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PoliGAF 2016 |OT7| Notorious R.B.G. Plans NZ Tour

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Could we get Super Market Sweep too?

But, seriously. I'm living for Snoop Dog and Martha Stewart right now. It's so absurd. I love it. (Match Game is great too)
Hell yeah we should have Super Market Sweep back. Nothing is cooler than watching someone punch a guy over a butterball turkey.


If they're bringing back game shows, they need to include Press Your Luck and Sale of the Century. If' we're really doing a 20th century time warp, let's do it good n' proper.
Would definitely support Press Your Luck, never heard of Sale of the Century.


Some more info on Warren's speaking slot at the convention:

CNN: Warren lands top speaking slot, but VP news still pending

The Monday night speaking spot, while prime-time, would not be when a running mate would go, however. But that still doesn't mean a vice presidential pick has been made, the sources said. The convention schedule is operating on a completely separate track than VP talks, so she could easily be swapped with someone else.

Then-Sen. John Edwards was initially announced as a convention speaker in 2004, but then his timeslot changed after John Kerry tapped him as his running mate.

There is an unusually large contingent of people who need time slots in addition to Warren: Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, President Barack Obama, Vice President Joe Biden, former President Bill Clinton and the VP pick -- and potentially more.

The campaign and convention teams are trying to sort through who will get the short straw -- Bill Clinton is most likely to, sources said.
Super Market Sweep!!!!

also there's new Blink 182, new Aphex Twin, and millions of people are playing pokemon, so time is basically broken right now


Anyone have any links to good articles on why Jill Stein is a bad choice for science-based voters and other Bernie stans? I have some Facebook friends that are jumping on the #JillNotHill train but (believe it or not) will likely change their minds if info is presented to them properly.


Anyone have any links to good articles on why Jill Stein is a bad choice for science-based voters and other Bernie stans? I have some Facebook friends that are jumping on the #JillNotHill train but (believe it or not) will likely change their minds if info is presented to them properly.

Not that I know of.

I still don't think the anti-vaccine approach is the best one for this cycle, because they have largely dropped it and so it often comes off as fear-mongering and smearing.

I've focused on three main facts:

- Support for a moratorium on GMOs and pesticides, and the fact that GMO products are cheaper and represent a very large portion of the US food supply, meaning it would have an unprecedented, negative impact on poor people.

- The Brexit support, and same-day change in her position.

- Support for an immediate moratorium on evictions and foreclosure in the US, and the consequence it would have on housing prices, homelessness, and again, the disproportionate impact on poor people.

The GMO point is by FAR the most effective when discussing this in real life. The vast majority of people immediately see how a moratorium shows incredibly poor judgement.

It would be nice to have a well-written article to link to, though.
Anyone have any links to good articles on why Jill Stein is a bad choice for science-based voters and other Bernie stans? I have some Facebook friends that are jumping on the #JillNotHill train but (believe it or not) will likely change their minds if info is presented to them properly.

Personally, her AMA answer on homeopathy and vaccines were enough to do my head in. Maybe start there?

What is your campaign's official stance on vaccines and homeopathic medicine?” - /u/SenatorIncitatus

I don't know if we have an "official" stance, but I can tell you my personal stance at this point. According to the most recent review of vaccination policies across the globe, mandatory vaccination that doesn't allow for medical exemptions is practically unheard of. In most countries, people trust their regulatory agencies and have very high rates of vaccination through voluntary programs. In the US, however, regulatory agencies are routinely packed with corporate lobbyists and CEOs. So the foxes are guarding the chicken coop as usual in the US. So who wouldn't be skeptical? I think dropping vaccinations rates that can and must be fixed in order to get at the vaccination issue: the widespread distrust of the medical-indsutrial complex. Vaccines in general have made a huge contribution to public health. Reducing or eliminating devastating diseases like small pox and polio. In Canada, where I happen to have some numbers, hundreds of annual death from measles and whooping cough were eliminated after vaccines were introduced. Still, vaccines should be treated like any medical procedure--each one needs to be tested and regulated by parties that do not have a financial interest in them. In an age when industry lobbyists and CEOs are routinely appointed to key regulatory positions through the notorious revolving door, its no wonder many Americans don't trust the FDA to be an unbiased source of sound advice. A Monsanto lobbyists and CEO like Michael Taylor, former high-ranking DEA official, should not decide what food is safe for you to eat. Same goes for vaccines and pharmaceuticals. We need to take the corporate influence out of government so people will trust our health authorities, and the rest of the government for that matter. End the revolving door. Appoint qualified professionals without a financial interest in the product being regulated. Create public funding of elections to stop the buying of elections by corporations and the super-rich. For homeopathy, just because something is untested doesn't mean it's safe. By the same token, being "tested" and "reviewed" by agencies tied to big pharma and the chemical industry is also problematic. There's a lot of snake-oil in this system. We need research and licensing boards that are protected from conflicts of interest. They should not be limited by arbitrary definitions of what is "natural" or not.
So I turned on CNN. And there's an actual Trump political rally going on? This man sounds so instantly believable, trustworthy and uplifting! If only any GOP politicians had run in the primaries!

