

A white gleam enters his eye, not unlike an unfortunate stain on an ill fitting dress. "I've got it!" he ejaculated loudly. "I'll call someone so vile, so reprehensible, so disgusting everyone will flock to Mrs. Rodham-Clinton in droves. It has to be someone who women will hate. Someone who minorities will loathe." He pauses to think, mentally going through thirty years of contacts. "I wish Newt would take my calls...."

He paces the room. Who could it be? Who could it be? He snaps his fingers, and picks up the phone.

"Hello?" a breathy voice on the line answers.

"Donald, my man," says Bill, flopping into his massive desk chair, and propping his feet up on the desk (nearly kicking an intern in the head). "How's it going?"

"Who is this? I don't know what you want, but I don't have any money," Trump responds.

"No, no. You missunderstand me," the President chuckles. "How's that daughter of yours?"

"Still hot," Trump responds, relaxing a bit. "This I can tell you"

"Good, good," Bill says, waiving in the intern carrying his tray of vegan, gluten free, dairy free, GMO free humus. "What are you doing for the next year or so?"


Let it go!




Because it makes people feel better when they think that there was a better, more reasoned and grown-up period of politics, and that this shitshow isnt the norm, but the exception.

One of our presidents killed a dude because the dude said his wife was a bigamist

Maybe because i had AP history i know this stuff


One of our presidents killed a dude because the dude said his wife was a bigamist

Maybe because i had AP history i know this stuff

Probably the best presidential comparison to Trump would be Andrew Jackson. Just think, in 200 years we might have President Trump on the 20 dollar bill!
Seriously, what is the protocol if Trump literally cannot find anyone to accept the VP position?


But seriously, I've seen this "Trump is a DNC plant" meme going on for a while now, but what really would happen if at the convention, Trump ripped off his jacket to reveal a YAASS QUEEN t-shirt underneath? I mean, it would be unprecedented, obviously, but what options would the RNC have in that case? Would there be legal repercussions?



Leave it up to Trump to screw up the biggest campaign fumble Hillary will likely experience this year.

And God bless Miss Loretta for casually mentioning that the decision among the FBI prosecutors to not indict Hillary was unanimous. It simultaneously makes Ryan look petty if he pursues it, AND puts the heat squarely on Comey. Comeuppance!

The Queen just keeps getting away with it.
White soccer moms could be poised to stab the GOP in the back come November. If this happens, I'll be really interested in how the GOP reacts. As wealthier white women slip away, can they really afford to keep up the misogyny?

Add in pearl-clutching church goers as well. My family were all super religious Cruz voters, and they won't vote for any candidate as irreligious as Trump. They're all planning on voting for the Constitution Party candidate.


Sidhe / PikPok
Probably the best presidential comparison to Trump would be Andrew Jackson. Just think, in 200 years we might have President Trump on the 20 dollar bill!

Would Trump even make it out of his first term before insisting he was on the 100?


I can't believe Trump managed to derail another news cycle that should've been good for him and bad for Clinton, just because the man can't let it go over the Star of David thing.

This is almost too easy for Queen.
So all the people on fox news are saying that gross negligence should be enough to prosecute her. But the FBI director clearly thinks it requires intent as well. I dont really know much about legal stuff but are they reading two different documents? How can two people look at the same thing and then say different things? Is there actually a passage saying that gross negligence alone is enough to prosecute someone?


So all the people on fox news are saying that gross negligence should be enough to prosecute her. But the FBI director clearly thinks it requires intent as well. I dont really know much about legal stuff but are they reading two different documents? How can two people look at the same thing and then say different things? Is there actually a passage saying that gross negligence alone is enough to prosecute someone?

ASHINGTON, July 6 (Reuters) - In declining to seek prosecution of Hillary Clinton, FBI Director James Comey said the former Secretary of State’s handling of classified emails was “extremely careless” - conduct, legal experts said, that falls short of “gross negligence,” a standard for criminal charges under the Espionage Act.