Good thing Trump is still awful. He wouldn't possibly pick someone so competent, right?



The sad part is that the people this message was supposed to appeal to aren't happy about it. A lot of folks are saying Colbert was a "Clinton puppet" for too long, so they aren't having any of this now that Bernie has already lost. Meanwhile Clinton people and most Americans in general will continue to not care all that much about the e-mail scandal (not saying if they should or shouldn't, just saying).


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage


Literally my reaction to every Jill Stein tweet.


Super Market Sweep
If ya'll like Super Market Sweep, you can watch episodes on YouTube.

And, Tom, you can also find episodes of Sale of the Century on this channel


Good times - Jim Perry's hair was on-point!

They should even retain the original sound-effects. The rolling drums, the Casio-style sound effects.. keep it all!


And Trump's delivery seems stilted/muted right now. He looks like he's reading from papers instead of a teleprompter.
DSCC trying to get Greg Orman to run as an Independent in the Kansas Senate race hot off the heels of Bayh's entry.

I want to believe but this is several bridges too far even for me. He was competitive in polling but got blown out in 2014, I think red-leaning Kansas voters saw through the "I'm really an Independent, honest! (Paid for by DSCC)" gambit easily. And unlike Bayh, Orman doesn't start out with much name recognition or money.

I mean if he got in, that would be great, I just wouldn't be too optimistic about it. Maybe a 5% chance of winning if that.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette is speaking at the RNC convention. That guy is crazy far right.


DSCC trying to get Greg Orman to run as an Independent in the Kansas Senate race hot off the heels of Bayh's entry.

I want to believe but this is several bridges too far even for me. He was competitive in polling but got blown out in 2014, I think red-leaning Kansas voters saw through the "I'm really an Independent, honest! (Paid for by DSCC)" gambit easily. And unlike Bayh, Orman doesn't start out with much name recognition or money.

I mean if he got in, that would be great, I just wouldn't be too optimistic about it. Maybe a 5% chance of winning if that.
It's worth a try. Running a Democrat would probably be an even worse idea.
It's worth a try. Running a Democrat would probably be an even worse idea.
Absolutely. Dems should always put up their best candidates wherever possible in case of a fluke, that's why I'm glad that we got decent recruits in Arkansas and Kentucky. But they're still going to be steamrolled barring a miracle.

I give them a 5% chance only because its margin of error includes zero.


I'm getting so tired of hearing Trump's voice. I still can't believe this fucker will be on the ballot in November. It makes me sick.


I'm getting so tired of hearing Trump's voice. I still can't believe this fucker will be on the ballot in November. It makes me sick.

You don't have to watch or listen to him you know..

I am proud to say that I have never once seen a trump rally and I don't ever plan on it.


He's constantly in the news. Constantly. Even if you don't watch his rallies you hear that voice of his and the stupid way that he talks.

It's honestly even hard to digest the fact that he won the GOP nomination. That in and of itself is a new low for this country. I can't imagine what it will mean if he wins the Presidency.




Did anyone just watch that opening Maddow segment? She's trying to read VP tea leaves, and to me it seemed like she was leaning Kaine-Gingrich in her predictions. She didn't come out and say as much, but I'm trying to read her reading of the tea leaves.

(she also played a clip of Kaine speaking pretty decent Spanish and making a good impression on Univision. Made me smile right away. It's a secret to everybody.)
Some more info on Warren's speaking slot at the convention:

Cutting Bill Clinton from the speakers list seems like a bad idea. Sure he's been a bit off his game lately, but he's a great orator and a beloved former president. He should definitely speak. Cut Michelle or Joe Biden if you have to cut anyone. Not Bill though.


Cutting Bill Clinton from the speakers list seems like a bad idea. Sure he's been a bit off his game lately, but he's a great orator and a beloved former president. He should definitely speak. Cut Michelle or Joe Biden if you have to cut anyone. Not Bill though.

Eh give Bill some time closer to election day. May not want to see him too soon after the whole AG thing.
Michelle could be bumped to almost prime time if she absolutely must speak.

Bill should speak, not only as a former President, but as the spouse of the candidate.


Bill's problem is his strength is also his greatest weakness. He has no chill, that is why you have to have him pointed at shit you want to destroy at all times.

Add in he is clearly entering the Old Man Fuck It Years
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