So all the people on fox news are saying that gross negligence should be enough to prosecute her. But the FBI director clearly thinks it requires intent as well. I dont really know much about legal stuff but are they reading two different documents? How can two people look at the same thing and then say different things? Is there actually a passage saying that gross negligence alone is enough to prosecute someone?
They are referring to two different chargeable offenses described in 18 U.S.C. section 793
(d) Whoever, lawfully having possession of, access to, control over, or being entrusted with any document, writing, code book, signal book, sketch, photograph, photographic negative, blueprint, plan, map, model, instrument, appliance, or note relating to the national defense, or information relating to the national defense which information the possessor has reason to believe could be used to the injury of the United States or to the advantage of any foreign nation, willfully communicates, delivers, transmits or causes to be communicated, delivered, or transmitted or attempts to communicate, deliver, transmit or cause to be communicated, delivered or transmitted the same to any person not entitled to receive it, or willfully retains the same and fails to deliver it on demand to the officer or employee of the United States entitled to receive it;
(f) Whoever, being entrusted with or having lawful possession or control of any document, writing, code book, signal book, sketch, photograph, photographic negative, blueprint, plan, map, model, instrument, appliance, note, or information, relating to the national defense, (1) through gross negligence permits the same to be removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of his trust, or to be lost, stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, or (2) having knowledge that the same has been illegally removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of its trust, or lost, or stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, and fails to make prompt report of such loss, theft, abstraction, or destruction to his superior officer—
Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both.
Hillary needs to make a speech on criminal justice reform sometime in the next week along with a detailed plan. Her black voters deserve that it just not be a primary issue.


Ah, that makes sense. But "gross negligence" and "extremely careless" sound like synonyms to me. Seems like a poor choice of words that just adds to confusion

Thats why lawyers get paid the big bucks. Creating confusing terms and definitions that lay people don't understand since 1578.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Hillary needs to make a speech on criminal justice reform sometime in the next week along with a detailed plan. Her black voters deserve that it just not be a primary issue.

The statement she released was pretty good, with actual clear changes to be made.

I'd like to get her to push for legalizing and taxing marijuana so cops don't have that tool to use anymore. I'm not sure if that has to pass through congress or not.
Edit: At the minimum i'd like to see instruct the FDA to initiate a study (it can be used for cover to implement) about the effects of legalization. But once again i'm not sure if the President can actually do that, but she can at least call for it.


Ah, that makes sense. But "gross negligence" and "extremely careless" sound like synonyms to me. Seems like a poor choice of words that just adds to confusion

Gross negligence is a very specific legal term of art. I don't think people who think about this stuff a lot necessarily see the synonym issue.

To be guilty of gross negligence it's not sufficient to be careless or even extremely careless. You basically have to be so consistently and flagrantly careless that a reasonable person would conclude you really didn't care whether or not your actions had consequences at all. Like, literally careless.

For comparison, gross negligence is the level of carelessness where somebody who caused a fatal accident would be guilty of manslaughter and not just fucking up. So that's a pretty high standard.


Seriously, what is the protocol if Trump literally cannot find anyone to accept the VP position?
Its funny, Trump's VP pic could probably shoot HIM in Times Square and I could see Congress/the Country applauding it.... unless his pick if Gingrich. Maybe that's his strategy. "Just pick someone that people like even less than me."


Gross negligence is a very specific legal term of art. I don't think people who think about this stuff a lot necessarily see the synonym issue.

To be guilty of gross negligence it's not sufficient to be careless or even extremely careless. You basically have to be so consistently and flagrantly careless that a reasonable person would conclude you really didn't care whether or not your actions had consequences at all. Like, literally careless.

For comparison, gross negligence is the level of carelessness where somebody who caused a fatal accident would be guilty of manslaughter and not just fucking up. So that's a pretty high standard.

That's not a politically convenient destinction for Clinton though

Optics baby
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